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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. Negin,  :grouphug: , hope you feel better later today. :grouphug:  and I need to add, love your picture.


    This morning I did an hour of modified Primary.  I've not done much yoga or strength work all summer because of my schedule, and doing yoga today I was able to see how much I've lost.  I've been toying around with doing a bit of strenth work after running on M W F and then yoga T and TH, but now I don't know.  I feel like I need more yoga, and I definetly need to work on my core.  The strength work I was planning (squats, pull-ups and push-ups) do work the core some, but I think I need more direct work as well as more time stretching.  My hips have become super tight.  I can't even do reclined pigeon without it hurting my knee.  I'm rambling, sorry.  Just trying to think it through.  There is still a part of me that thinks I should just focus on yoga.  The running is still a struggle, but I had always enjoyed it so much that I hate to give up.  


    Anyway, it was a good practice this morning.  Namaste everyone, hope you have a good day. :001_smile:

    • Like 4
  2. :grouphug: Yes, 5 is harder than 3 or 4.  It's especially hard when you have a baby to care for and older children too.  You are pulled in different directions all at once and feel like you can't do any of it well.   :grouphug:


    But do hold on, and try to get some sleep.  It really helps.  


    My youngest is now 10 and my oldest 21.  I'm in a very different place now, but 5 is still hard, it's good, but it is hard. 

    • Like 1
  3. We did.


    When we moved into our current house I had 4 kids, the youngest being 2 months old.  The pool was acessible from our back door on one side, so we put an additional 4 ft chain link fence around it (just on one side, which took care of the access issue). We also have a pool alarm, but it's terrible.  I don't think they work well for a large in ground pool.  


    My youngest, my 5th child,  is now 10 and all of my kids have been or are on the swim team.  They love swimming.  They learned to swim young and I was always out there with them.  It's a lot of fun in the summer. 


    We do have a good cover on it, the kind you can walk on. That way I didn't have to worry about that. (they're not allowed to walk on it, but I liked knowing it was safe).


    If I found a great house and it had a pool, I would (I did ) go for it. I wouldn't let that stop me. 



  4. I had a busy weekend.  The kids had their swimming finals this weekend.  Swimming is done for the summer, which is means no more morning drives. :)  

    This morning I ran 4 miles.  I'm still doing the 3/1 run/walk, but the weather was a bit cooler and it wasn't too bad of a run today.  I'm hoping to do yoga tomorrow.

    • Like 6
  5. I'm back.  I've been out of town for a week.  Last Tuesday by BIL went into the hospital with pneumonia.  He had surgery on Wednesday, Wednesday night he went into septic shock and renal failure.  Went he went into shock I started driving for Jersey. Long drive.  I made it the next day, and he made it too. :)  I really didn't think he'd survive, but he's recovering and is supposed to go home either today or tomorrow.  It's been a very long week.


    I ran once while I was there (my sister lives in such a cute town. It's nice to run around). And I did some yoga.  


    Today I ran 4 miles.  I'm hoping for just a little yoga later, but I'll have to see.  I'm super tired.  I got back home last night.  I had a hard time sleeping, I think I was still keyed up.


    In other news, my second interview is this Thursday. 


    And for AnnE-girl,  I'm going to add, that my 4th pregnancy was the worst too.  It was so bad I still can't believe I went on to have a 5th. :D  Give yourself a break while pregnant.  Do what you can, but don't push and get lots of rest.  

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  6. I ran this morning, but the heat and my stomach kept me at a very modest pace.  I ended up doing a 1/1 walk/run ratio.  And my hips are starting to hurt. Yoga has taken a back seat because of the kids swimming schedule and I need to get back to it.  



    • Like 3
  7. I thought I would jump in.  I am reading something completely different. I just finished Financial Statements. Next up is Accounting and Financial Analysis for Managers. I'm supposed to have a techinical job interview coming up and I desperately need to brush up on the topics. All other reading has been put aside.


    A bit off topic, but my dh and I have really been enjoy BBC's Jonathon Strange and Mr. Norrell. We both loved the book and I think the BBC is doing an excellent job with it.  Each episode has been better than the last.  

    • Like 11
  8. So I emailed the CEO my resume Sunday night and had an interview this morning. It went well.  He said I impressed him and I'll be heading to a second interview.  I still feel like this job is a bit beyond me but now I'm excited about trying to tackle it.


    The next 2 days are packed, but after that I will be diving into finacial stuff. Khan academy has some financial and accounting stuff.  Not much, but enough to help refresh my memory.  Then I plan to read everything I can find online about Communtiy health centers, budgeting, and their financial needs.  


    My nerves are still a bit frayed, but now I'm in my zone.  When I see a project like this I dive in. I can get a little obsessed, which, in this case, is a good thing.

    • Like 13
  9. Just remember that even if you don't get it, you can learn something from the process. You know that if this or something like it comes up again, you'll need Microsoft Office. So plan to be ready!


    It's so hard to make time for something you don't know if you'll need.  But I think I will.  I should learn it.  It's really excel that I have no knowledge of.  I have used Power point (only a little, but I have) and I can get around Word, though I would like to know some of the tricks better.  But excel is a giant mystery.

  10. I wouldn't go overboard though.  Interviews really vary though.


    Out of my last three "gigs," two were based entirely on phone interviews and background checks. The one I just signed for didn't have an interview at all. We met about five years ago, and she knows a number of people I've worked with and for. So she just had her assistant send me the paperwork, and then I came and met with the assistant to make sure it was complete.


    I did have an interview about six years ago that was more traditional, one with the boss and then one with three co-workers.  I was under qualified, and we all knew that I wasn't the one by the end. 



    I am so underqualified for this, that it does feel a bit crazy.  I don't even know Microsoft office.  My dd17 took a course last semester in it, does that count?  :laugh:   


    If I interview, the entire point will be to see if I'm willing to do it and to convince them it's worth taking the time for me to learn it.  


    I am thinking of spending this week trying to go over office, starting with excel.  

  11. It's funny.  When I first read about the job a little over a week ago, I thought it would be kind of nice.  Now I really want it.  It may not work out, but I now know that I would like an opportunity to get back into the field.


    Blah, I don't even own any clothes to interview in.  I don't think I can show up in my yoga pants..... :lol:

  12. I was so excited to learn of the CFO position with XYZ. Talking with Angie and Mark, I understand that this position will require someone with financial acumen, a detailed mindset, and an overall bent toward process improvements. Given my background and career goals, this sounds like a perfect opportunity for me to contribute value to XYZ while using my strengths.


    (Edit as necessary.)


    Agreeing with the others that the goal here is not to showcase how you aren't qualified but, rather, how you are. I realize there may be some truth to the former, but if they're already willing to talk to you, they're not too concerned about the potential gaps. Truthfully, anyone would need to be trained in some way. There is significant value in hiring someone who already "gets" the area and the organization.


    And, yes, cover letters are still a thing. Sometimes a simple email message takes the place of a formal cover letter (which may be the case in your situation since you've already discussed sending your resume), but some kind of introduction still needs to accompany the resume. 



    Certified Professional Resume Writer :)


    Love that! I just tweaked it a bit but put it as my opening.  I'm starting to see better how to make this flow. Thanks!

  13. Focus on what you are skilled at and how fast your learn, etc. Cut out everything that can be interpreted as "negative" or "lacking" in their eyes.

    Play up any experience you have, college degree, internships, volunteer positions, anything.



    The only thing I've volunteered for is stroke judging at swimming. Do I include that? How and why? How is it relevent? 

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