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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. Take care- pulled hamstrings are the worst!


    I feel your pain.  Part of my year long black belt testing is giving up sweets with just a few cheat days.  The testing doesn't technically start till January but I thought I'd go ahead and give up sugar.  Evidently I'm a carb addict.  It's killing me and I can't seem to get enough food without my medicinal chocolate.



    I do love my chocolate.  I usually eat 1 Trader Joe's dark chocolate carmel after dinner.  It's my treat.  I also like making a raw pudding from Oh She Glows, which is made using bananas, avocado, and almond butter (plus cocoa).  It's yummy, but super high in calories.  

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  2. 90 minute hot yoga class this morning, and I also got in a brisk 2 mile walk.  I'm trying to enjoy every beautiful fall day that I can!


    I'm on day 5 of recording what I eat.  Over the past few months I've gotten into a bad habit of eating too much in the evening. I'll do fine all day, but I'll start eating dinner and can't seem to stop.  Also, probably a little too much wine. :)  All of that put 5lb on me, mostly to my hips and thighs.  So I decided to start recording my food again, in order to stop myself from pointless snacking and binging at night.  It's not too hard not to snack, but oh my, I want to binge in the evening. By tracking, I can see that I've eaten enough and I need to stop.  But wow, I forgot what a pain in the rear it is to track everything, especially when most of your food is homemade.  I figure I need to do this for a few weeks, in order to stop the binge cycle.  But right now, I just feel hungry!  I want more food!  Blah.  I made some tea, and I'm done in the kitchen, so hopefully, I'll make it through the evening. 

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  3. Power yoga last night was great.  The instructor really helped me focus on inner thigh strength, which is an issue for me.  This morning I did a 90 minute class from YogaGlo that focused on the core.  I kept working those inner thighs too.  Planning on a 30 minute walk later this afternoon. 

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  4. 4 mile run this morning.  It was cold.  My legs stayed cold the entire time, but the rest of me was fine, even a bit warm.  A very odd feeling.  I clearly need warmer tights. 


    Forgot to add that I'm going to power yoga tonight. :)  It will be very warm in there, over 90 degrees.  

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  5. We drive by a group of addicts every morning.  I just have my 2 youngest with me, but every couple of weeks I make a comment about where drugs always lead and what they do to you.  The boys can see the proof.  But I know it's hard.  I have several distant (cousins, uncles) who have struggled with drugs.  Some have managed to stay clean for decades now (they impress me so much! I can not imagine their struggle). Others are still stuck in it.  My one cousin's son is homeless thanks to drugs, yet it is not bottom enough for him yet.  It's so sad.


    Thank you for the reminder.  It is important to always be talking to our kids.

  6. I had planned on running today, because I wasn't able to run yesterday, but when I got up I could tell I needed yoga instead.  So I did a nice 90 minute vinyassa class from YogaGlo.  I also took a lovely 4 mile walk.  It's 60 and sunny.  The park looked so pretty.  The leaves are changing and the sunlight was sparkling on the pond.  Since I normally run in the morning I usually only see mist on the pond. 

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  7. I currently subscribe to Yogaglo.com.  In the past I used YogaToday.com.  There is also YogaVibes.com


    YogaGlo is the pricest, but has the best selection in regards to length, levels and types.  I loved the teachers at YogaToday, but they changed their format, and you could just pick any class, you had to go with what they offered that week.


    All 3 offer free trials.  You could try each one and see what you like. 



  8. Levi's, but you have to special order them.  AE also has 29/32 I think, but also special order. You will not find that size in a store. 


    But my ds13 is around the same size and he does wear 16's or maybe it's 18's (he almost never wears pants, just shorts, which are a 16).  Old Navy is your best bet, they are not pricey, and the waist is adjustable. Gap also works.


    Good luck!

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  9. Kim- I hope the doctor has good news.  I tore, now I can't remember what it's called on the inside of my knee, several years ago.  Not a bad tear at all- but I still don't sit with my legs crossed anymore- it totally "cured" me of that habit:)


    Yesterday I got in 50 pushups.  Our Sensei was in a mood....


    Today- 100 kicks, abs, 100 swings, 10 TGUs but I might have to skip MMA.  I have a little one down with a bug.  A run only if I can squeeze it in.



    Yes, that is what hurts the most.  I've been working on not crossing my legs and that has helped a lot.  


    I ended up giving my doctor's appointment to my dd17.  She's been having issues with her meds and I really wanted her to go. This particular doctor is not in town often (she's usually 20 mins away), and my dd is always reluctant to go, so this encouraged her.  


    I ordered a sleeve for my knee, but not crossing my legs is helping, and I need to not run downhill.  My dh also suggested some exercises to help with inner thigh strength.  Don't know if it will help, but I'm going to try.


    90 minutes of yoga yesterday and a 4 mile run this morning.  I had very little discomfort with my knee so I think I'm finding a work around. :)

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  10. My mom did.  She lost weight using Weight Watchers, something she has used a lot over the years.  It always works for her.  She is the type of person, who, if she watches what she eats, she loses weight.  She is fairly active, not with exercise, she just never sits down, so I think that helps.  If she stops watching what she eats, she gains.  Right now, she's in her mid-60's, and she's a bit overweight, not a lot, but she knows she could stand to lose some pounds.  She no longer cares, she likes to eat what she wants. :)  

  11. It's been another crazy, busy week but I have done some exercising.


    Sunday was a rest day.  Saturday I ran 6 miles.  I did a 3 mile slow run, then ran a 5k!  It wasn't planned, there was one happening in town, for charity, and my dh was running it, so I went for it.  It was fun to do.  I ran it at an 11:25 pace, which was over a minute faster than my warm up pace.  


    Monday-4 mile run. No yoga because the kids didn't have orchestra (which is when I go to yoga) and I went to visit a friend.  We did take a nice walk around a park.  I love this weather.


    Tuesday-60 minutes of yoga plus some walking.  I got about 8,500 steps in during the day.  


    Wednesday-4 mile run this morning, and I'm hoping for some yoga time later. :)


    I'm having knee pain when I run.  It's on the top and sometimes the inside of my knee.  My dh thinks it could be a tear. :(  I made doctor appointment for Friday.  I'm able to run through it, and it stops hurting as soon as I stop running (as long as I don't cross my legs.  That really hurts).  If it is a tear, my dh said I can't make it worse by continuing to run, so I keep running.  I've just got to the point where running doesn't feel awful.  I don't want to stop.



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  12. Yesterday was my day off :)


    Today I had a great workout----20 min on elliptical to warm up, 10 min shoulder stretching, 45 minutes of weights, and a 2 mile walk home. I refused to be intimidated by the younger men and women in the gym :D


    After pinching my hand between my wedding ring and a bar the other day, I bought gloves to wear while lifting. Oh my gosh, a world of difference! The problems I has been having with inclined pushups were not due to my shoulder weakness but to hand discomfort (that bar is textured). I rocked the pushups today! I think I'll try the next-lower setting next time I'm in the gym.


    I have to take my ring off, even with the gloves on. I found that the ring was causing a blister, but that was with kettlebell, not barbells or machines.


    Glad you found a fix. :)  

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  13. 4.5 mile run this morning.  I'm also hoping to get in a 30 minute yoga practice this afternoon.  Tomorrow I need to take my van in for an oil change and tire rotation, then I it's my volunteer day at my son's co-op, so I'm going to miss my 90 minute hot yoga class. :(  

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  14. Every time I get anemic I go to this Mexican restaurant in town and order beef fajitas.  They have some special pepper flavoring they marinate beef liver in so you can barely ever even taste that it's liver and not steak.  Then they serve it with pepper and onion strips, which is high in vitamin C.


    This meal always makes a faster difference than iron supplements.  Eating it twice can take my gums from very pale to a normal pink.


    I still haven't figured out how to make home made fajitas that taste that good.



    Do a lot of Mexican restaurants use beef liver for their fajitas?  I hadn't realized that.  Of course, I almost never order beef so I don't pay close attention.


    I've been eating more vegetarian meals, and I rarely eat red meat, but I may not be able to keep that up.  My B12 is on the low side, where it's starting to affect my red blood cell production.  I'm taking a supplement, but I don't know if that will be enough.  

  15. Sunday was rest


    Monday was 4.25 mile run and 75 minute vinyassa yoga class


    Tuesday was 60 minutes of yoga, plus I'm planning on a 25 minute walk while my son is at piano. 


    Slache, I'm glad your chiro figured out your back.  Take it easy.  I know it's frustrating, especially when you can't do what you really want to do. :(  

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  16. I agree with you, Lisa.  I think that quote, and that line of thinking, is used to justify NOT truly educating children.  The idea seems to be that it's OK not to worry about education because you are focusing on the "important" stuff.  


    But I'm in a very crabby mood today, and I tend to be cynical with many people and home education (I know, I homeschool, and have for 17 years.)  I've seen a huge assortment of people in my homeschooling time.  We've lived in 4 different places and I feel like I've seen it all (from the worst to the best). People who say, "character is our goal" tend to not care if their children learn math or how to write.  Just my opinion.  

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