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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. It's so sad.  I don't even remember what I did at my first job.  I was a temp, then did something clerical, then got promoted twice, but I have no idea what it was.  It was just so long ago.  I do know that I was part of a team that managed retirement plans.  


    I couldn't even tell you my GPA for college.  It's like it happened another lifetime ago.  I do know I got a BS not a BA (the joke at school was that our degree was in BS. :D


    I have an honest chance at this job.  I don't know if it's a good chance, but I have one.  My dh seems to think I could do it, and believes I could pick up everything from Angie and Mark (the two people covering the roll now, as well as they're own stuff). 


    It would be such a huge change, and my 2 youngest boys would not be thrilled.  But I've got myself really wanting the job, even though it feels like I would be out of my depth for a time. 

  2. Ok.  I've been a SAHM for 21 years.  I graduated from college with a business degree, worked for 2 years in my field, then quit to stay home with my first child.  


    My dh works at a community health center in a rural town.  The organization just put out that they want to hire a CFO.


    I am very under qualified for the job, but.....


    I would love it.  When I first saw it posted it I thought how I would go after it if it was just 3 years from now.  In 3 years I will only have 2 left at home, with one going into 11th grade (at which point he'll take his classes at the local college, so only 1 to worry about in school). Also in 3 years I will have 2 different college bills to pay.  :w00t:


    But the more I thought about it, the more I thought that this could be a good opportunity.  The job is a new position.  2 other people have been doing it, but they are getting overwhelmed.  This area has a difficult time finding educated people to fill positions, especially getting them to stay.


    The advantage I have is that I live here and I'm not leaving. I could learn the job from the ground up.  I already emailed the director and he said he would be willing to talk to me.  


    My sister is going to help me create a resume, but I'm working on the cover letter. 


    I've known the director for 13 years, so this isn't a cold letter, just being sent out.  The letter is to help make my case that I could learn the job and would be worth giving a chance.


    So help me beef it up. :)


    This is what I have so far.  This is my first, very incomplete draft.  I am planning to rework it a dozen times before Monday.


    I am applying for the position of CFO at (center)  While I have the necessary education, I know I am lacking the experience or even the current skill set that is needed.  What I do have is a willingness to learn and a determination to do the job well.


    I graduated college in 1992 with a degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in finance.  I worked for two years before quitting  to stay at home with my first child.  For the past twenty-one years, I have been busy raising as well as home educating five children.


    I am a responsible, diligent and self-motivated person. I am willing to learn whatever I need to learn in order to accomplish a goal or task.


    There would obviously be a steep learning curve for me with this job.  I would have to learn every aspect of the job from the ground up, but I am a quick learner and I would be committed to job.




    So, Hive, I'm asking for some imput. Help me make my utter lack of experience sound good.:)  

  3. Oh yes.  I;ve had this kid. Read the Explosive Child. It will help teach you to teach your child to be more in tune to life, feelings, and such.


    Hang on to your hat.



    I've have this kid too.  My ds10.  I'm ordering the book.  I haven't read a parenting book in years, because I have found them so unhelpful, but I'm giving this one a go.  After this morning's melt down I need some help.  

  4. He sounds like a handful, but he also sounds "normal".  He wants to win (at games, contests), he doesn't like to admit he's wrong, and he trying to see what he can get away with. That sounds like an 8 year old. 


    :grouphug:  4 young ones and one on the way is a lot.  



    • Like 1
  5. I think Kentucky would work, outside of Lexington and Louisville the cost of living is decent. There are many colleges and community colleges. If you chose Northern Kentucky your husband could work in Cincinnati too.



    I was thinking Richmond, which has EKU.  It's outside of Lexington, so not as pricey.


    I'm guessing the TN thing did not work out?? Sorry. :(

  6. :hurray:


    My dh and I have done days hikes in parts of MD, PA and TN.  I've never had the desire to thru-hike it, but I would love to section hike it.  


    I think it's great and I hope you find a way to keep us all up to date.  My dh and I do read Appalachian Trials.  I've been following the thru hike of an older couple.  She's 68 and I believe he's a bit younger.  He's done the thru hike before, but it's her first time.  It's fun to read their account as they go. 

    • Like 2
  7. :grouphug:


    Oh my, such a craptastic 3 months.   :grouphug:  and I agree, you are beyond Mikes.  Time for something stronger.  Long Island Iced tea is good this time of year.  Sip and watch the cute baby chicks run around.


    And I do understand.  Our van died, which wasn't too much of a shock, just a bit earlier than we planned.  We bought a new one, but then the truck died.  We had to have the engine rebuilt/replaced??? I don't know, something like $6,000 later it was fixed.  Yay.  :thumbdown:

  8. 4 mile run this morning. Yesterday's run felt decent, not easy, but I could do it.  Today was a very hard run.  I had to stop mid run and change my run/walk time to 3/1 instead of 6/1.  I told myself that it would probably take till the end of July till I got back to feeling like I could run again, but it's been 4 weeks and I'm not seeing much improvement and because I've been so busy and short on time I've not been practicing yoga, and I miss it a lot.


    Blah.  I feel very whiny.  


    The organization my dh works for needs a CFO. It's not hard work, and I know I could do it.  I want the job badly.  I don't know if I'm just wanting a change or what, but I so want it.  But I can't handle a full time job right now.  I still have 3 kids I homeschool and run around. It's the running around that's an issue.  Twice a week during the school year we go to town (an hour away) all day.  Monday's are till 10 at night, Thursday's start earlier, but I'm home by supper.  I still have kids to care so working full time is not really an option.  I've joked with my dh about wanting it, and he's only commented how easy the job would be for me. Guess I'm just venting.  I think I'm having a small mid-life crisis. :P  

    • Like 4
  9. Just east of there, yes. :)


    Thank you for responding!  I did hear about the college pathway.  That's a great idea and will definitely be helpful for us with no extra income. :)  The co-op sounds good.  I'm just not willing to sign religious requirements and prefer secular science materials.  That was an issue here for us. 


    I have friends in Nashville, and family up all over near the Williamsburg, KY area, but nobody to talk to near Knoxville, so this has been frustrating.  


    I'm close to there. :)

  10. Hi, I live an hour North of Knoxville.  I'm guessing you're looking at Cookville? Maybe Crossville?  


    I can tell you about Knoxville, at least a little.


    There is an excellent youth orchestra in Knoxville, and it's very affortable. You'll be able to find Suziki teachers as well.  


    There are no "secular" co-ops, but we attend a co-op called Thursday Connection, that is inclusive.  There are no "faith" requirements, and the science classes use secular text books. Many, but not all, of the teachers are Protestant Christian, but none of the books or materials my kids have used bend in that direction.  


    The economy in Knoxville has been decent, I have no idea what it's like towards Crossville.  I live in a very economiclly depressed area.  Outlying areas are not getting better and have little chance too.  


    The roads can be rough in winter, but otherwise, no biggie.  You get used to them (and I'm from Jersey. :) )  


    Taxes are great, especially compared to somewhere like Jersey.  State colleges are good, and do you know that all kids in TN can now attend a state college (2 year school) for free? You have to apply in the early fall and meet some volunteer requirements.  They even created "Pathway" courses, that will transfer to the 4 year schools.  


    I like Knoxville, a lot.  I would love to someday live there.  You can PM me with more direct questions and I can attempt to help.  I'm not familar with the areas outside of Knoxville, heading towards Nashville. Wish I could help more. 

  11. Yesterday I finished Solo Faces, by James Salter.  It was as dispassionate as the rocks the main character was climbing.  The author does write beautiful sentences, but I felt no emotional investment in the book.  I don't know if that was intentional or not.  Maybe it was supposed to feel cold?  Anyway, I rated it 2 stars on Goodreads.  It was OK, but I couldn't recommend it.


    I'm starting a Kate Atkinson book, One Good Turn.

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  12. I ran 4 miles yesterday, and 4 miles today, plus 400yd swim.


    Yesterday I learned that the woman who taught me yoga earlier this year died.  She, her husband, and youngest daughter died in a plane crash (the one in MA).  They were going there for a college visit.  Besides having her for 2 months of private lessons, she also filled in for the class I later took.  She was an incredible teacher and person.  I was in so much shock all day yesterday, and I still am.  And I feel so sad for their oldest daughter.  She lost her entire family in a day.  Her girls were close to my girls age, her oldest recently finished college.


    Hug your loved ones, and hold them close. 

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