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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. Wind in the Willows, Winnie the Pooh, Charlotte's Web (probably my favorite) and the entire Harry Potter series. It was so fun to listen to, and Jim Dale was such a great reader.  Tom Sawyer was also a good listen.  The kids got a better sense of the dialect and could understand better what was going on.  


    One book that I hated listening to, and would warn others about was 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.  It felt as if it would go on forever.  We all felt as if we were drowning.  Maybe that was the point. :lol:  

  2. Monday-5 mile run and some core work


    Tuesday- 60 minutes of yoga, then 4 sets of 10 push-ups, 5 pull-ups and 100 kettlebell swings.  I did the sets throughout the day, not all at once.  I felt good to swing the bell.  I haven't done that in a few weeks.


    Rieshy, I don't need much when it comes to support for bras, but my oldest dd has always loved Moving Comfort bras.  To get support without wires you are going to get a bit squished.  You may want to go to a running store and try some on. 

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  3. Starting a running program.  I am completely intimidated by those of you who are already in shape.


    I am committed to running a half marathon in November and am just starting out.  


    I plan to do 45 min. on the treadmill today with intervals to try to get up to a 4 mph walking pace......that is my first goal and it may take 2-3 weeks to get to where I can do that for more than a few min. at a time.


    I ordered a FitBit with HR (Charge HR) yesterday and will wait for that to come, although if you have any other monitoring device suggestions, I can still return this one.



    I've been running for over 7 years, but I still don't think I'm in "great" shape.  Right now, because I was working on coming back from an injury, I'm doing run/walk intervals again.  I run for 3 mins then walk for 1 min.  


    You can totally be ready for 13.1 miles by November.  Don't worry about speed, and don't worry about how often you have to walk.  Have fun.

    • Like 4
  4. We got the Sienna XLE. It has (fake) leather seats (and heated!), a blind spot monitor, rear camara, and all the other normal extras.  It doesn't have the navigation or DVD system (which I did not want).  I believe we got a fair price.  It was a couple thousand over what the LE would have cost, so it was hard to decide.  But it feels great to drive and I am happy with it.  I know I will have the whole guilt thing for a few weeks, but there is a small part of me that was happy that we could indulge a little.  If you knew me, that's real growth (or me growing stupid or soft)


    We did catch (and get rid of) some weird fee, which was $500, that the dealership tried to tack on.  It was a insurance policy that would give you $5,000 if your van was stolen and not recovered during the first 3 years you own it.  I'm not into paying all the dealer extra's, I think they are a waste.


    The only annoying thing is that the 8th seat is now much smaller.  It's like a "jump" seat, half size.  It's kind of useless, which is frustrating.  

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  5. I live in a cold climate.  We have leather seats in our newish mini van.  There are seat warmers, but I still have mixed feelings about leather seats.  So we got a year end deal on a Kia.  We got automatic doors and leather for like 10K less what we would have spent on a similar model in a Toyota or a Honda.  Just throwing it out there.  We have another Kia minivan that has ran about flawlessly for 5 years pushing 100K.  We've just replaced the battery and done regular maintenance on it.  We do NOT have a navigation system though.  We have iPads and get cell data on them for vacation when we need GPS.  Don't need it much around our own metro area.



    I haven't really looked at Kia, because I'm so happy with the Toyota.  We had a Pontiac Montana before the Sienna, and it only made it to about 150,000.  We put close to around 35,000 miles a year on the van, so I want one I know can take it.  When I had looked at Kia before they weren't rated as highly, but it is a thought.  

  6. I checked Edmunds and TrueCar.  TrueCar gave better prices.  I am a careful researcher.  I liked to go in armed to the teeth and ready to walk away if needed.  It was interesting that the prices are a bit lower up north.  I put in my sister's zip code and everything was about $1000 less.  I plan to use that too.  We bought our car in PA, near my folks, because the prices were much lower.  

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  7. I like the idea of leather seats, but I do not want to pay for a navigation system.  I don't think it's worth it (I can use my phone when needed), and that system adds a lot to the cost.  I hadn't thought about them adding seats to one that didn't have it.  I need to drive away with the van tomorrow, I can't wait, so I don't know it that will make a difference.

  8. My van died this week.  We own a 2007 Toyota Sienna.  It has 244,000 (plus some change) miles on it.  It has been a faithful van.  We haven't had to fix anything until this year.  A month ago we replaced the radiator.  I knew it was the beginning of the end, but I was hoping to make it through the summer.  But this week the head gasket went, so now we need a new van.


    We still have 4 kids at home, so I think a van is still my best option.  Toyota has a great financing deal going on for the Sienna, but not one for the Highlander so the SUV is out.


    I'm a bit of a wreck.  I hate spending money, and I hate buying cars.  We are going to have to finance over half of this thing, and it always makes me a bit ill.  We do get our money's worth, but it's still nerve racking.


    I'm a bit torn about looking at higher end models.  I would love the auto lift gate and even the leather seats.  In my head I think they would be easier to keep clean.  I don't think we'll spend the extra money, but still, it's tempting.


    Anyone here feel like the extras are worth it?  I'm always a bare bones kind of gal, but I do spend a lot of time in that van.  


    Any other advice?  Go for the luxury?  Go bare bones?  Pretend I don't need a vehicle and I never have to leave my house again?:D


    We go tomorrow (Saturday).  I've done my research online and talked to a guy at a dealership in the city.  He knows we intend to leave with a vehicle.  I don't like messing around.  If he gives us a hard time, we will go elsewhere.  Last time we bought a van the guy was great.  That person no longer sells cars; I don't think he liked the business. 

  9. You can.  I lost 30lbs almost 7 years ago, and I haven't gained it back.  I'm not super careful about what I eat (I should be), but I also do still exercise.  You can lose weight, though it gets harder as you get older.  And while I think weight loss is possible and keeping it off doable, I think it's more important to focus on your health and fitness.  As we get older it's our overall strength, flexibility, and cardio fitness that's important.  

    • Like 1
  10. 5 mile run again today.  I need to get some strength work in, but I haven't had time.  Yesterday was supposed to be yoga and kettlebell swings, instead I was dealing with my van. It broke down while I was taking my youngest to piano.  It looks like the head gasket is shot.  Time for a new van.  This one has 244,000 miles on it.  We've had it 7.5 years. I had car shopping, but my weekend will be spent doing just that. 

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  11. I'm checking in.  I just finished Neil Gaiman's Trigger Warnings. It's a collection of short stories.  I enjoyed parts of it more than others, but overall it was good.  I also currently reading 2 books for Lent, one is a devotional, the other is The Imitation of Christ.  I'm unsure what I'm going to read next.  I need to check out what I might be able to get from the library. 

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  12. Sunday was a rest day.  I must of needed it.  I got home from church and took a 2 hr nap, and still passed out last night by 10:30.  


    Today was a 5 mile run, and I'm going to try to fit in a yoga class while my kids are at violin. :)  


    Being able to do things when I'm older (as well as being able to do more now) is one of the reasons I exercise.

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  13. Friday I ended up resting.  I've been having a weird allergic reaction to an acne cream (at least I think that's what did it.  It's the only thing different this week).  My right eye and my nose were swollen like a balloon.  I ended up at the doctor's office for 2 shots and then I took benedryl.  I didn't even want to do yoga all day.  The swelling is going down, but I look like someone beat me up


    Today I was able to run. I did 7 miles, which was enough time for 2 episodes of House of Cards (with my stretching included) :D  I'm hoping for some restorative yoga before bed.  

  14. My sister's news was good!  She was all clear, though the doctor wants her to have genetic testing and wants to keep a close watch on her. But there is much relief all around. 



    Today was a 5 mile run, and I've become addicted to House of Cards.  I just finished episode 5 of season 1 (season 3 just came out) so I have plenty to watch. :)



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  15. It's been a crazy week.  Lately, every week has been crazy, when will it slow????


    Sunday-rest day.  It was my birthday and 3 of my kids were in an orchestra concert in the city.  It was fun and we went out to dinner where I enjoyed fish and chips


    Monday-5 mile run in the morning and an hour of yin yoga before bed.


    Tue-45 mins of yoga this morning.  


    I have lots of errands today, and it's still cold and nasty out.  I just want to stay home.  I'm also a bit stressed.  My sister finds out the results of her biopsy today.  I know she's more stressed than I am, but still.  I'm on freak out.  Her appointment is around noon, so I'm just waiting.  



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