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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. Mom-Ninja, Congrats on the new toy!  My dh did the tart cherry juice thing when he was training for a marathon.  He got discouraged because I read you had to drink a lot of it, but he did drink a cup a day.  Trader Joe's has it at a decent price.  I buy the frozen cherries too, at Sam's, and they are much cheaper, but I can't do smoothies in the winter (Just too cold), but they would be good on pancakes. 


    Lisa, I would scream like a little girl too.  


    Negin, I bought a body brush for dry brushing.  I plan to read up more on it today.  I've been wanting/thinking about doing it for a while, ever since my Ayurvedic cleanse.  I've been using oil each morning, in kind of a quick self-message (more like rub down, but still....). I like using oil much better than moisturizer. It works better, and my heals are now so soft.  


    Yesterday was my yoga class day plus I walked 3 miles.  Today was a kettlebell workout focused on strength.  Tonight I'm taking my dd16 with me to yoga!  I'm so excited.  For many reasons, this child needs yoga, but I haven't been able to get her to do it at home.  I'm hoping attending a class will help her come to love it. We're going to try a hot yoga (level 1) class.  I was a bit torn about the hot yoga, (I've never done it!) but the time was good, the studio is in a nice location (an hour from home, but still) and they have showers.  The other studios in Knoxville do not.  I hope she likes it.  

  2. 25 minutes of a high intensity interval work with my kettlebell.  In that time I did 300 swings, 75 squat jumps (those kill) and 25 burpees.  I then did 30 minutes of yoga.  


    I am really feeling this increase in intensity with the kettlebell.  I've taken it up a couple notches and my muscles are tired. and I'm hungry all of the time.  I'm working hard not to binge at night.  I'm eating plenty of food, but it never feels like enough. I'm hoping after 2 weeks at this pace I don't feel so hungry.  :P   

  3. :grouphug:


    We use Daily Grams, and Easy Grammar.  I highly recommend the Daily Grams.  The pages are uncluttered and easy to get through.  My son is 12, and we just go over each concept as needed.  We just keep going over stuff, again, and again, and again.  It can be frustrating.  He never seems to remember even the most basic rules.  But last year, after testing, he told me that the Daily Grams really helped, and his scores did improve.  


    Hang in there, and just keep at it.  He will pick up a little bit here and there.  You do the best you can.

  4. I did 30 minutes of kettlebell followed by 20 minutes of yoga.  I'm working on pushing the weights with kettlebell, trying to get my 44# bell to be my squat bell, and the 35# bell to be my lunge bell.  


    I did get my Yin practice in last night.  It was an amazing practice 3 sets of twists, then 1 forward bend at the end.  Lovely practice.  I really had to work at staying focused on my breath.  

  5. Ok, this is the first episode I disliked.  The only thing I liked about it was the title (one of my favorite poems) and other literary references. 


    I thought the entire premise too out there, even for Doctor Who.  The people will just forget?  They stopped trying to tear the trees down just because a little girl asked them? The Doctor just gives up?  


    It was just strange.  And I really can not stand Danny Pink.  Now I just think he's stupid and Clara has something wrong with her if she is interested in him.  How or why would anyone who chases adventure like a guy like that? I wanted to slap the guy and ask him what his problem was!  Weird. 


    The last couple of episodes were so strong, and this just fell flat.  


    And that is not even getting me started on how disturbing I thought it was that they (Doctor Who writers) make the claim that mentally ill children should not be medicated?! That we need to listen to them??? While I know we over medicate children (instead of working with their differences), any child who is hearing voices and seeing things should be medicated.  I thought that entire thought/dialogue was cruel and hurtful.


    Sad, sad, sad.....


    I'm trying to put it behind me.  I'm hoping Moffat pulls a rabbit out of his hat and pulls the entire Clara/Missy thing together.

  6. You loop the band around the bar (putting one part of the band through the other), then the long section hangs down.  You put one foot in the band and do your chin-up/pull-up.  The band helps pull you up.  I have 2 bands.  I need the green one (the stronger band) for pull-ups and the purple one for chin-ups.  

  7. Yesterday I had some stomach bug.  I'm still feeling it a bit today, but not as bad.  But no yoga or kettlebell yesterday.  Today I did a kettlebell workout from a new DVD.  Lauren Brooks released a new DVD called, Kettlebell Revelation.  It has 2 strength, a conditioning, and an ab workout.  I like it. :)


    Mom-ninja, I hope it a good camping trip.  Sorry your tail bone still hurts.  It's frustrating how long it can take for things to heal.  

  8. Yesterday my dh and I did a 10 mile hike at the Cumberland Gap.  It was a beautiful day and we had a lot of fun.  Today was kettlebell, though it was hard to get moving this morning.  Yesterday's hike was difficult and my body felt tired. 


    Negin, love your picture. 


    Rieshy, I hope you feel better.  



  9. I lay with my legs up the wall (so I'm on the floor, my rear end is against the wall and the legs are up the wall) and focus on breathing.  I do a 4 count breath in, and then an 8 count out.  You want the exhale to be slower than the inhale, it helps calm your system.  I also enjoy listening to meditation music, which I listen to on Pandora.  I especially love Damien Rose.  His music is just Tibetan singing bowls.  I find it very relaxing.  


    And,  :grouphug: .  I hate when I feel like that.  

  10. I went to my yoga class today. The instructor is changing the class so that it is more of a strength and tone class. I prefer normal "power" yoga (which is what it was), but the way I did today in the class shows that I need it.  Some of the exercises really improved how I engage my core.  It was good.  


    I got home today (it was co-op day) and did a 300 swing kettlebell workout.  I want more cardio, since I'm not running, swings it is. 

  11. I'll third (4th, 5th,??) Galloway's program.  And you can lose weight with running.  It does help.  Yes, 75% of weight lose happens in the kitchen, but that 25% counts too. And getting moving helps improve your overall metabolism.  And, I want to add, running is best for losing that thigh weight.  I love all types of exercise, but running will trim you.  It can take a while to see the effects of running.  You have to get to the point where your body is working hard enough, long enough, and enough times a week to start to make a visible difference in the scale, but don't give up.  If you keep pushing yourself, slowly, you will get there. 


    As for your Achillies, I'm going to recommend you start doing eclectic heel drops.  You stand on stairs, on the balls of your feet.  Raise up, and then slowly, very slowly lower down below the steps (like you are stretching your ankles just a little, not to deeply).  Do 3 sets up ten, and work up to doing 3 sets of 10 on each foot alone (standing on one foot).  This is the best way to strengthen the area and prevent problems. You may be able to find a picture or video of this exercise on Runner's World's site. 


    Do get good shoes, really good shoes.  There are shoes with extra cushioning for bigger runners.  Get those.  


    Do move everyday.  Don't run everyday, but walk on the days you don't run. Don't keep running if your Achillies starts really hurting.  Slow down and walk.  


    I'm also going to add, because I think it's important for your overall health, to start doing either weight bearing exercises or resistance or weights.  There are some routines on Runner's World's site, but there is stuff all over the web.  Push-ups, squats, lunges, pull-ups, planks, etc...., all of these will help with overall fitness, and increasing muscle mass which also affects metabolism.



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