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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. I did an hour of Yin last night and a 3.5 mile run this morning.  Each run feels harder than the one before.  I think I'll run over to the office and get blood drawn Monday afternoon. So frustrating.  I think I'm just getting old.


    Rieshy, I can't say if I sweat more.  I didn't work out hard when I was young.  I can remember when I was in HS, during gym class, if I started sweating I stopped working. :D  



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  2. Jumping in to post what I have and haven't done. :)  I did get to yoga the other day, right before bed and it was wonderful.  I ran 3 miles yesterday.  But last night I woke up at 2:00 in the morning because my legs were hurting so much.  My dh is wanting me to get checked out. I've been having a lot of muscle soreness, despite that fact that I'm not doing "a lot" of running compared to what I had been doing.  Today I didn't run, because I was so tired, but then started in on my summer project.  I ripped out the carpet in our spare room (old play room, now exercise room). There is hardwood underneath.  We can't afford to refinish it right now, but I'm sick of the nasty carpet.  It's over 20 years old and really gross.  So I'm about half way done (I hope!).  I have the carpet and padding out, I took out the tack boards, and I am working on the staples.  I HATE CARPETS.  Putting them over hardwood is just so wrong.


    I'm hoping for a run tomorrow morning before I start in on the room. I'm planning on some Yin yoga tonight.  My back hurts from all the work I did.  

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  3. It's been a busy and fun week.  2 of my boys are out of town, so mostly it's just me and my youngest son (my dd17 is working).  We've been having fun.


    Sun-rest day. I had to drive my 2 boys to their friends, which was 3 hrs of driving.


    Mon-ended up being another rest day. I had a super early doctor's appt, an hour from home, then went grocery shopping. My son and I hung out by the pool the rest of the day. :)


    Tues- 3 mile run, 1.5 mile hike (it was a hard hike! My son was a trooper). And 30 mins of yoga.


    Wed- 3 mile run, followed by some squats, presses and planks.  First time I've done weighted squats in months.  I did 3x3 with 26lb.  My right hamstring cramped up during the second set.  It hurt.  Spent lot of time stretching.  Then my son and I went to the zoo, so another 2.5 miles of walking.  I had wanted to come home and do yoga, but I was so hungry that I ate and am now having a glass of wine.  Yoga will probably not happen.


    We have been enjoying this summer weather! 

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  4. This was my dd's first time taking the SAT.  She's taken the ACT three times.  She felt like the math was much easier than the ACT.  She thought there was tons of grammar, without anything thing else. She didn't mention the essay, but writing is not an issue for her, math is.  


    She hadn't done any practice SAT stuff, she's only ever done ACT materials, so this was a switch for her.  She took it to see if the score would be slightly better than her ACT score. 


    She was very nervous before the test began, but she has severe test anxiety.  I couldn't go with her (I took my boys to a swim meet), and I was a little worried the next call I'd get would be from a hospital saying she had a severe panic attack. :(  But she made it to the start of the test, then was fine.  

  5. Soror, there's an aerial class in Knoxville, which is an hour from me, but so far, I've never been tempted to try it. :)  You go girl!




    Yesterday, I ran 3 miles.  It wasn't as bad as the day before, but still, it was a struggle.  Every muscle has been sore.  I then walked 3 miles last night after dropping my son off at swimming.  It was harder than I thought it would be, but it was a pleasant evening for a walk and the town's park was full of people, so it was nice.  


    This morning I did 90 minutes of yoga, full Primary, though I did skip some of the chatarangas.  It felt great, and my legs and hips feel so good, despite hurting so much yesterday.  I need more yoga.  Now to find the time.  I have a busy day ahead, but I would love to find time to run just even 1 mile.  I think my body is just so out of it when it comes to running.  I need to make it practice without stressing it too much.  

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  6. Thinking of you Luckymama! 


    I went for a 40 min walk/run, it was sort of pathetic but I did it.  I have such a difficult time accessing my energy these days. But I didn't collapse and get stuck away from home, which is what I was worried about. I'm not even particularly sore today, which is why I think this is an energy issue.



    :grouphug: That just s*cks.  Really, it does.  I hope you are able to soon figure out why you have less energy.  It stinks not knowing, and I know how frustrating it is to not be able to do what you want or what you should be able to do.  I hope you are able, somehow, to find a doctor who really listens and who helps you figure this out.  

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  7. This thread inspired me to look at our water usage.  We never water the lawn, that is not done here.  We do have a garden, but only water it a little in the hottest months (otherwise, we use rainwater from our collection barrels).  We have a pool.  There are 6 people in the house, sometimes 7.  We are using on average, 400 gallons a day.  


    Since we don't water things, or wash our cars (we take it to the car wash), I guess it's all from showers, laundry, and dishwasher.  I run the dishwasher twice a day (it's full). I have an HE washer, and I run around 2 loads a day, 6 days a week.  Everyone bathes everyday.  The boys can't seem to figure out how to flush the toilet, :P so they aren't wasting much there. I guess our showers are too long.  


    We would be having a rough time in CA.  I'm guessing we would have to switch to using paper plates and plastic so that we didn't run the dishwasher.  We could also time the showers, but we do need to bathe daily. Maybe stop washing the clothes?? But the boys get so dirty.  It would be a hard adjustment.


    Very eye opening.  

  8. Update: the stomach polyps are benign :). That's the good news! Dd will have a colonoscopy Tuesday to check for (and remove) more polyps. If they are present, we will all have genetic testing to see if we carry the marker for a rare disease which almost always causes colon cancer in adults (30s and 40s). Anyone positive will be facing major surgery.


    Dr is hopeful no polyps will be present. Of course, that would mean more testing for dd to determine why she is in such pain after eating. I am so thankful we live near an internationally-respected children's hospital.


    We told dd eveything. She is being very brave :)


    Thanks to all of you, from the bottom of our hearts. On to the next step!


    So glad that they are benign.  Finding the source of pain can be so hard.  I hope the doctors are able to figure it out.   :grouphug:

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  9. Do you do the Primary Series on your own or do you have a video? I bought a video by MySore yoga and I just really dislike it. I guess I could do it on my own but I prefer to have someone to follow. 


    Today, I did my own.  I subscribe to YogaGlo and they have it to stream on their site, which I use.  I also own a DVD by Beryl Birch, which is ok.  I haven't used that in a long time.  


    I don't always do Primary, I had been aiming to practice Primary at least once a week.  I may up that.  I also have been substituting a few things.  I do awkward pose (from Hot yoga) instead of chair.  I need to practice going up on my toes.  I also through in some side planks.  I really want to work on my core, and I think Primary is such a great way to do that.  Those jump throughs are great.


    I would love someone to put of a Primary DVD with options.  You could do full Primary, have to boat pose, or maybe just the second half, plus the closing.  You could build it in sections, just like Shiva Rea's DVD Yoga Shakti. And also, it would show modified versions of some poses.  I learned some great modifications on both YogaGlo and YogaToday.  

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  10. I took a rest day yesterday.  Today I ran 3 miles, then did an hour of yoga.  I did half of Primary with the full closing sequence.  It felt so good.  The run did not feel as good.  Each run has felt like it's getting harder.  I have a goal this week of running at least 5 days.  I need to be consistent in order to get back into shape.

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  11. I'm glad you stopped by.  The article was well done, and you are doing incredible work.   :grouphug:  I'm glad you (your organization and efforts) got such positive attention and I hope it helps what you are doing. 

  12. 3 mile run, followed by lots of stretching.  My left IT band was tight while I ran.  I think my body is still recovering from all of the hiking we did.  I need to get back to doing squats.  I think that will be a mini goal for the summer.  I'm still trying to get consistent with my runs as well as getting more yoga in. 

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  13. Yes, do it.  I did it.  I was 36. I had had 5 kids, but was done, and some of the stuff I was wearing was at least 15 years old.  In fact, my bras were even older.  I went out and bought new stuff.  Stuff that fit and was current.  It felt good.  I then had to do it again after I loss 30lb a couple of years later, but that's a different story......

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  14. oh my goodness, Redsquirrel, that would frustrate me too.  Who would eat under 1,000 calories a day?  That's like starving mode.  It's not right when doctors won't listen or deal with what's really wrong. I do hate that.   :grouphug:  I hope you get your walk in tonight and that you sleep well.




    Today I was going to run, but my legs were so sore from yesterday's run that I opted for yoga instead.  I did a nice routine that focused on hip stability.  I hope to run tomorrow. 

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  15. I was able to get up and go running today. I ran 3 miles.  Yesterday's run didn't happen because my body was not into it.  I think I'm still tired from our vacation.


    If it's not raining, I'm hoping to walk while my kids swim today.  Swim season begins.  


    Rieshy, sorry your toe is not completely better.  And I hope your kids recover quickly.  I hate summer illness.  It isn't right. 

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  16. Hi everyone. I haven't posted in a long while, but I'm so down on myself right now. I thought about how supportive you were when I was on WTM regularly and decided to ask you all for advice. About two and a half months ago I started working out regularly with a group of moms. We all pitched in to hire a personal trainer (a friend of one of the moms) to come to one of the houses and lead a workout session. We go two days a week, and I usually get together with one of the moms on another day to work out on our own. I feel a lot stronger and more energetic, but my clothes are fitting tighter than ever, and my weight has gone up about 4-5 pounds. It is so frustrating! I know I need to add more days in, but I have a hard time staying consistent on my own. I also know that my diet is going to factor in a lot. I'm eating about the same or healthier than I used to before I started exercising regularly, but I haven't been keeping track. Any thoughts?


    3 days a week is a great start, but, I'm sorry to say, not enough to help out with weight loss.  That being said, being heathy is far more important.  Getting stronger and having more energy are great.


    Also, the kitchen comes first.  The general rule is that exercise is about 1/3 of weight loss, the kitchen is the other 2/3.  You need to be careful.  A little more exercise can make you hungry and it's easy to add bad calories. You may think you are eating the same, but you may have increased your total intake just enough to add some pounds.


    If you want to take off any weight, or if you continue to gain, start keeping track of your calories.  Count everything.  It is eye opening. 

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