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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. Yesterday (Christmas) I ran 4 miles on my treadmill and did Ashtanga yoga, half primary.  Today I ran outside (75 degrees!) for 4 1/4 miles.  I felt tired and it was so hot!  But I got through it.  I'm hoping for a bit of yin yoga before bed, but I'm unsure.  I have to pack for vacation, so we'll see.   

  2. I thought I would throw this out there, but there are OT bridge programs.  Meaning, your dh could take the CC classes to become a PTA, then he could work towards bridging it to a OT (I don't know of any that do that for a PT, since a PT requires a PHD).


    The salary difference is significant. Just an option to think about.  



  3. If you go for the kettlebells try this dvd


    I haven't been using my bells, (no time, just running and yoga) but I do enjoy them, and I think they are an excellent way to get in some cardio along with strength work all at once.  I linked it to amazon, but check out her site, which I think is called ON the Edge Fitness ??? unsure at them moment and I'm not where I can easily find my link. She has lots of sales, and my guess is that she will have a new on with the new year.  She often does 50% off her stuff.  

    • Like 1
  4. I'm going to suggest swimming.  My oldest ds16 is an indoor, play with legos kind of kid.  He also was not much for competing (he is more now, but he was never a sore loser).  he loves swimming.  He has done swimming since he was 5 years old.  


    All of my kids swim.  It's been good for all of them, including the ones who were sore losers. :D  They each have learned a lot and get plenty of physical activity from the sport.  


    We had two kids on our swim team who were gluten free (I'm unsure if they were celiac) and they did great swimming. 

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  5. Kim :grouphug:


    Did you know Case Histories is a bbc tv series? It apparently has been on pbs. My bf is able to check the dvds out at her library. The actor who plays Jackson Brodie is a favorite for both of us. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/profiles/jYDt5J2hdMYwP8hfwwTnzK/jackson-brodie. The books are something I plan to read one day.



    I saw it come up on Amazon.  I wonder if it's on Netflix?? It wasn't on Prime.

    • Like 5
  6. Star Wars....


    I was 7 when it came out.  It was special to me because my brother and I saw it together (he was terminally ill).  We both became Star Wars obsessed.  I dressed up as Leia for Halloween.  My brother's mattress, on the new bed he got that year, had Star Wars all over it.  He got a lot of great Star Wars stuff for Christmas too.  Empire Strike's Back was a super sad movie for me.  I went, without my brother (he had died the year before) and then the movie was sad too.  All I could think about was how much he would have loved the big reveal.  


    Stacia, :grouphug: 




    I finished, Started Early, Took my Dog, by Kate Atkinson.  It was the 4th in the Jackson Brodie series.  I thought that was the going to be the last one, but she left it open to write more.  I did enjoy it, but I need a break from her writing (which is top quality).  I'm unsure what I'll read next.  I have 3 books on hold at the library.  One I am next in line for, so maybe it will come in soon.  It's by Joe Abercrombie. I've never read his books, but I've always been tempted too.  I'm waiting on Half a King.   

    • Like 11
  7. - The actors have a variety of body shapes

    - There are a variety of ages of actors (not just young and "pretty")

    - The actors are highly skilled at their craft and not just a pretty face and body

    - There are actual story lines with plots, and the stories don't always have to include a romance and a happy ending

    -  British TV shows don't shy away from depicting the reality and silliness of stupid work environments, such as government TV (BBC) on the show W1A

    - They stop a series instead of pushing through for the required 8 seasons to get syndication and big $$$$ (even though the show is crap by then)

    - They successfully turn foreign books into good British TV shows (Wallander) 




  8. Got 4 miles in on my treadmill, then spent a long time stretching.  Today is my youngest son's Christmas piano recital, and when we say good-bye to his teacher.  She moving and we'll be trying out a new teacher in January.  I'm in a melancholy mood.  This is a very small area.  It's hard to lose a good teacher and friend.   

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  9. Well, I'll find out about the pants.  My dh talked me into getting them. :)  i wish I already had them since tomorrow will be below 30.  I think I will run on the dreadmill/treadmill. 


    Today was 90 minutes of Yoga primary.  It felt so good.  I've been spending the afternoon making cookies, so I've also been eating cookies.  Not good, the cookies are (they are a cherry almond cookie) but I shouldn't eat this much junk.  :tongue_smilie:

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  10. Ran 4 miles this morning.  Normally, I've been trying to run 5 on Wednesday's, but I had a dentist appointment scheduled so cut it to 4 miles.  Got home, rushed through a shower, then quickly heated up some oatmeal.  It was then I saw the message light blinking.  The appointment had to be rescheduled because the dentist is sick.  Kind of bummed, I would have ran longer.  Anyway, it was a good run.  I really pushed it because of how tight on time I was. :)  My legs were still so cold.


    So this morning I was looking on Athleta at their Polartec power stretch tight.  I think it's similar to Sugoi's SubZero tights.  (I have $55 in coupons for Athleta, so I would like to order from there).  But Athleta's black tights are on back order till the end of Feb (for my size).  I could get blue (Sapphire) but I'm unsure.  I'm afraid of what blue tights will look like after a run. Will it look like I've wet myself?? :D  I know, a bit silly, but black is very forgiving.  I know if it's that cold I won't sweat that much, but still.  I can't decide.  

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  11. Yoga day.  I did an hour of Astanga half primary.  It felt good.  I'm going to walk 1.5 miles when I take my son to piano.


    Anne, you'll get there.  Enjoy that baby!  It always took me 6 week before I felt human again, a few months before I even thought about exercise.  That's great that you're thinking about exercise already  :)

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  12. I didn't get to run on Saturday (my dd was sick so I had to take her car for maintenance) and I didn't get to practice yoga Sunday (my dh slept all afternoon, which is the room I do yoga in)


    Anyway, today I ran on the treadmill, thanks to the pouring rain. I tried to have fun with it, doing various intervals to keep it interesting.  It's so much harder to run on that thing.   

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  13. I'm halfway through Kate Atkinson's Started Early, Took my Dog.  It's the last book in her Jackson Brodie series.  There have been so many characters and she is not linear with time, so it's been hard to keep track of it all, but her writing is brilliant, so I'm still enjoying it.  I just wish I had a character tree to keep track of it all. :)


    Redsquirl, can't wait to hear about Purity.  The History of Seven Killings has also intrigued me, but it's length has been keeping me away. We'll see.  Maybe I jump in. 

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