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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. Yes!  I did that for a year, when I was 16.  It was a great experience.  I learned a lot.  I learned I wanted nothing to do with healthcare. :)  I had wanted to be a nurse, but that cured me of it!  I also learned that old men are dirty (as in perverts), and that older women are miserable. I learned how hard to it is to care for others and to show any compassion when people are at their worse.  It really was eye opening.  It's a shame that it no longer exists.  Now they hire techs to do that.  I understand the insurance issues, but still, you learn so much. 

  2. 60 minutes of yoga this morning. It was a fun practice focused on inversions and arm balances.  I had to modify, but I enjoyed it.  This afternoon I ran 6 miles while watching House of Cards, instead of running outside in absolute ickiness.  13 yrs in this place, and I've never seen nastier weather.  

  3. 90 minutes of Ashtanaga yoga this morning, then 3 hrs of driving this afternoon.  It was quite exciting trying to get down the hill by my house.  There was about 5 ft of ice.  I slid for a bit, but could regain control by the bottom.  I was sure I would not be able to get back up it, but thankfully, the sun came out, and despite the 15degree temp, enough of the ice melted that I could get back up. 

  4. We had a girl on our swim team end up with an eating disorder for almost two years, because some idiot at school told her that her BMI put her at obese.  The girl was about 5'5" and all muscle.  She worked out 3 hrs a day, doing weights in the morning and swimming in the afternoon, plus running on the weekends.  She had a shorter torso (which I think affects the BMI).  That poor girl.  She became obsessed with every bite she took.  Her eating problems effected her swimming.  She wasn't eating enough and she could no longer make her times.  Thankfully, by college, she realized that she was fine how she was, and starting eating correctly again.  It was so hard to watch her go through that.  


    My sister also had problems with her infant son.  His height was at 5% and weight closer to 30% so the nurse kept telling her the baby was "obese" (He was less than a year old!).  Thankfully, the doctor knew it was stupid and get reassurring her that her son was fine.  

  5. Today was yoga.  I did a 90 minute yin/yang practice, very fun.  I had thought of doing some kettlebell swings tonight, but I think I need to not do that.  My knee is finally feeling better and I'm not so wiped out. I believe I will add some kettlebell swings back in a few weeks; right now yoga and running are enough. (I'm typing that because it's hard for me to scale back.  I always want to do more. :D  ) 

  6. But isn't this emotionally abusive or damaging behavior?



    Yes, emotional abuse is damaging behavior. I'm assuming that this is the only time the dad is like this with his kids.  If his one failing is that he laughs off their tears (which I have seen parents do), then the kids will have to learn that this is just a fault of their dad's that they will need to learn to ignore/get past.  


    If a father (or mother) is always cruel, always putting the child down, or always chastising a child, then that's different and needs to be dealt with in a different way. 

  7. Luckymama, so sorry about your Achilles.  I hope it heals quickly.



    I did an hour of Ashtanga yoga this morning, then 4 miles on the treadmill.  We got the snow, and now there's ice.  Today is normally our long day out, so it's a bit of a "free" day now.  I need to do a little cleaning, then I believe I will sit and read. :)

  8. What I would do, first, I would ask dh to stop (even though you know he won't) in front of the child.  Then when your dh protested I would say, in front of the child, that dad is being a jerk right now, please ignore him.


    I would also have conversations with the kids at other times, without your dh, about how dad likes to handle things and how you handle those things differently.  Everyone is different.  I would work on teaching the kids to ignore that reaction of their dad.  They need to learn that that is just how dad is sometimes, and they need to ignore it.


    I grew up with grandparents, aunts, and uncles, who all could be quite rough/cruel (in a loving, joking way).  I'm a very sensitive introvert.  But I did learn that that was just how my family was, and I learned how to handle it.  I learned that because my mom was always straightforward with me and with them. She didn't try to placate them and she would tell them if they crossed the line.  She backed me up, and because of that I learned how to deal with people like that.  Extended family is a bit different than your own dad, but still I think your kids need to see you back them up, and at the same time they need to know that this won't affect your relationship with your dh (which could also upset them).  No one is perfect, and sometimes you have to learn to accept the person, warts and all (my mom's favorite expression).  


    Of course, it goes without saying, that does not apply to abuse or other dangerous or damaging behavior.  

  9. We watched it last night. I laughed and cried through much of it.  It did bring back so many memories.  We haven't watched the show in years, but I may start recording it and try to watch some.  It makes you realize how much of what happens on SNL becomes a part of our culture.  The show has had quite an impact.  


    Paul McCartney was painful to watch. It was also sad remembering all of those who died young.  So much talent lost.


    I think my favorite all night was Martin Short.  He still has so much energy, and is so fun to watch.  

  10. You can look on the RunningWarehouse site.  You can shop by inseam.  I love Oiselle's Long Roga short (they are not very long), but the most comfortable again and again are Nike Tempo (also not long).  But there are lots of longer options, and Brooks 2 in 1 6" are nice.  


    I no longer care what I wear when I run. I just want to be comfortable.  As long as the shorts don't chafe, they are fine.  I don't buy "bun huggers", but anything that's at least has 3" inseam I'll consider, especially if it's a good sale price. 

  11. Ashville is kind of land locked.  If you're in that now and don't like it, I would head to Portland.  Asheville is nice, but it's in the middle of nowhere, and it's an odd little town (ultra hippies and ultra conservatives). I love going there, but I wouldn't want to move there.   

  12. Mom-ninja, if you want bigger calf muscles, trail run.  My dh has done a couple of trail races, and when you see the women and men who trail run a lot (their main training) they have big calves.  I'm guessing it must be from the uneven surface.  


    This morning was a 5 mile run.  It felt hard, probably because I ran yesterday afternoon.  I'm planning on yoga later, a nice sequence for my hips. 

  13. Hmm, favorite workout.....I think that depends.  For in studio/gym, yoga.  But for just "working out, running, but if time (and money) allowed, I would say hiking/backpacking.  I love being on the trail.  There is something about it that makes everything better.  Running gives me that runner's high, yoga makes me calm, but with hiking I feel as if I'm coming up for clean air.  



    Today I did 90 minutes of yoga this morning (core focused, but it worked my arms more), and then this afternoon I ran 4 miles.  I'm such a wimp.  I could have went outside, it was just above freezing but sunny, but I decided to run on my treadmill and watch Elementary. :) 

  14. Favorite body part? Arms. Seriously. I LOVE women with sexy arms.


    Favorite workout? That's a toughie. It depends on the day. Hiking is pleasant and involves the whole family, P90X makes you really sore in an awesome way, Insanity is fun and e-f-f-e-c-t-i-v-e. Does trying for a baby count?


    Yoday is yoga. Ha! I'm leaving it like that.


    I learned something and wanted to share. If you do hard core cardio for 10 minutes (you should be sweaty) then stop for 10 minutes your body will release a hormone that tells your body to use fat for further exercise rather than food. I've started implementing this into my workout schedule. I read it in New Rules of Lifting For Women, so I assume it's true.


    :lol:  :lol: Yes. :lol:

  15. I watched this and wanted to share.  I never do that, but while I was watching I thought of the Hive.  I know there is someone here whose son is practicing ballet, and on a competely different note, I thought about all those yoga pant discussions.  He's not wearing yoga pants, but they are tight. :D



    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/c-tW0CkvdDI"frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>





    I don't know how to embed, so here's the



  16. I got Nouwen's book.  I'm a ashamed to say that I orginally discounted his book because I couldn't get it on my Kindle.  I like my devotionals on my phone and Kindle, and I don't want to bring any more books into this house. But I think I will like his the best, so I ordered it. :)  


    Debbi, I keep looking at all of his books, and yes I want Wounded Healer as well as, Heart Speaks to Heart, Out of Solitude, and The Way of the Heart.  Maybe after Lent I will work on one of his books at a time. 

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