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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. My dd22 loves hers.  She had always had a terrible time shaving.  The girl was dangerous with that blade. So when she had read about epilators she wanted one.  I had gotten one as well.  It takes some getting use to, and it does hurt quite a bit the first time. But you do get use to it.  I don't use it much, because it takes so long.  I'd rather just shave, but it does last longer and when your hair grows back it's smooth, not rough.


    She only tried it underarm once. It made her feel as if she'd pass out from the pain so she didn't do that again.

  2. My dh and I were high school sweet hearts.  We met and starting dating at 16.  We didn't get married until we finished college, so I guess we waited.  I don't know if that's considered young.   We married a month after we finished school (my poor mom). 


    We've been married for 24 years.  I don't wish we would have waited.  We've been through a lot and grown together. 

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  3. Since we are getting ready to move, I have been doing a lot of sorting. I've thrown out somewhere close to 20 contractor bags of stuff.  I've taken car loads to Goodwill.  I have taken cases of books to a used book store.  We have also taken 4 pickup truck loads to the dump, with at least one more to go.


    I am not someone who holds on to stuff, but clearly with 5 kids and staying put for 14 years we have accumulated stuff we don't need.  Right now I am vowing never to do that again. :)  


    I'm not one for extra or pretty things.  I have never bought a knick-knack, but we have been given a few.  I'm starting to warm up to the idea of making things look nice, but it's hard.  I'd rather have less.


    While purging, I did find some plates that had been my dh's grandmothers.  I'm not tossing them, but I will use them as wall decorations in my next house.  They are pretty and should look nice.  



  4. I wouldn't recommend online charter if you are in a difficult place emotionally.  The families I know who tried it with younger kids almost unanimously felt it was more work than just homeschooling on their own.  Tons of paper work and hoop jumping and you had to be at it so many hours a day.  Parents need to be VERY involved. I think a 5 and 7 year old could be absolutely fine with a few workbooks and an enriched, hands on environment.


    I kind of remember you posting about this before.  You can't drive to another district?  We have the option to open enroll into other districts here and many people do just that.  I will also say, I know families who have their kids in crappy urban schools and are involved, engaged parents and their kids are doing great.  I actually have one friend who found the teachers at those schools were more willing to engage and accelerate ahead kids than some of the more difficult to get into schools.


    Gently, as someone who struggled with depression and anxiety, just drop it totally if you need to.  Focus on healing you (connecting with appropriate docs and therapists) and connecting with your kids.  It really would be ok.  You kids are very little.  You could make a decision to do absolutely nothing through the holidays and re-evaluate.  Everything is 100X harder with a cloud of depression over you.


    And who knows, you may get called off the waiting list.  Sometimes spots open up mid year. 



    The cost to put your child in a better public school is a lot less than private school.  But I know not all areas allow that.  Ours does, and I know the cost is around $2500.  


    Maybe that could be an option. My other thought is put your kids in the public school and stay on the waiting list for the charter.  Maybe next year they could get in.  One year in the local public school will be ok.  



  5. You might ask the vet if you can give her dramamine (over the counter) or doggie valium or whatever they prescribe for anxiety.


    Many years ago, we gave our dog dramamine for a cross-country drive, and she slept the entire trip.



    I have been planning to give him something.  The vet told me to drop by before we go and he'll give me some pills to give him so he sleeps.

  6. I wouldn't put him down. If it were me, I would be holding him in my lap as my husband drove. If you both will be driving in separate cars, have one of your kids hold him or ait next to him and put him on a pillow. There are calming herbs which may help him.


    I know this sounds crazy but the week at friends? I would put him in a doggy stroller and keep him close by for his comfort. I do this for my blind dog.


    He is following you around and barking when you walk out of the room because, IMO, he knows his tume is running out, or somethibg is up, and he needs you by for security. I have had this happen with many dogs. I hope after the week at the friends you can give him a fairly calm and quiet space.


    I do believe you will know when it is time. It doesn't sound like ut is right now. What arenyou giving him for the arthritis and pain?



    We're staying at our friend's, so he will be with us. I'm not leaving him there.    

  7. We have a 14 year old beagle. We love this dog.  He is a member of our family. 


    We are moving in a few weeks.  It will be 2 days of driving, a week staying at a friends, then will be at our new home.


    I'm worried about my dog.


    I worried because he is clearly failing in his health.  His left hind leg is weak. He can still get up on it and can walk, just not in a straight line, and he takes rest breaks to get across our house. 


    His breathing is shallow, and at times he pants a lot (not because of heat). I know he's uncomfortable and in pain from arthritis. I give him something for it, but it doesn't seem to help much.


    He's getting a bit paranoid (???) IF he happens to hear the mailman come to the door he goes nuts. Barking like crazy and we are unable to calm him down.  He also follows me around like a toddler (he's even been waiting for me outside of the bathroom!). He never did this before.  At times he barks at me for leaving the room. 


    I took him to the vet this past week.  On Thursday he seemed like he was in so much discomfort in the morning, that I called the vet and took him in.  The vet just said that he is old.


    2 months ago he had a seizure. I saw it happen outside, right at our back door.  He has not had another one, not that anyone has seen.  But at times, while sleeping, he trembles and shakes a lot.  


    I've debated having him put down.  My kids will be devastated (so will I) which will be compounded by the fact that we are moving.


    I worried that the stress of the move will kill him anyway.


    I can't decide.  He still enjoys being with the family.  He still gets around fine.  He has no bathroom problems.  


    How/When you you decide that it's time if there is no clear cut issue?  I mean, if he couldn't get up on his own, or started not being able to make it outside then it would be easy.


    Help me think through this.  This is so difficult.  I truly love this dog. On Thursday I couldn't stop crying because I thought he was really done.  He perked up by the end of the day and has been sort of ok since. 



  8. For us, it varies depending on the season.


    Water is somewhere around $150 a month (water and sewage)


    We use around 2 1/2 propane tanks a year, at about $800 to $900 a fill.


    Electric, during the summer I think it runs close to $400, last month it went over that.


    Cell phones,  a lot. We currently have 4 lines, though my oldest pays us for her line, and my dd18 is going to start paying, but we are also going to be adding 2 more lines.  


    I think trash is $12 a month.  


    Internet is $60, but it just bumped up and I can't remember to what.  We have ATT U verse


    We have Direct tv, It is also around $90 a month.


    When we move we will save a ton on utilities, but property taxes are way higher, so it will come out even.   

  9. I guess I'll post the place. We're heading to Waco.  :)  I know it's not a huge city, but it's huge to us. We're currently living in a town of 2,500 people so it will be a big change for us all.  I'm so excited to live near stuff.  It can be hard to appreciate the ability to be able to get to anything in less than an hours time.  We do have a Walmart 20 minutes from us, but now we will have so many stores.  And a church. And schools. And a movie theater. And a car mechanic. And people. 



    • Like 9
  10. Perky bunch, thank you. I've been in a slight panic all afternoon as I started thinking that it was going to be a problem. I'm really hoping that since I can give a school and and address to send for his records that it will be easier. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and praying.

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  11. Does the 16 year old have to go to public school? Texas is very strict about making homeschoolers start in ninth grade.





    I'm hoping it's not an issue.  We used an umbrella school in TN so he will have a transcript with the name of the school on it.  It's a real school, with an umbrella program, but the transcript just has the school name. There is also a school counselor to contact, not my name.


    I don't know what I'll do if they figure it out and reject him.  I will cry for a long time and go into a hot panic, that's what I'll do. 

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  12. It's been a crazy summer.  My dh took a new job, a kind of change in direction career wise.  The job is in Texas.  This is a huge move for our family.  We are not from Texas and have one friend (whom he used to work with) in that town.  It's been a whirl wind of activity.  


    When we move we are putting the 3 boys in public school.  The youngest 2 went to a private school last year, but the oldest, ds16 has only been homeschooled, and done co-ops.  Because we want to get them in school, we needed to quickly find a home and move me and the boys down there, and dh will join us a little over a month later. 


    It's been really, really nuts.  We flew down and spent 2 days looking at houses.  The housing market there is a bit hot and there was very little to see.  While we were on the plane 2 of the houses (out of 7!) on our list went under contract.  We ended up putting a contract on a new place, though I feel we didn't get the best deal we could have because of our time constraints. Working out deals during lay overs is nuts.  I never want to do that again.  


    We've been in our current house for 14 years, and in this area of the country for 20 years.  It's been  hard to be here (we are not from this area) but there has been good here and it will be a little sad to leave.


    Right now I'm trying to start packing.  We have the money to pay for movers, but the more I do, the more we save.  I've thrown out so much stuff.  I'm tossing, selling, and donating what feels like is half our house (it's not, but boy, so much stuff).


    Today I started packing books.  I had been thinning out our books for the last year, and even took 4 canvas bags filled to the used bookstore last week.  But still, as I packed I thought I should have sold more of them.  Even with some of my most loved books, I know I will never read them again, and I'm going to pay good money to ship them half way across the country to sit on a shelf.  


    As I look around my house, I realize that there is so much more stuff to sort through and pack.  We are a family of 7, so we have a lot.


    Other big news is that my oldest, who graduated college in May, got her first job in NC.  She's going to be an elementary school music teacher and she is so excited. We wanted that job in that place with all of her heart.  She even had a chance at a job in FL right near family and turned it down.  I would have liked her near family, but I'm glad she's getting what she wanted. Right now, all of her stuff is in my house too.  She is taking the kitchen table and chairs, her bed, dresser and desk, and a large leather chair from my living room.  She also has a wall of boxes filled with kitchen supplies all waiting to somehow (we haven't figured it all out) be moved around the same time we are trying to move.


    My second dd starts college this fall.  She had planned to go to a school not too far from home, though she's living on campus. Now her school will be a plane ride away instead of just an hour a way.  I know she's a bit scared, but she's trying not to let on. I'm worried about her.  It's a good school, where she wanted to be, and she long time teacher she knows is there.  But this dd has struggled with so many things.  The last 5 years have been hard for her(we've been here for 14, but some changes 5 years ago made it even harder).  We currently live in a very isolated place and she did not do well here.  It was a bad fit for my girl and I'm sure she's a bit miffed that now that she's heading to school we're finally leaving this place.


    This has been a hard place to be.  My dh loved this job but it's always been a huge sacrifice to be here.  We are far from family, there is nothing here, and I hate to say this, but the pay was not great either.  


    I know the boys are going to have a rough transition to public school.  So am I. I looked over the class selections and was so overwhelmed I wanted to cry. I can't talk to anyone at the school yet because they are off contract and I've been told they work best when you are there in person. We can't get there until maybe a few days before school starts, so all of that just adds to our chaos.  


    I wanted to share the news here.  I know I've been AWOL. I don't post much, but have been on these boards for over 15 years.  I really wanted to come on here and vent about a lot of stuff in the past couple of months but I knew I couldn't say it all on a public forum. :)  It was tempting.  So much has been going on and I haven't even been able to share it with people I know IRL (at least not those around me).  


    I am a mess of emotions right now and can't figure out how to get everything done.  I used up all of the boxes I had today so I knew I had time to get on here and share. 


    I will try and share little updates as it goes along.  This is going to be such a huge transition, which includes the end of my homeschooling.  I've homeschooled for 17 years, and to say I've burned out is an understatement.  But there was good too, and my kids did do well academically.  I know a lot of people worry about their kids and academics when you homeschool, but that part is almost (almost!!) easy.  Life is much harder.  :tongue_smilie:





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  13. Hi!


    My oldest just finished college and landed a teaching position in NC.


    My second dd starts college this fall.


    I had put my 2 youngest boys in school last year.  My ds16 will probably be heading to public high school this year.


    I'm hoping to start working part time to help out with college costs. :)  



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