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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. I saw your topic question, and I thought to myself that if I add it up, I may cry.


    Currently for the youngest, it's $90 a month for piano and $75 for tennis, but tennis ends up more.  There is summer camp, the racquets, team stuff, etc...


    My middle son is currently the highest, with may somewhere around $400 a month, on average, for baseball.  That includes summer ball, fall ball, batting cage, lessons, extra sport training, and extra stuff for school.  It could be higher then that, but I really don't want to sit and add it all up.  


    We used to spend it on swimming.  My oldest no longer does club swim, just swimming at school.  We spend money for that, but not a lot.  There is also some money for water polo.  But overall we now spend less than $100 a month on him, that includes suits and stuff. 



  2. His dream would be to be a nurse.  I don't see how he could possibly make it through the science prerequisites, but that's what he talks about.  In many ways he'd be a fantastic nurse.  He's gentle, and polite, and caring, and patient.  All the elderly people who know him love him, and he wouldn't blink an eye at the caregiving parts of nursing (e.g. changing adult diapers wouldn't phase him).  


    He loves theater tech, and I thought he was interested in studying that, but he says, and he's right, that the constant need to sell yourself for the next project, and the constant uncertainty about where you'll be working next would be really hard on his anxiety.  He really wants a job from the 50's where you go to work at the same place for 40 years, and then retire. 



    If he ever wants to be a nurse, do not let him go and fail classes.  You need a high GPA for nursing programs, and they will look at how many times to retake a class. 


    I can get why you are thinking of letting him try this, and in a perfect and kind world it would all work out. Even if he failed, it would be ok and he would learn something.  But college is not like that.  Sending someone to college who has depression and anxiety knowing he will most likely fail classes is a bad idea.  


    I didn't look at those gap programs or other things linked above, but please try anything else.


    If he is determined to feel more independent and wants to head towards nursing, you could try a CNA program.  But from what you are writing here I don't know if he could handle the pressure. 


    I have kiddos with issues too.  I know it's hard.  I hope you find something that works and he's agreeable to.  

    • Like 2
  3. I'm a bit confused why you are signing him up for events.  I've never done that.  The coach always does.  You want to make sure that he's not swimming too many events in a meet.  I think more than 4 is too much, but I know some coaches do more.  If they are all short events it's not too bad, but still, I wouldn't want him to over swim.


    My current youngest swimmer is now 18.  I have stroke judged for years, and I have occasionally offered some tips, but it is the coaches job to coach.


    At 10, just let him enjoy it.  My kids loved swim meet weekends.  It was a lot of fun and good times with friends.  Just let him have that.


    Enjoy swimming!

    • Like 3
  4. If you have not, please have him evaluated.  There are services for adults and he can qualify for disability.  There are services that help match indivduals with jobs as well as job training.  


    As he get older he will only get more frustrated.  


    If you can't go that route, I was going to suggest a night time security job.  It's not a work from home, but it is more of a loner job and can have decent pay.



  5. I've used a variety of stuff on my hardwood.  I did the vinegar/water mix for a long time, but I found it didn't quite clean it.  I didn't like Murphy's Oil soap, but maybe I didn't do it right.  It just didn't seem to do well, and I was worried about build up.  I was happiest with Bona for hardwood floors.  I hated paying for what I felt like was mostly water, but I did like the results. I liked swifter, but I only used it occasionally, like when I had a large mess (dog whatever on the floor) or company was coming. 



    • Like 1
  6. I would look for a vehicle in the $10,000 range.  Since you keep your cars a long time, you should look for something reliable.  $5,000 is not going to get you reliable.  For 5,000 the car will either have a lot of milage already, need work, or both.  Right now, Sonatas and Camrys are a good price used, because the used inventory is high because of leases.  Those cars (or ones like them) will give you the most bang for your buck.


    As for a Prius, my folks have had theirs for 10 years.  The battery just went out and replacing it was over 3,000.  Just know that those hybrids can be pricey to fix.  Of course, they did get 10 years out of it, which is pretty good.


    Good luck in your search.

    • Like 3
  7. Become an AVID tutor.  AVID is a program in the public school system.  It is aimed at kids who would be 1st generation college students and/or lack parental support.  It's a mutil-faceted approach.   It is a class at the school but it also has an after school component that has tutors. 


    You could look into it and see if it's something you would enjoy.  

    • Like 3
  8. I am honestly surprised at the number of recs for Call the Midwife.  I think I've seen this show listed on netflix but didn't think anyone watched it IRL.  I imagined it kind of like the Duggar show (which I have never watched).  now I have to admit I have no idea what it is.



    Call the Midwife is about midwives in London after WW2, after the NHS was established.  The midwives in the show reside in a convent (Church of England). Some of the midwives are sisters but the rest are not.


    The show has little plot, it's about the characters and the times.  There are stories, but they take a back seat.  It's a lovely show to sit and relax and watch.  I always feel happy after watching it.:)  


    If I were sick and didn't have a lot of brain power I would go for Grace and Frankie.  I loved that and watched both seasons twice.  Excellent characters and such sharp writing.


    I also love Unbreakable Kimmy Schmitt, Stanger Things, and Masters of None


    How I Met Your Mother, Parks and Recs, The Good Place (best comedy currently on tv!) are also all great shows.   

  9. I'm working on that.  I'm currently taking classes at the community college in order to have the pre-req's necessary to apply to the Occupational Therapy Assistant program.


    I have a BS in Business Admin and Finance from ages ago.  It would be difficult at my age to get back on that track after years at home. I could do it, but after looking around I decided on this.  With this degree I can work, make a decent amount of money and can know I can find a job at any age.  By the time I finish the program I'll be over 50.  If we move in 10 years and I needed or wanted to work, I could.  


    I'm excited about it.  I just put my application in for the program. Fingers crossed that I get in.  It's super competetive.

    • Like 4
  10. My dd's place has no power, so she's back at her uncle's place.  She's in melt down mode.  She's so overwhelmed and it truely regretting moving to FL (She moved into her apartment 10 days ago). She likes her job a lot, but is not liking FL.  


    I'm just glad she has a safe place to stay.  She has AC and she's with family.  She is only seeing that she is not in her place.  She just wants her life to feel normal again (She moved down in mid August and lived with a different uncle for a month.  She is broke (from the move), tired, and wanting to feel independent again.  


    I feel for her.  But I keep seeing the glass half full (she has family around who have been wonderful) She only sees it half empty.  



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  11. My dd is worrying about her apartment.  It's on that ridge in Clearwater.  It wasn't in an evac zone, but she's at her uncle's waiting it out.  I'm hoping his place can withstand the winds.  They've taken every precaution.


    But she is quite concerned about what she'll be able to go back to.  She's worried her place will be looted (she only owns a tv and an old model playstation, so nothing much, but still) She is also worried about her students.  Most live near the beach in sub-standard housing.  She's hoping they are all safe in a shelter. 


    She figures she will not be able to get back till Wednesday.  


    It will be hard to sleep tonight, for them and for us worrying abou them.



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  12. My daughter has gone to my BIL's house.  He lives a bit east of her, and he's also in a no evacuation zone, but the storm keeps moving west towards them.


    She had not wanted to go there, but I'm so glad she has. I did not like the idea of her being alone through this thing.


    I'm trying not to freak out, but it's not going well.


    I was at a high school football game tonight working the concessions (for baseball) the whole time I was worried about her driving to my BIL's and then I found out that my grandmother in NJ is having kidney failure.  


    I'm feeling stretched in many directions and very stressed out.  I'm currently enjoying a vodka with cranberry juice and trying to calm down a little. 

    • Like 2
  13. I love my Roomba.  I have the 960 (?) model, not the top one, but the one that is one step below. 


    I have mid-pile carpet in my bedrooms, 2 area rugs in my great room (one thick, the other thin), with vinyl plank flooring.  


    It is one of those, "it changed my life" items. I run it 3 or more times a week in my great room and it takes care of all of the dog hair.


    I used to vaccuum once a week, so since I am vaccuming more often is so much cleaner.  i also love that it does under my bed, as well as under my dining room hutch. The only negative is that it doesn't do the steps.  


    If this thing died, I would get another one tomorrow.  Now if I could get a robot to dust.:D


  14. Hugs, mama. I have to think that it's worse having one of your children in the storm and not being able to help than you actually being in the storm.


    You and your daughter should watch Denis Phillips (you can check out his facebook page - it's public so you can see it even if you don't have FB). He's the meteorologist for the ABC station in Tampa Bay and he's the best resource (IMO) for updates. We lived in Clearwater in 2004 and 2005 when the season was very active and I really appreciated his calm, non-alarmist reporting. He has a rule #7 that says: Don't freak out. If I'm not freaking out, you don't freak out. Maybe watching him will calm your nerves a little bit. I still watch him online and I'm in the Panhandle. I can't do any other weather reports or it makes me anxious.



    Ive been watching Denis and he has been great. I wish all reporters were like him. He's rational and has been doing a great job at explaining everything.  She's based her decision on his reporting. 


    I believe she will be ok, but I'm still freaking out.

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  15. My mom is in Pinellas and zone A so she is getting ready to go. Luckily her DH was able to get a flight back tonight. The bad news is, he couldn't get gas for his car before he flew out so he is hoping he will find some tonight when he gets back. He has to go from the airport, home, then back to the airport (as they are staying at the airport).


    I do have to say though that my mom got paid a week early at her job. They were fearing the people at this huge company would need the money. So yay them! Nice to hear about a company doing the right thing for a change!





    My dd is in Clearwater, but zone E. She just moved into her apartment last weekend.  I'm really worried about her.  My BIL with his wife and kids, left for TN.  My MIL is in New Port Richie.  She will be working during the storm (she's a nurse).


    I know my dd is worried. The news reports are a bit nuts.  She's worried about her car, and about how long the power could be out.  Orginally she was going to go to a friend's in SC, but now the storm is heading there too.  She was afraid she'd get stuck up north and not be able to get back if she needed to get back to work (she's a school teacher).


    She has water, she has food, she has her cat.  She's so far away and I'm freaking out. (We're in TX now)


    If they do have to evacuate she'll have a hard time getting out. The roads are nuts. 

  16. I'm currently taking 3 classes at my local community college.  I took 2 classes this summer, 1 at a time, during their 2, five week summer intensives.  Before that, it had been over 24 years since I had taken a class.


    It was a bit overwhelming.  I had forgotten how much I hate to study and how nerve wracking tests are.  But you know what? I did fine.  I got A's in both summer classes (which was A&P, 1 and 2)


    While I did fine, and I am doing more, I don't know how motivated I'd be without an end game.  I am taking these classes as prereq's for the OTA program I want to apply for in a couple of months.  


    School is a lot of work, and I have 3 boys all in school right now that need help with their school work as well. I am tired. :)


    But If you really wanted to take the class, then go for it.  Taking it may spark another interest or new direction for you.  If you had the money set aside, then just do it and see how it goes.  


    1 class is not like taking 5.  And while it's a little bit of money, it's not a huge amount.  See where it takes you.  Something sparked your desire to do it, so see where it leads.


    Good luck, no matter what you decide.



    • Like 1
  17. Those WeatherTech mats are worth every penny.



    We also have seats covers from walmart.  They were like $17 online.  They are marketed towards athletes, they are a towel with a waterproof backing.  I only use it for after hot yoga, but they are nice if you are active or even for bad weather (such as winter snow and ice)


    I like the fitted sheet idea, I might use 2 just to keep it clean.

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  18. 1 piece of advice that I just learned from a friend:


    Make sure all personal information is kept secure.  ID's should be in a locked safe, bills kept away or all switched to online, checkbooks and banking information locked away, etc....


    You may be having different people in the home for help, from cleaning services to any home heath care.  Identity theft is a real concern.  

    • Like 11
  19. Have you seen Kimmy Shmidt? There's a lady in it that doesn't want her neighborhood to get cleaned up :)


    Fwiw, the CVS of today is just another empty building in thirty, fifty, whatever years, so it's not unilaterally better than an empty lot, no.


    I'm always ALWAYS in favor of better public transportation everywhere.



    I love that show, and the way they have been able to poke fun at these issues has been the best.  My dh and I love to joke about FioS :D


    We are having similar issues in this town.  Things are improving and taxes are increasing, so people are really angry.  Somehow, vacant drug invested lots are better than new stores or restaurants.  I don't get it. 


    An abandoned diner was bought and being renovated and you would think someone was building a nuclear facility in the center of town.  Unreal. We lived, for a long time, in a dead town, with no businesses except schools and hospital.  Growth is better than dying.


    But really, whenever I hear someone complain about the changes going on, I hear it in Carol Kane's voice.  :lol:

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  20. I'm hoping Nardole will be back. I liked him and think it'd be good to have at least some consistency from previous seasons. 


    I also hope Missy isn't really dead.



    I hope the Doctor goes back for him.  And my theory, about Missy, is that she knew he would do that so she messed with the settings and she's fine. :)  She was an excellent Master and she and John Simm were so fun together. 

    • Like 1
  21. So far I've seen on the internet:


    She's too female

    She's too blonde

    She's too young

    She's too pretty

    She's too white


    Oh and she's doesn't have red hair.



    I don't like her blonde either, but that's because I'm used to seeing her with dark hair on Broadchurch, so it's a bit jarring.  

    • Like 1
  22. It's sad that so many of you never even met Bill. Clara was the worst, but I really liked Bill.



    Loved Bill.  I'm really sad she won't be back (though I guess she could, now that the Doctor's a woman. :D) The actress, Pearl Mackie, did such a terrific job. I rank her right after Donna Noble as far as companions go.  I also loved Nardole, Matt Lucas.  He was so fun. 


    I thought Capaldi was amazing, and I'll miss him.


    i don't mind the Doctor being a woman, and I think she could be interesting, though if they were taking someone from Broadchurch I would have preferred Oliva Coleman, who I can already picture as the Doctor.


    I will give Jodi Whittaker a chance.  I hope the new showrunner does the series justice. 

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