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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. That's hard.  The commute would be a killer.  I don't know if I could go for that even with the more money, but the thing that stuck out for me was the chance for growth within the other company.  


    My sister only has a high school diploma, and I know how hard it is for her to get above a certain level.  Her current job has been her best, and there is a real chance for promotion and greater responsibility. For her, that was worth the pay cut she took to get the job.  She has already received bonuses. It's been worth it.


    So, the chance for growth is big, and may make it worth it.  And while I understand you could not move now, 5 years from now could be different, especially if he got a good promotion.  


    And :grouphug:  it's not an easy decision.  

  2. Wednesday was a 4 mile run followed by a modified half Primary.


    Thursday was 90 minutes of hot yoga.  I will say that I had never considered myself a "join the gym" type person.  I like being alone and, for the most part, I run outside.  But I love going to yoga class. If it wasn't an hour drive I would join the yoga studio (which is much more expensive option than a gym, being around $90 a month). Besides the "hot" part that I can't recreate at home, I enjoy the instruction and seeing other people as into it as I am.  


    Today was a 4 mile run, followed by yoga.  I was able to run outside. It was dry and warm, but a bit windy.  Still it was great to get out there.  

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  3. Monday was a 4 mile run.  I had some stomach thing over the weekend, so I took it easy.  Also, no Monday night yoga because it we concert night.  So my dh and I had a nice dinner, then went to listen the the youth symphony.


    This morning was yoga.  I had a hard time because I was upset.  My ds13 told me that there will most likely be no baseball this year because the middle school has no coach.  He has been waiting all year for this.  All his birthday presents revolve around baseball gear.  I know he's upset (but not saying much yet).  I'm angry. I'm so sick of living in this wasteland. :(  Rural living really sucks.  There is no way around that.  I don't believe we will make another year here.  We should have left much sooner. 

    • Like 1
  4. make sure the motor is at least 3.0, but 3.5 is much better.  And buy the warranty.  


    We've always owned a ProForm from Sears, but Nordic is also good, I think the deck (tread) might be a little better on the Nordic, but the best way to find out is to go to the store and try them. 

    • Like 1
  5. :blink:  emerald laboratories b-healthy contains 500 mcg (8300% usrda)  of methylcobalamin. that's the most bioavailable form of b12.  http://www.ultralaboratories.com/EmeraldLabs/B-Healthy/index.php



    my son needs more, so he also gets NOW 1mg methylcobalamin sublingual (dissolves under the tongue.)  the most absorbable form of methylcobalamin is a 1mg INJECTION into the fatty tissue of your posterior.   if you pee red - you didn't get it into the fat.   (it's a microfine needle.)






    hmm, that could be an issue with the Emerald labs.  My dh said that B12, in vitamin form, should be the kind that dissolves under the tongue.  He said it's hard to get B12 to absorb.  I imagine that B Healthy is not a dissolve under the tongue tablet, which would mean that I would have to supplement it.  But I do like that it has the rest of the B vitamins.    

    • Like 1
  6. :blink:  emerald laboratories b-healthy contains 500 mcg (8300% usrda)  of methylcobalamin. that's the most bioavailable form of b12.  http://www.ultralaboratories.com/EmeraldLabs/B-Healthy/index.php



    my son needs more, so he also gets NOW 1mg methylcobalamin sublingual (dissolves under the tongue.)  the most absorbable form of methylcobalamin is a 1mg INJECTION into the fatty tissue of your posterior.   if you pee red - you didn't get it into the fat.   (it's a microfine needle.)






    Thanks! I was looking on Amazon, and they didn't list it.  I didn't look at the label.  I may switch when I finish my Costco brand.  I will definitely be switching my D3, probably to NOW.  I had thought of switching to NOW for the B12, but I think I will try Emerald labs first.

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  7. I took a double dose of nature made b-complex for YEARS.  I *only* noticed it was helping if I stopped taking it for a week or more.  pretty sad to only notice something is helping by its absence. . . . . now that I know what to look for on the label - I won't use anything made by them.  they're simply average quality ingredients at best.


    I switched to emerald laboratories b-healthy because it has higher quality forms (re: more bioavailable = more easily used by the body) of the various b-vitamins. . . . . 7-10 days later, I felt like someone had flipped on a light switch.  I was sold. (going from nm - to el with absolutely no break in between.)



    rainbowlight gummy bear essentials are a very good quality gummy.


    eta: correct spelling.



    So I looked at the emerald labs B-healthy, but it doesn't contain B12, which is what I'm low in.  They have a multi vitamin for women over 45 which has some B12, but not as much as I'm taking.


    Do you know of another brand, similar to Emerald labs, that makes a good multi B vitamin or just a B12?  I'm curious.  I've been taking the B12 from Costco, the Kirkland brand.  But I'm wondering if switching to something else would be better.  

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  8. I remember a lot from my childhood, even from a young age.  But I also had a number of tragic events that help "cement" those memories into my brain.


    I also have a decent memory and I have always been good with details.  I will say that my 30's are a bit of a blur, mostly because I was so exhausted. There are some things I remember well, but not as much as my childhood.   

  9. Sorry, I've been MIA.  I've been so busy, and have not been on the computer much at all.  


    This week so far,


    Monday- 4 mile run (outside!) and Bikram yoga


    Tueday-90 minutes vinyasa yoga


    Wed-nothing.  I slept in, then made the long trek (an hour drive) to church for Lenten service


    Thursday- Bikram yoga



    Slache, thanks for starting the thread!

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  10. Yes.  I had needed sneakers for my youngest son.  I went to a big shoe store and I could not find a pair in his size.  I could find girl ones, but not boys.  When I asked the clerk said that they didn't carry that size for boys (!!) and maybe I could go try another shoe store down the road.  How do you decide to not carry an entire size? I hate shoe shopping.  


    I've had times it was so bad that I came home and ordered something more expensive online because I gave up trying to find a size. I prefer that a person try a shoe on, but sometimes you have no other choice. 

  11. Friday I ran 4.5 miles on the tm, then did some strength work.  I did 30 minutes of yoga in the afternoon.


    Today I ran 6 miles on the treadmill followed by lots of stretching.  


    We have a lot of snow, especially for where I live.  We've kept power and haven't had to leave the house, so it's been nice. 

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  12. I've seen more about Flint, and it's something that caught my attention quickly because our town recently changed it's water supply. They had to because they couldn't pass water safety tests with the last supply.  But the new water supply has been damaging the town's water pipes.  There have been burst pipes everywhere supposedly because of something in the new water supply.  But they say it's safe.... :huh: 


    I think Flint is the beginning of a problem.  Many areas have either exhausted their existing supply or their existing supply is too poisoned. And to top it off there is zero money for infrastructure.  


    It's all depressing.   

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  13. Luckymama, hope you feel better soon.  My dh had the cold all last week, now my dd18 has it.  I keep taking vitamin c hoping to avoid it but I feel as if I'm doomed.


    perimenopause stinks.  I've been having frequent mini hot flashes, my "friend" is late (in part thanks to being super messed up because of my two daughters. The oldest came home last month for Christmas break and it affected me), and my stomach has been off. Blah.  I'm so over this and it's just really getting started.  


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  14. This reminds of something in Atlas Shrugged, a book I generally dislike, but this always stayed with me.  Remember the train full of explosives that was sent into the tunnel because no one dared to take the responsibility to stop it?


    We don't want a society like that, and that's where we are going with this kind of rank stupidity.  Common sense is getting so rare I'm starting to think of it as a superpower.





    And then the school called and asked why he wasn't there. What a mess.  

  15. I've always made the ones on the back of the Jif jar.  A no flour cookie could be interesting. My SIL would like it, they are GF.


    I did not get to yoga yesterday.  My dh and I watched a movie last night.  We stayed up late since everything was closed/cancelled here because of the snow. We watched the newest Mission Impossible.  It was fun.  


    Today I did Yoga Primary again. This is my 3rd time this week doing a full primary practice. It felt good.  I'm planning on reading then making cookies for the rest of the afternoon. :)

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  16. Slache, now I want peanut butter cookies.  I may have to make them tomorrow.  I cleaned my house all day, and found out that all of tomorrows activities are cancelled, so I get a whole day home with nothing planned.  I'm planning on yoga and reading, but maybe now I'll also make cookies. 

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  17. 5 mile run this morning.  My very busy day changed because of the snow.  Everything was cancelled and now I'm getting a chance to catch up on some stuff.  I scrubbed my bathrooms, I going to fold all of my wash, then get my floors done.  It's been a busy week so far and my house has been neglected.  I also put some chicken bones on to simmer.  I had saved them from having roast chicken on Sunday.  I plan on chicken and dumplings, or if I feel ambitious, homemade pot-pie noodles, for dinner. It's a perfect day for it.


    I'm also hoping for 30 minutes of yoga later, if the day keeps going well.  

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