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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. Thinking of you Ann-E, hope its nothing!


    Luckymama- totally jealous- its not so great here, a very toasty week.



    Yoga done, it went well. I skipped all the shoulderstands and plows since my neck is still hurting. I did do my headstand but did it on the wall and held it easily, just need to practice more. 


    Hoping for a walk tonight after super.



    I have a headstand assit machine (it's niffty) but you can make one with two chairs and some pillows.  It will take any pressure off of your neck. 





    There's a picture on that page for what I'm talking about.  

  2. I would have found the axe weird, and I think he should not have been running in road. That's dangerous for the racers.  But otherwise, I think I would have found it normal. Honestly, if I had been running, I doubt I would even notice the axe, because I'm so focused.  I do appreciate the music.  I haven't done that race, just the HM in Knoxville and one in Oak Ridge.  That would have fit in with the Knoxville race. There are several groups set up along the course. Some are Bluegrass, some Gospel, some Rock. Yeah, and dressing over the top hill-billy is often part of Bluegrass acts.    

    • Like 1
  3. I swam club year round, so a bit more competitive, but I had a coach who required us to swim every event we were eligible for unless there was some kind of reason we couldn't stay the whole meet. I was not a happy camper when I aged into to 200 butterfly. And I was also confused when I got into high school swimming and people would ask me what my event was. Um, all of them?



    My kids' coach did the same thing, and it drove my kids crazy.  She would have them swim stuff they really should not have been doing.  It tired them out for their events.  But we had a very small team and the coach felt like we had to do it.  


    My kids no longer do US swimming.  The program (which was close to an hour away) fell apart.  They did love swimming, but it's not good coaching to do that to kids.  

  4. I read it on Twitter, it was talking about a show (or movie).  It was part of a joke.  It's driving me a little crazy, because I can usually figure it out, but I've been drawing a blank. It's been the totally mindless, stupid thing my brain has been stuck on all day. :)


    Yes, I'm talking about the title of a show or movie (like GoT being Game of Thrones), not the rating system.  

  5. Well, I think I got that stomach bug, but it just has been a bit off, not too bad as long as I don't eat much. I pushed and ran 4 miles this morning. I don't think it was a smart decision.  I am determined to get back to my regular running milage, but my body is not with me on this and forcing 4 miles while sick was very, very hard.  I feel competely whiped out and I'm going to have a hard time getting through my day.  My two youngest boys are supposed to have their last little league game tonight, but it's looking like rain.  I want them to be able to play, but I would love to not go to that game. 

    • Like 4
  6. Actually she doesn't make the goal.  She throws down her hockey stick and storms off the ice and refuses to complete the tryout even though she has always loved playing hockey before.  Anger taking over with no other emotion to temper it is portrayed as a *bad* thing.


    Lava, the short before it is odd, too.  My daughter looked at me after it finished and said, "What did we just watch?!?!"



    While it was playing, my ds10, turned to me and said, "Wait, what are we here watching??"  When I told him it was just the short he was relieved. 


    My kids, my dh and I all saw it this weekend.  We enjoyed it.  I would put it into the category with Up.  I thought it was well done, cute, funny, and sad all at the same time.  Hard to pull off.


    I will say that I cried a lot.  In fact, I don't believe I've ever cried so much during a movie.  I had hot tears streaming down my face a few times.  Normally I just tear up and can keep it in, but not this time. 

    • Like 2
  7. I forgot to add that my favorite book I've read this year has to be The Painter, by Peter Heller.  The Water Knife, as well as All the Light we can not See are also in tops spots.


    It's been a slow reading year.  I've read 11 books so far. I normally read between 25 to 30 books a year, so I need to get going. 

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  8. I finished The Water Knife, by Paolo Bacigalupi 2 weeks ago. I enjoyed it, a lot.  He does a good job creating a world and building characters.  I liked, Wind Up Girl, more than The Water Knife, but I think that's because Wind Up Girl's world was more expansive. But I still loved The Water Knife.Water, as a limited resource, has always facinated me.  I was fortunate enough in college to have a geology professor who specialized in it, and I loved going to his class and hearing his lectures, even though I was a Bus Admin/finance major. :)  And Bacigalupi's book was a great exploration of the consequences of our misuse of water as a limited resource, especially in regards to the Colorado River.  


    I just started a book 2 days ago called, Solo Faces, by James Salter.  Somehow, I had not heard of this great American writer until his passing. I immediately went to my library's "Unbounded" website and borrowed one of his books.  It's a short novel, about a rock climber. He does write well.  His sentences are beautifully crafted.  


    When I finish that book I will probably start in on another Kate Atkinson novel.  

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  9. 4 mile run this morning followed by 400yds of swimming.  It does feel good to swim after my run.  The run was hard but not awful.  I have at least 2 kids down with a stomach bug (my youngest thinks he could be sick, but is unsure.).  I'm afraid it may derail my week.  My kids get sick and over it quickly, but stomach things have taken me down for close to a week.  I hope I avoid the worse of this one. 

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  10. 4 mile run this morning.  It was still difficult but not awful.  I'm hoping to run at least 4 of my runs at 4 miles next week.  I'm trying to get back up to my old milage. I'm also planning some yoga later today. 


    I can't remember if I posted, but my labs all came back normal.  My B12 was on the lower side, but within the norm. I'm just getting old. :)



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  11. 3 mile run this morning.  I stood on the pool deck for 4 hrs last night.  When I got home I did about 30 minutes of restorative yoga, but while I felt good when I went to bed, this morning my legs and body were tired.  The run was difficult.  I had hoped for at least 3.5 miles, but 3 was all I could manage.


    Soror, Yay!  I'm glad it's a fixable problem and that you're not injured.


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  12. Today was yoga day.  I had planned to do Primary, but decided I lacked the energy and went with a feel good flow.  My hips and hamstrings, as well as shoulders and side body are happy. Tonight I will be standing on a pool deck for a couple of hours.  My kids have a swim meet and I'm a stroke judge.  When I get home I will definitely put my feet up on the wall.  


    Soror, hope that PT eval goes well and is helpful.  :grouphug:

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  13. I just bought an Oster Versa 1400.  I got as a lightning deal on Amazon, so I only paid $125.  I'm super happy with it.  It makes great smoothies, which is what I wanted it for.  It handles the frozen fruit and kale, and everything is smooth.  It's not loud and it's easy to clean.  It also has a good warranty.  


    If you think a VitaMix is what you want, and you plan to use it, it can be worth the money.  If you just want to make smoothies, you can go with something that cost a bit less but is still of good quality.



  14. If you are Christian, do you send bible verses and quotes to non-Christians who are experiencing a time of crisis (non-spiritual)?  If so, how do you think they receive the note?



    I never have, nor would I send a card like that to anyone, even if the person was a Christian.  I think that quoting scripture at someone who is suffering is rude and hurtful.  You mourn with those who are mourning, you don't lecture them.  



    Our family is going through a crisis and we received cards from family members in support. I was so grateful for the kind notes, but one made me, well, I don't know if furious is the right word, but instead of feeling comforted, I felt hurt.


    As an agnostic, if you, as a person of faith, tell me that you are praying for me or my family, I appreciate your thoughtfulness and wouldn't be offended.  If you "witness" to me in a time of personal crisis, I feel like you are taking advantage and that the "prayers" and sermons on God's goodness are for your benefit, not mine. Why do it? My initial reaction was "One more failing pointed out, how fantastic." 


    Is there another way to view this that in my somewhat emotional state that I am not seeing?



    This is the way I would view it: I would think that the person, because he or she is a Christian, likes to purchase "Christian" sounding cards.  The person thinks such cards are more sincere and appropriate.  He or she has never really thought through what the card is saying or what it really means.  It is sent with the intention of comfort not in order to be preachy.


    I don't know if that is or was true for the individual who sent you the card, but that is how I would view it.   



    I'm so sorry that you were hurt.  You are not failing.  :grouphug: 

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  15. 4 mile run today, followed by 400 yd swim.  I wasn't going to start swimming because it's only for a few weeks and I can't keep it up once summer swim is done (for the kids) but today I decided that I would just go with it.  I want to try and swim a little at least twice a week.  It did feel good.


    Soror, maybe a deep tissue massage?  My mom was having bad neck/shoulder issues and her chiro told her she was just extra tight and to try a massage.  She's gone twice so far and it's really helping.  I hope you can figure out something that will help.  


    Snickerdoodle, glad you jumped in.  I hope it continues to improve.  

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  16. Monday I ran 3 miles, then did 30 minutes of restorative yoga before bed. Today I ran 3.75 miles and followed it up with some squats, presses, push-ups, 1 arm rows and planks.  I was able to run without feeling like I was dying the whole time, and I could do 3 sets of 3 squats using the 20lb weight. Slowly getting back to normal.


    I did go yesterday to get blood work done, but I think everything is fine, I'm just getting old. :)

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