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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. My oldest dd went to PT for a shoulder injury, though not quite rotator cuff.  He wanted her doing planks and push-ups, as well as lots of core work.  Make sure you warm up (arm circles, as well as other things that put your shoulder through the range of motion). Don't go too heavy, and if it hurts, don't do it. :)  If you have access to it, a trainer would be great (if you belong to a gym, you can usally get one at a decent rate).



  2. I'm going to cry. After being careful with my shoulder i managed to aggravate the injury. Yesterday i had to clean out all my cabinets, closets, and storage areas for the pest control guy to be able to inspect and spray. I spent 5 hours moving stuff, lifting boxes, moving furniture, vacuuming, and wiping every surface with cleanser. Needless to say that involved a lot of shoulder motion. More than I thought about. In fact, I didn't think about my shoulder at all. I was just focused on getting everything done. Then last night right before bed I felt like my shoulder was on fire. I took 2 doses of ibuprofen and I still couldn't sleep well. I can barely move my arm today. I had to use my other hand to brush my teeth. 


    It will be a long time before I can do any arm/shoulder work. Looks like I'm going to have to run for awhile instead of doing my normal routine. I do not like to run. Here's hoping my knee remains in good shape. 



    :grouphug:  I'm so sorry.  

  3. It's been a busy week!  I wanted to chime in about the kettlebells.  For swings, I would start with 12kg.  You will probably quickly go to 16kg, but 12kg is a good starting point.  8kg is great to start for presses, squats, lunges, and TGUs, but they are light for swings.  If you can get a set with an 8kg and a 12kg that would work for you for a while.



    I've run a mile every day and it hasn't hurt while I run. I can't remember when I last posted, maybe Wednesday?


    Thurs--AM yoga class,   PM 1 mile run, 12 minutes kettlebell fat blaster workout


    Friday--AM 1 mile run, 30 minutes strength training, focusing on rows, deadlifts, and presses.  REST of the DAY,, lots and lots of walking.  My dh and I went Christmas shopping, I'm sure we got in at least 10,000 steps.


    Saturday--AM 1 mile run, then 10 mintues of TGU practice, 100 swings (I used 3 bell weights, 12kg, 16kg, 20kg) and then snatches and push-ups.I plan on some restorative yoga tonight. 

  4. With my torn calf I had to do quite a bit of deep tissue (painful) massage to help it heal and keep the fascia supple.  One of the ways my PT showed me was massaging my injury site with a tennis ball. 



    I've tried using a baseball, and the theracane, but the injury is very deep and hard to get.  It's where the hamstring meets the glute.  If me little 1 mile a day run ends up hurting, I'm heading to the PT.  I didn't go before because we had so many other expenses to deal with, but this time I will go. 



    I did do 30 minutes of yoga last night, then this morning was a 60 minute vinyasa flow.  I plan on my 1 mile run and a bit of kettlebell tonight after dinner.  

  5. I did run a mile this morning. I kept it easy, with a pattern of 1 mintue of walking, 3 mintues of running. I could feel it, but it didn't hurt.  I'm unsure if I should proceed with my plan of a mile a day.  It still hurts when I do forward bends, so it's not completely healed, but it could just be built up scar tissue.  I don't know.....


    Today was the 1 mile run, 30 minutes, of kettlebell (squat day!), finished off with a tabata of swings and snatches.  I have a goal of at least 15 minutes of restorative yoga tonight. 

  6. My dh is taking my dd rock climbing for her 17th birthday (well, that's the plan).  It's an indoor place.  You could also go hiking/backpacking.  My girls both went to NYC with their aunt when they turned 16.  They saw a show and walked around.  You could also do something like that.  If he's adventurous (and you are too) he could take the MegaBus to DC and see stuff, of course, it's cold right now.  

  7. I just got back from our Thansgiving trip.  I did manage some yoga and kettlebell while gone.  Today I did 90 minutes of yoga, which felt so good.


    Long term goals.......Mine have all changed since my hamstring injury.  I'm mostly focusing on getting stronger.  I would like to be able to jump up into handstand.  I can do headstand, but not handstand.  I want to be able to front squat my two 12kg bells (so 52# total), and snatch my 16kg bell.  I also want to be able to get back to running.  I'm going to try and run for 10 minutes tomorrow before kettlebell.  I'm hoping it doesn't hurt.  I may even try a 10 minute run tonight. I'm very tired, but I don't know if I will be able to handle the disappointment tomorrow morning if it hurts to run. If I can run, I have a goal of doing a mile a day for the next month.  

  8. Get the WiiU, and I believe Best Buy is having or is going to have the best pre or Black Friday deal, which is available online.  


    We have the Wii U, and my kids love the new Mario Kart and Smash Bros.  Those are great games for everyone to play. 

  9. Hey now, that's a standard Shukriyya breakfast if you replace the regular coffee with decaf ;)


    Kim, tell me more about kettlebells. I'm envisioning adding some strength training to the mix soon. I've got a few beginner vids lined up but the kettlebells themselves leave me :confused: How are they different from straight weights?



    They are very different.  The kettlebell has a handle, so because of that the center of gravity is different compared to holding a dumbell.  You can swing the kettlebell, which allows for more cardio work.  I liked them because it seemed like an efficient way to do weights at home.  I own Ader bells, not the vinyl ones, but they are good too.  


    I have 4 DVDs, as well as 2 books, and a program (workouts and a schedule).  I highly recommend Lauren Brooks products.  Her instructional stuff is very good, not any fluff.  

  10. Lisa, dark chocolate is good for you. :)



    Today was more kettlebell strength work.  Today's workout focused on squats and lunges, with some rows and snatch work as well.  My body is feeling like I've been pushing it hard.  I'm not going to take any bells with me on our Thanksgiving trip, so it will be just yoga for the next 4 days.  I think I need that.  

  11. We moved to our current home 12 years ago.


    My dh's job paid for the packing and moving.  The moving company packed the stuff, but for some reason, on loading day, they were unable to fit everything into the truck.  They said we owned more then "normal people" (which is such a huge laugh, but I was not laughing).  They just left the rest of our stuff in the house. Fortunately, we had the house for another month and my dh was able to make several trips with his pick up and get the rest (it was only a 3.5 hr drive).


    Then when the moving place got to our new house they said that they were unable to get the truck up our street and would not deliver it unless we paid them $800 more, on the spot.  My dh's company did come up with the money for us. (They went and got a smaller truck and moved stuff up that way).  


    Even better, when we got here, the previous owners were still moving stuff out.  They thought we were rude, wanting to take possession of the house just a week after we signed all of the paperwork. It was our house.  They were mad at us for moving into it.  We had not agreed to them staying past the signing day.  I think we finally got rid of some of their stuff that was under the house, this past summer.  


    The entire thing took over 24hrs.  I was awake and dealing with 4 kids, including a 2 month old, for 24 hrs.  I remember when they finally put our old futon in house, I laid on it with the baby in my arms, and fell asleep.


    I hope everything gets settled for you soon.  :grouphug:



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