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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. Exercise class last night, determined to try drop-in yoga class tonight.


    I've been taking Saturdays and Tuesdays off, but I'm not totally satisfied with 5x week. Last week I exercised twice on Wednesday (video in the morning, class in the evening) which I guess could count as 6x? I was curious what everyone else here does.



    My weeks vary.  I usually do 6x's a week, but Monday's are often a two a day with running in the morning and a yoga class in the evening.  Lately I've also been doing yoga on my rest day too.  I don't always, it depends on how I feel.  But yoga days are very flexible.  If I have the energy I go harder, like Ashtanga, if not I do something that just focuses on flexibility, so it's more like a rest day.  And if need be I just do some Yin yoga, very gentle and restful.  

    • Like 2
  2. I was an avid ND fan as a kid, and my oldest dd was the same.  I would have no issue with ND being black, Asian, or Latino.  She would have to be American, and she should be in her late teens, maybe early 20's.  Being in her 30's ruins it.  The book was about an independent young girl who had a knack for finding and solving mysteries and she had a supportive dad.


    FWIW, I would have no issue with Hermione being black either, as long as she was British.  There are a few characters in HP that it would have seemed odd, like Ron.



    Back to ND, when I had first started watching Castle I noticed that they were shooting for a slight ND feel, but in reverse, sort of.  He's a single dad with a independent and smart teenage daughter (and she has red hair!), and Kate (whose hair has become more reddish) also just as a father, her mother's murder being one of her motivations to be a detective. But true to Hollywood form, it has to be about the guy and not the girls.  I do love Nathan Fillion, but I felt a bit cheated on the premise of the show. 



    • Like 2
  3. I think that's a good plan.  Do a chore, then have a nice hot cop of tea by the fire while reading a good book.  


    Right now I'm cold. My heater is not working and the temps are plunging in my downstairs (we have a separate unit for the upstairs).  My dd has taken all of the blankets and is piled under them.  I can't focus to do anything.  I just want the heat back. 


    Enjoy your book. :)

    • Like 1
  4. I re-read most of P.D. James when she died in 2014.  She's one of my favotite mystery novelists.  It might not be the thing to say, but I think especially in her later career, she was much better than Agatha Christie.


    ETA - I gave up reading Atwood some years ago, because I always wished the main characters would just die.


    Yes, that is the pattern I'm sensing too. I'm not ready to give up yet, but this will probably be the last book I read by her. 

    • Like 7
  5. They are not worth the space, IMO.  We have a large garden, but for the work and space, they are not worth it.


    I would stick with what you know will grow well and can eat and store.  One of our favorites is peppers.  We grow red and yellow peppers and cut and freeze them by the bag.  They usually last me through the winter.  I love being able to add peppers to my dishes.  They are easy to grow, cheap to store (if you have the freezer space) but they are an item that cost a lot off season.



  6. On Sunday I did a 90 minute Ashtanga practice, full Primary.  it always feels so good.


    Today I ran 4.5 miles on the treadmill (11 degrees outside!) then did 3 set of squats, lunges and push-ups, followed by a very modified half-Primary.  


    Hope everyone is staying warm!  

    • Like 2
  7. I'm about 30% into Crake and Oryx by Margaret Atwood.  The story is good, but I don't care about the main character.  I'll keep going, but it's hard, the Abercrombie book I was waiting on came in from the library and now I want to read it.  I know it will go fast and I like the story, and I feel invested in the character.


    Someone mentioned PD James.  She has been on my to-read list forever.  Next time I want a mystery I need to check her out.  


    And I'm just going to mention, that I like Hemingway too.  I didn't read any of his works as a kid. I only got to it a few years back, and I was so impressed by the power of each sentence.  Each word was so carefully chosen to convey his story.  Loved it.  But I get so excited by good writing. :)

    • Like 12
  8. Well, we just all went out for a spontaneous second viewing of Force Awakens.  No time for books, but  (no real spoilers):




    1.  Still no idea who are Rey's parents, and


    2.  Still no idea how Maz got Luke's saber, but


    3.  Tell me Finn doesn't have Force.  Go ahead, make my day, try.


    That's all I've got.



    I'm just going to say that I really loved Finn. John Boyega did an excellent job.  His facial expressions were spot on.  Not going to argue if he had the Force or not......but I am looking forward to seeing more of him. :)

    • Like 9
  9. And now that I'm messing around with my app, it does have a Pantry.  It's a set list (that you can add or subtract from) and you can direct which store you want it to add to (and it can be changed) you can also copy items to multiple stores, and then when you check it off the list it will ask if you want to erase it from the other list too.  It's a solid app.  I've been trying to be better about putting prices in.  Oh, and there's a compare feature so that you can compare items, so I can compare a Kroger brand item, say Kroger pasta sauce, to another brand.  


    I've only used the picture feature around 3 or 4 times, but it is nice.  

  10. I think Neil Gaiman is a great suggestion.  I loved listening to A Tale for Time Beings, by Ruth Ozeki, but I think it's longer than 8 hrs.  A collection of short stories would be good. I liked Trigger Warnings, but also good was Vampires in the Lemon Grove, by Karen Russell.  Maybe Neil Gaiman's (and Terry Pratchett) Good Omens.  I think it was on the shorter side.  His Graveyard book is shorter as well since it's for kids, but it's still a great book to listen to.


    Hope you find something fun! Enjoy.

    • Like 1
  11. Tai Cheng 2/90





    Not you though, right? ;)



    :lol: I had looked at something like that a few years ago, but it was a full length mat, supposed to be like being on a bed of nails (??I think that was the ad) It was in Yoga Journal.  I never thought about one for back issues.  My dh and my girls have super tight back/neck/shoulders.  I'm always looking for stuff to help their sleeping.  All 3 have special pillows. My oldest dd has a foam topper for her mattress.  

  12. 3 miles on the treadmill today.  I was so tired.  My dh was on call last night and that phone rang every hour.  I tried to just run on the treadmill, and I had planned 6 miles, but my body was not up for it so I stopped after 3.  I'm trying to be happy that I ran, but I'm disappointed that I didn't hit my goal.  

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  13. Monday: hour on the bike

    Tuesday: Strength training

    Wednesday: swimming with the kids doesn't really count as exercise, but I just couldn't find time to do anything else.

    Thursday: hour on the bike, push ups, jump squats

    Friday: 45 minutes on the bike. The day isn't over, so I'm still planning some strength training



    I think swimming with the kids totally counts.


    Good work all week!

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