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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. Last week was rough for me.  I had a bad bout of insomnia.  It really messed with me.  I seem to be back to normal. :)


    On Sunday I did 90 minutes of Ashtanga yoga, the 2nd series.  It was a bit too advanced for me, but it was fun to try.


    Today I ran 4 miles, plus did 3 rounds of squats, pull-ups, push-ups, and swings, then a 5 minute core workout.  I have hot yoga tonight, which I'm really looking forward to, since I missed it twice last week.  


    I'm also sitting here debating if I should purchase ebook/program that helps get you to a real pull-up.  It's by Lauren Brooks, who does kettlebell stuff.  I have a few of her dvds as well as another strength program.  She's good, very good.  She's able to have that balance of pushing hard, but not too much so that you get hurt.  


    I would have to purchase the book, $40, and then also a suspension trainer, $30 on Amazon.  I have everything else.  Part of me really wants it, since it will be a program focused on upper body strength and core, and not lower body.  I had to stop using her dvds because I was doing too much when I combine it with running.  I'm running between 15-20 miles a week, and I'm doing a little strength work 3xs a week, but I'm careful not to push it too hard.  I have been mostly enjoying focusing on more yoga.  But at my age, yoga is not going to add strength.


    Anyway, I'm unsure if I should put the money out, and if I'll be able to do the program with the time I have.  


    And because I've been laughing at myself for the argument in my head, I have to put this....#FirstWorldProblems...:D

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  2. Great! Thank you, Kim! Your post is a big help.


    Btw, did you both read the Twelve Caesars and discuss it? Also, did you have any favorites, so that if your dd didn't have time to read all of the books, then you could easily pick 1-3 of the primary books to skip? What about the secondary books, any favorites? I don't know if my little man will get around to reading all of them. My plan is to have us both start reading over the summer, hopefully, so as to lighten the load during the study year.



    Yes, we both read the 12 Caesars, but I would recommend skipping some of it. It was a bit rough, but I will say that after that book any further sex ed will be unnecessary. :ohmy:   :blushing:  :lol: Also, Herodotus, I would find a deeply abridged version.  It was not just too long, but pointless.  And I can't think of the recent movie that was based on some of the tales, but maybe you could find it. 


    You could watch the Shakespeare plays instead of reading them.  My favorite secondary book was Till We Have Faces.  I loved it so much that I bought several copies and gave them as gifts that Christmas. 


    It's really been awhile and I can't remember all of the books. I do remember that we had already read some of the secondary books, so we skipped them, but did reference them for some discussions. 


    Oh, the books that had to do with Socrates...What were they?  There were 2 of them.  I hated them with a passion.  I wanted to hit my head against a brick wall while reading them.  But I remember that my friend's dd (who was doing Omnibus the same year) loved them.  I guess it depends what you enjoy. :laugh:  

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  3. I did Omnibus I with my oldest dd when she was in 7th grade (she just turned 22!), it was a while ago.  I did not have Callihan's book.  I don't remember if it was on the list or not at the time.  I didn't find that I needed anything extra.  I read every book the summer before we started.  We used the study questions and I had her write out one longer essay each week.  


    My 2nd dd did Omnibus online with Veritas, so I got to see how it was approached.  After comparing, I think I did a good job. :D  I do think the class discussions were beneficial, and my dd enjoyed complaining about the books with other kids. :lol:   


    Enjoy Omnibus!

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  4. There is a lot of good  advice here, I just wanted to add the suggestion of salmon.


    Fish, in general, is high in protein, but not that filling.


    You can get canned salmon and have it on a salad.  A 2oz serving from the Kirkland Atlantic canned salmon has 14g of protein, which is pretty good. 


    Chicken is also an excellent way to get protein.  You can buy it canned or just cook up chicken breast and have it on salads.  


    I agree with everyone else, you're going to need to cut the bread, and I also wouldn't do cheese.  Besides being very filling, it could be causing some digestive issues, making you less hungry. 

  5. This book is one of my favorites.  When I got to the end of it, I felt angry for Anna.  The men could do whatever, have numerous affairs and such, and there was no consequence, but  her "sin" meant she lost everything.  Not that I think she was right, but clearly, for women in that society, there was no way back from certain choices, where as men could just move on.  


    I was upset with how she was towards her children, but I think her non-attachment to them stemmed from the larger issue of her disdain, dislike, whatever you want to call it, towards her husband. She felt trapped.  She knew that if she left she could never have her children, they belonged to her husband, so she chose not to become attached.  


    I couldn't stand Levin, but that's more because I am not in favor of communism.  I couldn't stand his speeches and wanted to argue with him. :D


    I do love that book.  I have not seen the latest movie, because I heard it was awful, but one of these days I may watch it.  



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  6. I had been around 300 a little while back, so I started to include red meat (I had stopped eating red meat) at least once a week or every two weeks, and I also started taking B12 from Costco. It's the kind that dissolves under the tongue.  I just had my levels tested again and they were above 600.


    I don't know anything about the differences between US and other countries' standards.     


  7. I did get to do 30 minutes of yoga yesterday. 


    Today I ran 7 miles.  I took the hilly route around town. By the last mile my lower back was getting sore, and the walk up my road was rough (very steep hill).  I feel tired, but glad I went for the hills.  I came home and did pull-ups and push-ups, then spent a long time stretching.  


    I have a ton to get done today, but right now I don't want to get out of my chair.  I'm enjoying some coffee and wondering how I get everything I planned done. :) 

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  8. Just got back from my race :) I ran the whole thing and finished in 38:08, Ds finished in 37:51. Not bad for our first, especially on a trail. I was really feeling rough this morning- my bp and pulse have been tanking due to my thyroid the last few days and I didn't hardly sleep last night because of the nerves but the adrenaline powered me through. I'm considering another run in three weeks but it is on pavement and I'm not the biggest fan of running on the hard stuff.



    :hurray:  :cheers2:


    Congratulations to both of you!  

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  9. 4 mile run this morning.  It was much chillier than I thought it would be.  Very damp out today, but it was still a decent run.  I felt tired this morning and for most of the run I kept thinking how I'd like to still be in bed, under a warm blanket. But I am glad I ran. :)


    Got home and did lunges, pull-ups, swings, then snatches.  


    I plan to take it easy today, though if I could squeeze in some yoga later, it would make me happy. 

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  10. :crying:  :crying:  :crying:  Work has gotten hectic, kids are off for spring break, not much deliberate exercise happening. And I really miss it! So glad to spend time with my kids. Will also be glad to (hopefully) get at least partially into a routine again in a couple weeks. On the plus side, fingers crossed I *may* have found a walking buddy. I'm going to hit her up at the next opportunity.



    :grouphug:  Those weeks are hard.


    I do hope you get your walking buddy. 

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  11. Hot yoga today.  I had been worried about the class this morning.  My stomach started feeling off yesterday afternoon and hurt all night. It still hurt this morning and I was sure yoga would be impossible but I went for it anyway.  I felt much better by the end.  Such a good feeling

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  12. Let's see :)


    Sun: whole-body weight training w dh

    Mon: session w trainer focusing on lower body and core; elliptical intervals for 20 minutes

    Tues: a day off, ran a gazillion errands and did some gardening

    Today: session w trainer focusing on upper body and core; three hours of yardwork


    Today I bench-pressed 85 lbs :party: One of my goals is to bench-press 100 lbs by my 50th birthday in June. I think I'll make that!


    Tomorrow will be more weeding, followed by the shoveling and spreading of 3 cubic yards of mulch :eek:


    Friday I'll probably do some intervals on either the elliptical or bike. It's supposed to be rainy.



    :hurray:  :thumbup:


    Way to go. I think you will reach your goal.

  13. I had it close to me when I was young. One of my cousins killed herself.  She was a few years older than I was.  I was in middle school, she was in high school, but not the same town.


    Apart from being told, my parents did nothing. I remember that another one of my cousins at a very hard time with it, but apart from being given time to cry, there was nothing.  I think it was such a shock for the adults as well that they were at a loss too. It was hard and personally, it cemented suicide as a real option for myself.  I had been struggling with depression and had such thoughts.  That made it real, but there was never an option to talk with my parents or anyone else.  I do believe I would have benefited from counseling.  It took me years to overcome a lot of those issues, and I believe it affected me throughout college, making it impossible to care about school or anything else.  


    My dd had a friend who attempted. This was a long distance friend.  We talked about it, discussed how to ask for help.  My dd also ended up going to counseling for a couple of years, not directly because of that incident, but that did contribute.  


    I think the most important thing is to keep talking.  Teenagers tend to not know how to communicate what they are thinking and feeling.  They tend to rebuff your attempts to communicate, but you have to keep trying.  It's important to let the child know that you are there, you are listening and you understand.   

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  14. There are so many, but off the top of my head I can think of a few;


    Charlotte's Web.  This is probably my all time favorite audio book. We have listened to it over and over and I still cry. 


    The Little Match Girl.  With this one I sob uncontrollably.  I can remember at least one child laughing just a little at me crying so hard. :D


    Thee, Hannah (most of De Angeli's books tend to tear me up, but I openly weep with this one)


    Carry on, Mr Bowditch.  I have read that aloud 3 times, and listened to it on audio at least twice.  I always cry.  

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  15. Sunday ended up being a rest day.  The drive home from church took way longer (we've been having traffic issues because of a rockslide).  I was too tired when I got home and just rested for the rest of the day.


    Monday was a 4 mile run, followed by 3 rounds of squats, pull-ups, swings, then a tabata of high-pulls and push-presses.


    Last night I went to hot yoga.  


    This morning I am getting a slow start.  I need to do laundry and clean the floors, then I'm planning on yoga.  

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  16. I think it's an incredible book. The writing, the characters, everything about it is so well done.  I enjoyed the movie.  It's always hard to translate a book to movie, but I think they did a good job.  I actually felt more sympathy towards the characters than I did in the book.  I wasn't fond of the way Daisy was portrayed, and I like Carey Mulligan, but I think it was approached wrong.  Same for the character of Catherine, but I think Isla Fisher did an excellent job with Myrtle.  And Toby Maguire, perfect, just perfect.  Of course, I thought  DiCaprio was an excellent Gatsby.  


    Overall, the movie was a fun fleshing out of the novel.  

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  17. The Birds--to this day when more than a few birds are gathered, I feel a little freaked out

    The Shining--just very scary

    Planet of the Apes movies because I think they can really happen



    I hated, hated, hated, Planet of the Apes.  I saw it as a kid, while I was in the hospital, and it really creeped me out.  It seemed too real.  Even now, if I watch the original, it gives me the creeps.  


    I've never seen the Shining, the commercials scared me.  The Birds did freak me out.  I find psychological stuff scarier than other types of movies.  It's the tension and reality factor that get me.  If it seems to unreal I'm not fazed.  


    I can read Stephen King, but I won't watch any of his books turned movie/tv.  


    I don't watch too many scary movies now.  I did just watch Ex Machina, which was billed as a techno-thriller, but I wouldn't say it was.  It was a bit creepy, but not too much. Though I admit it gave me nightmares.  :lol:


    I did find Poltergeist scary when I was younger, but I've watched it since and now I laugh.  I enjoy that movie. :D 


    I do enjoy scary/campy and love me some Sammy and Dean :laugh:  (Supernatural) and if I have free time and it's on I'll watch Buffy or Charmed. 

  18. Busy day between work and St. Patrick's Day cooking/baking. 


    But. I did my First. Push-up. Ever.  That's a full push-up with toes, not knees on the ground. I am almost 60 and I had never done one before. I could do knee-push-ups when I was an athlete in college, but that was it. I started out doing wall push-ups over a year ago, then worked steadily down to push-ups on the kitchen counter, then on the deck railing, then down the steps leading up to our porch. Last August, I was within striking distance but hurt my shoulder and had to start over again. 


    So tonight was a major milestone for me, even though I am sure there are lots of you out there for whom push-ups are a normal thing! I'm excited!





    That's terrific!  Good work.  I know that it is very hard.  

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