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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. I'm going to do a quick jump into this thread. :)  I've not been reading much because I've been so busy as well as super stressed, making it hard to focus on a book. But 2 weeks ago I found myself stuck at Costco for over 3 hrs for new tires.  I had forgotten to grab my Kindle so I walked over to the book section.  I found Judy Blume's In the Unlikely Event .  Seeing Blume's name on the book gave me all the feels (sorry, cheesy expression, I know, but it was exactly how I felt), so I bought the book. I read a third of it while waiting, then finished it later that week.


    I enjoyed the book immensely.  I was pulled right in, felt like I was there, in the early 50's in Jersey.  I loved the characters and could relate to so much.  I also loved the ending.  The modern thing is to not have a full epilogue, but she had a complete one.  It was a very satisfying read.


    It felt good to get lost in a book. I could use another, fun, light read. I may have to go looking for one.  My normal books are dark or deep or both, but right now I need some good fluff.      

    • Like 18
  2. The sweat pants at Gap are longer than Targets.  I bought a pair for my 6'3" son, and they aren't too bad.  You can get longer inseams online for Old Navy and Gap, but it's limited when it comes to Athletic wear.  


    But I think your best bet will be LL Bean or Land's End.  You can get comfort waist clothing with longer inseams.  It is difficult to get the waist, but he can wear a belt.  

    • Like 1
  3. This is a slight off topic, but assuming those forms had his social security number on them I would really want to know what happened to them. The manager obviously doesn't seem to have received them. You might run a credit report here in a month or two.



    So this sort of happened to my son. He did get the job, but they lost all of the original forms and he had to do it all over again. 


    I am not a helicopter parent, and I know that I should not get involved in my kids jobs, but losing info with my son's SS number on it made me concerned.  I went in and talked with the manager, who assured me that no one else could have got them.  I'm not so convinced, but I do know that he (the manger) was disorganized and could have misfiled them or tossed them.  I still plan on keeping a watch on my son's credit just to make sure.


    I would be concerned  that something fishy was going on.  Go check on it.  Go with your son and make sure there is a clear conversation with the manager or whoever is in charge of payroll/hiring.  

  4. Today was a morning run, 4.5 miles.  I ate to much junk food last night and I felt it this morning.:D


    I came home and did 60 snatches, and then 19 incline push-ups.  I work on the pull ups later today.


    You'all are very inspiring with your upper body work. I have always had toothpick arms, and upper body is really hard more me.  

    • Like 3
  5. Sorry to read about your troubles :( Hopefully your daughter finds a job soon.


    What pull-up program are you doing? I've been working on them for Silks but could use some focus. I had hoped to have one nailed by my b-day(I've got 7 wks to go :) ).



    I'm using Lauren Brooks' Pull up guide for Women


    I did the 4 week pre- pull up section, now it's an 8 week program that focuses on progressions.


    Some of the stress is troubles, some is possible changes in our lives........

    • Like 2
  6. Hi everyone!  I've been MIA, but that's because I've been super busy as well as super stressed.


    My oldest graduated from college.  She's currently hoping to find a job in her field, which is music education.  She's willing to move, but it will not be easy.  We haven't started exploring what to do if that doesn't happen, because I know she'll get discouraged.  Hopefully, she knows something my the end of June.  If she knows nothing by then, she will have to explore other options.


    We also have a lot going on that I wish I could share online. I could use some advice and just the chance to vent, but I can't. :(  Maybe soon.


    Anyway, I've been doing well being consistent with my running.  Today was a fairly horrible run.  I couldn't run in the morning because of a thunder storm, but I was so stressed out.  I got some paperwork done then ate lunch.  I then went running about 90 minutes after lunch.  I felt sick from lunch, it was hot, and my body felt as if I was going to have a panic attack.  I kept going for 3.5 miles.  It felt awful the entire time.  But then I went home, and after stretching I felt much better. Running really is great therapy. 


    I'm also working on upper body doing a push-up challenge, snatches, and a pull-up guide (which is an 8 week program to get you to a pull up).  Today was 16 push-ups on a high incline, 50 snatches with my 12kg bell, and 3 sets of 3 pull ups using the purple band.  


    I've missed everyone, and enjoyed reading through everyone's posts.


    Slache, I recently purchased a WOSS trainer and I'm happy with it.  I can't compare it to a TRX because I've never used one.  The WOSS is working great on my closet door.  

    • Like 3
  7. I know it's super silly. I am just coming off of a--literally--100 hour work week and would have loved an afternoon to just chill by myself.

    Also I may have point blank said that since he uses Father's Day as an excuse to buy himself new tools, he needed to go out and buy me a one-cup, less expensive Keurig. I even pointed out the $80 on Amazon.



    Ok. It is silly. I know. It's been a rough year and I really wanted one afternoon.





    Buy yourself the Keurig.  He buys himself tools?? Then you can treat yourself as well.

    • Like 10
  8. My dd's feet are like this, and it's even worse for girls. :(


    For boys, New Balance or Brooks, you can get XXW. (4E).  They have been great for my son.  Dress shoes are a nightmare, mostly because I don't want to pay $$$ for shoes when I know his feet aren't done growing.  But you can get shoes on Zappos that are 4E as well.  Search by size not style.  



  9. To actually swim laps, I mean, not lounge about.  I keep telling myself to just suck it up and buy a suit with shorts and even if they're too short, why do I care if people see my legs?  Well, I hate them.  They are hideous.  Gross.  And I don't have a bad self-image, I don't think, they are just a hereditary unattractive thing I have to live with.  So, I feel more comfortable overall, even though my legs will be underwater (hello, water is CLEAR?!!) if they are covered.  Skirts float about and don't cover anything.


    What do you suggest?  Links to some choices are a great thing!  Thank you!



    I have bad legs, very knobby knees that turn in, overall a bad shape, but really, I don't care what people think.  When I swam laps I just wore one of my dd's old lap suits.


    But a friend of mine did like to cover more, and she wore men's jammers with her lap suit.  They don't cover your knees but they come down to just above the knee.  They cover and are comfortable for swimming laps. 


    They also sell women's suits that are long, but they are for racing, and the material would not hold up well for everyday use. The Speedo one is on sale, but again, I don't think they would be good for everyday use. They stretch out quickly and wear out fast.



    Good luck. 

  10. We have had a lot of Dells in the past and they were ok.  The reason I didn't go to Dell this time around is that there are rumors (negative reviews) of issues around the $700-900 level, with (1) Dell drivers not working well with Windows 10 and (2) something about poor quality of the network cards.  Plus, I'm miffed that Dell is not supporting Windows 10 for our older machine that still has a lot of life (it was a very popular version).


    So, I'd research carefully.  Current offerings can change in a short amount of time so I recommend waiting as long as possible before actually buying a new non-apple laptop.  At some point, you just need to jump, but if it isn't needed until late summer, I'd try to wait because new stuff seems to come out around back-to-school.  Maybe Dell will fix their issues.  Bumping up to the XPS line, it would have cost more to get the same configuration as what I got on the Samsung.  Ds13 really wanted to get the pro version of the Samsung (has an Nvidia graphics card) but I didn't think it was necessary and that one was much heavier.


    I would also suggest getting one with a SSD rather than a spinning hard drive - faster and quieter.  They are much more widely available than even a year ago.  (All the newer MacBooks are SSD, solid state drive aka flash storage)


    I kind of wanted to get the 13" Samsung - it's only 1.9 lbs.  There are some minor differences between the 13 and 15" models.


    ETA, in hunting down reviews, besides CNET, I liked this site in particular:  http://www.mobiletechreview.com/notebook.htm, especially the one that compares Samsung Notebook 9 to Dell XPS



    Thank-you! That is really helpful.  We had been looking at the XPS, so I will look more closely at the Samsung line.

  11. I vote for the Pro.  FWIW, I bought mine over a year ago at a black friday sale at Best Buy and the new version with virtually the same configuration still isn't any cheaper than I paid, even when it's on sale (sale price at Best Buy seems to happen once every few weeks).  I love the Retina display.  I have i5, 8 gb RAM, 256 gb SSD.


    I would prefer to confirm with her that Apple is the best choice for her before buying.  What bugs me about Apple is that it's so difficult to get a better configuration without spending a *ton* more.


    I recently bought a new family computer (mostly for my dd15's photography) and I couldn't bear to pay quite up to the Macbook price, yet I was looking for the build quality of my Pro.  I ended up ordering this new Samsung 15", skylake i7, 8 gb RAM, 256 gb SSD, windows 10.  It's super lightweight (2.84 lbs) and the screen is lovely.  We have only had it a few days so I can't comment on durability yet.


    ETA, I would also have her research the specific music apps she will need and verify system requirements for those (i.e., google what others have found works best for those apps).


    Also, FWIW, for my most recent purchase, I ruled out the regular Macbook (not air, not pro) because I wanted a better chip.  IIRC, the MacBooks have an M chip, which I had read a few negative things about someplace.  The Airs also had a configuration on the slow side, something less than 2 GHz.



    Yes, it needs to be Apple. I'm going to be watching prices for the next couple of weeks (for the Pro, I'm fairly convinced now that I want that one).  They also go on sale on an ebay store.  I missed a good deal 2 weeks ago because I wasn't ready to think about it.  Maybe I'll see it again. 


    I'm also frustrated by Apple's stinginess, which is why we never get them.  And my 2nd dd (18) who loves her Apple phone, refuses to use a Mac.  She wants a new laptop too (she's graduating from high school).  I like the Samsung that you linked. I've been looking at a Dell for her. 

  12. I would just ask her which one she wants…..that way she can research and decided for herself what she wants.  



    My oldest child is the most computer illiterate person I know.  She's even a bit computer phobic. She uses them because she needs them.  


    she knows she needs it for school.  Every school that she has been in, the teacher has needed Apple, even if it's just to hook with the Smart boards.  And she's music, so she will need to use Finale and Smart Music.


    I'm leaning towards to Pro. 

  13. My oldest dd graduates from college in a few weeks.  She is a Music Ed major (Just passed her Praxis 3 exam!! :) )  We wanted to get her an Apple computer as a graduation present.  She has a laptop, but it's not an Apple, and the school systems use Apple.


    Anyway, we thought it would be a nice gift.  Which one do I want, the Macbook, the Air or the Pro?  I'm a bit confused about which would be best in the long run.


    I've kind of ruled out the Air, but really, I'm unsure.  


    We are not an Apple family and their stuff just confuses me. :D  

    • Like 1
  14. This is a big MAYBE situation, but I like to think through everything.


    I can't share details, but I'm wondering if anyone here has put their always been homeschooled son or daughter in a public high school for the last 2 years.


    How did it go?  Did your child adjust?  


    I'm not asking about transferring credits.  I wouldn't do it if I couldn't transfer all of his classes, the issue I'm looking at is social and adjustment to the school setting.  



    • Like 1
  15. Tuesday was 90 minutes of yoga


    Today I ran  4 miles then did single leg deadlifts, presses, and one arm rows.  I also did some core work on my new suspension trainer. :D I caved and bought it and the pull-up program, which I plan to start next week.


    I currently can do about 5 to 7 chin ups with the assistance  green band.  If I can make and progress I'll be thrilled.  

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  16. I just got back from walking 60 minutes at the gym, then doing some weight stuff for my arms. I intended to restart Couch25k as a way to lose some weight and help tone up a bit, but shortly into my first run, my right knee reminded me why I have not kept up with running. So, I walked at a brisk pace with a decent incline for 60 minutes instead.


    I will do some rowing at home later tonight after the kids go to bed.



    Sorry about your knee.  :(

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