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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. I'm unsure what's available on Amazon Prime.  Doctor Who is great.  Start with Season 1 if you can.  You can pick up anywhere, but a few things make more sense if you start at the beginning, plus those are some of the best episodes. 


    Others shows......BBC's Primeval (very corny, but my dd loved it), Scify's Eureka and Warehouse 13.


    I can't think of anything else right now.  I'll have to ask my dd.  She loved Robin Hood, and she watches the most tv out of everyone in our household. 

    • Like 3
  2. I spent the day purging my 2 younger boys room.  I threw out 6 bags of stuff.  Their room is so clean.  Doing that makes me want to toss a lot of the books even more.  I believe I may shoot for getting rid of one bookcase.  We'll see.  I won't get rid of any of the kids favorite books, or ones I know they'll be reading for school, but overwise I think I may purge without mercy.  


    It will all go in cloth bags and sit in my house for another month, since that's how long it will be till I will get to the used book store in the city to sell them. If I have regrets it will be easy to rectify for a little while. 

  3. I have 8 bookshelves full of books (and that's not counting the books in the kids rooms.  They have their own shelves).  Some of these books are school text books, or books needed for school.  I will slowly get rid of them as my youngest gets older.  But I still have a lot of books.  I know I will not read most of those books again.  I do love books, so I've always held onto them.  I have done small purges in the past, but still, I have so many books.  While the books take up space, they also collect a lot of dust.  The shelves get cowbebs behind them, and the thought that someday I may have to move them all overwhelmes me.


    We currently live in a old Victorian house.  My upstairs hallways are lined with bookshelves.  The hallways are wide, so it doesn't make it too narrow, but still, I do feel like it looks cluttered. 


    School is done for the summer, and I'm on a cleaning streak.  I wan't to toss everything not nailed down.  I have 5 kids, all of whom still live at home (though the oldest is hardly here.  She works at her college campus all summer, but her stuff is here).  My kids are not little and we do not have storage in this house.


    Anyway, keep or purge the books?  I attempted to make a poll.  I'm unsure if it worked.   :)

  4. I've been away on a family vacation, which we got back from this weekend.  I didn't do much reading.  I think I'm going to shelve The Devil in the White City for now.  It's well written, and intriguing, but just not grabbing me.  The Water Knife, by Paolo Bacigalupi arrived today and I'm looking forward to that.

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  5. We're back from our vacation.


    Soror, your trip sounds wonderful.  Mesa Verde is one of the most beautiful places.  Just the drive there was incredible. We did the Grand Canyon with a 2 year old on our backs (well, mostly my dh's back).  She loved the trip.  We didn't get snowed on, but it did get very cold as the sun started setting.  We went in November many, many years ago.  We've never made it to Zion park.  That is on our list to do one of these days.  


    Our trip was to Gatlinburg, TN.  We did 2 hikes with the kids at the Greenbriar area.  The first hike was 4m round trip, the 2nd hike was 8.  We went up to Ramsey's Cascade, which was a beautiful waterfall.  The last 3/4 of a mile was very strenuous.  My dd17 had a hard time thanks to her asthma (exercise induced) and the fact that she is currently way out of shape.  My ds10 also struggled, but he was so proud of himself later that he found it worth it. :)  


    We also did white water rafting for the first time.  It was a blast.  It was Class 2 to 4 rapids and we had an excellent guide.  


    We got back home and then my dh and I went for more hiking.  We went to the Big South Fork park.  We tried hiking along a trail that was shared with horses, but it was miserable.  Most of the trail (that we did) was deep sand.  It was hard to hike through.  And then we ran into 2 people on horses.  The woman yelled at us for being on the trail, saying horses can't handle hikers (something about the backpacks).  Her horse was spooked and it took her a bit to get him under control.  We stayed still and tried not to scare it more.  But after that I just wanted off that trail.  We turned off to a farm loop (an old homestead within the park) then drove to another part of the park to go see the Twin Arches.  Such a beautiful park of the park. 


    By yesterday I was wiped out from all of the hiking and my lower back has been bothering me.  I tried to go for a run this morning.  It starting raining by a half mile, but I may have kept at it except for my back hurting.  So I ran a mile and plan on yoga later.  

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  6. I owned Tsubos and Fluevogs and other moderately to very expensive heels and still, the toll to the calves and such?  Some feel nice for an hour or more.  But a whole day?  Still spelled pain, at least for me. Not comfortable compared to flats.  



    I didn't buy them, so I have no idea how they would feel after wearing them all day.  I do not wear heels.  I have always found them odd and dangerous (because they do cause damage to your body).  

  7. I live in my chaco's, running shoes, or merrel's (a slip on shoe).  I am not a heel person.  But for fun I tried on a pair of Tsubo's.  They were a high (at least 3", maybe more) heel.  They felt amazing.  Like, I could have done a jog through the store in them.  They also cost $180 I believe.  So apparently, if you pay enough, you can get heels that feel great. 

  8. 4 mile run again today.


    I've been home, with no need to travel far, for 2 days now.  It's wonderful. Yesterday I was mostly wiped out, but today I was able to clean my ovens (cleaning an oven while explaining math is a real skill :) ), go for a run, clean the upstairs bathroom, and do some push-ups and handstand work.  It's been over a month since I've done push-ups, and I'm back to square 1, but it felt so good to be able to do them.  The last month and a half has been nuts, but I'm seeing a faint light at the end of the tunnel.  Our summer schedule is also busy, but I think it won't be as bad as the last 6 weeks have been. 


    Snicker--I know it frustrating, but hang in there.  And you're not whining, you're venting to others who can understand.  There's a big difference. 

    • Like 4
  9. It was not silken. I do eat a lot of beans, often a cup at a shot, but I think it was just too much for my system.  It didn't occur to me that it could be an issue or I may have tried it with less.  Someday I may be brave enough to try again. :)  I have eaten tofu before.  I fry it for stir fry, and I've used it to make cheeseless lasagna (which came out really good).  It was just the first time I tried it that way.   

  10. I Heart Radio.  You can stream real radio stations or create your own like on Pandora.  They also have ads, so I'm unsure how she's going to avoid them without paying.  Of course, the real radio stations have regular radio station like ads on them.  I've only used the "create your own" function twice and I can't remember anything about the ads, or even if I heard any.  

  11. 4 mile run again today. I am hoping that I can practice yoga later, but my day is not going well.   


    Yesterday I got a new blender.  It was my Mother's day present.  It's an Oster Versa, professional series.  It looks so nice and I wanted to try it out, so I made myself a smoothie for dinner.  The blender came with a recipe book, and as I looked through there were recipes that used tofu as a base.  I had never thought of that and I had some tofu that had "expired" a few days ago so I wanted to use it.  The smoothie tasted great.  The blender worked very well.  It was quiet and quick.  But....I ended up ill all night.  I felt so sick.  I don't know if tofu was bad (tasted fine) or if it was just my reaction to raw tofu.  My stomach was still off this morning, making the run a bit difficult (and later than I planned).  It will be a very long time before I use tofu in a smoothie again. 

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  12. We do!  She was a stray that wouldn't leave our doorstep 2 winter's back.  I finally caved and said we could keep her, but she could not come in (and she really wanted too!)  I'm very allergic.  We had her fixed and got her shots.  We also got her a heated cat house that is on our covered back porch.  She is well loved and cared for.  Even during the winter my kids will go outside.  She just likes to be near us.  She doens't want a lot of petting or being held (unless we're sitting by a fire), but she loves to be around us.  She always greets us when we get home and sits by the pool with us all summer long.    

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  13. I forgot to post about my mom reading to me.  She didn't, not much anyway.  Some Dr. Seuss and early readers, but nothing beyond that.  My mom hates reading.  She thinks it's a waste of time, and books take up space and collect dust.   :ohmy:  :tongue_smilie:  But she did always encourage me to read. :)  My mom is an amazing person, but she is incapable of sitting still.  She always has to be busy doing something with her hands.  I got her a fitbit for Christmas.  We never left the house and she logged over 10,000 steps before dinner time.  

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  14. I just finished reading Kate Atkinson's Case Histories. It was a well written, engaging book. There were a few things I found odd in the end, but still, I enjoyed the mysteries.  I just put, One Good Turn on the wait list at the library.  It's the second book in the series.  I checked out Erik Larson's The Devil in the White City.  I was very interested in his latest book, but since I hadn't read anything by him before, I thought I would start by reading some of his older works from the library.  


    I have Kate Atkinson's book, Life After Life, on my Sansa Clip.  I had started it last summer, listening while I ran, but then I got injured and didn't run for a few months.  When I started back, I was inside on my treadmill, using my time to watch House of Cards. :)  I really want to read that book, but I'll have to restart it.  Maybe when my kids start swimming again.  I run slow and long on swim days, plenty of time to listen to a book.  Her sequel to it just came out, and it looks good too.  

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  15. :grouphug: It is so difficult.


    We'll be going through that again in another year.  We already know that she wants to go to a pricer school, and the problem is that this particular school has a lot more to offer in the way of educational help, which she's going to need.  It's so hard.  We sent our oldest to the school that cost 2,000 more than the state school because the piano teacher was a better fit (she's a music ed major).  


    Could you dd meet you half way?  Could she contribute something monthly towards the bill?  



  16. Hot yoga yesterday then a 4 mile run this morning.  I love this weather.  It was 60 this morning, but felt cool, not sticky or hot yet.  


    Reishy, enjoy having your dd home.  My dd21 is heading to Disney World with her roomate for a few days, then she'll be home, but not for long. She works at the college over the summer and lives there.  

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