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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. LLBean or Eddie Bauer.  Right now I've been favoring the Eddie Bauer packs, but both are good.  For a pack I would stick to a good brand, so that it lasts.  Look for something that can hold a water bottle, and also a water bladder (if you are going to do a lot of hiking). You are going to want it big enough to haul books, which is larger then many daypacks.  





  2. Yoga day.


    Redsquirrel, I have no idea why you wouldn't lose weight, except that for you, your body is happy the way it is.  As we get older, our bodies hold onto our weight, and if we workout a lot, our bodies can hold onto it (your body could be "afraid" to lose calories).  You could not be losing because you need to alter what you eat, not the calories, or you may even need more calories.  Weight is tricky, and annoying.  



  3. My dd just did this and it came out great.  She bought hair coloring at Sally Beauty, some stuff with Argon oil in it.  She bought the brightest red she could get.  It came with enough to do it twice, even though that was not her plan.


    She followed the directions and did her hair.  It didn't do much, just gave a bit of color.   So we looked up ideas online.  We found a site where the woman said she just did it twice, so my dd went for it. It was at least an hour later, so her hair was dry.  She did it a second time, like the first, but  letting it sit on for 30 mins (which is what the web-site said).  It came out nicely.  It is a pretty red, and looks good on her.  Her hair feels super soft and she is happy with it.  


    When I asked around about why it worked, I was told that it worked because the second time the dye held onto the first dye job.  

  4. I haven't started it yet, but I have that book on my Kindle.  Reading Bill Bryson's A Walk in the Woods has me wanting to read others' experiences.


    Speaking of A Walk in the Woods, the movie released this weekend. I didn't know there was a movie. But since I rarely watch movies I'm not surprised if I'm the last to know the book was made into a movie.  I just happened to see something in the paper about it this weekend.  Here's a review, if anyone is interested.



    I haven't read, A Walk in the Woods, but I saw it on Amazon.  I didn't know there was a movie.  Is it out on Amazon or Netflix, or out in theaters?  That would be fun to watch.  Last year I watch one about the  El Camino called The Way.  It was very good, and it's on Netflix (at least, it was).  

  5. I finished All the Light We Can Not See.  I gave it 4 stars.  I loved the writing.  For most of the book I thought the pace was good.  It was not too slow, but it didn't feel rushed.  That changed at the end.  It was more crammed.  It felt like a fast spiral to the end.  I did like the ending, for the most part.  I did feel as if he forced a few things at the end.  I don't want to give it away, but it felt like he added a few things because he felt he had to mention them, where I think he should have stuck to the story.  


    I will add that I started crying when there was around 80 pages left, and I felt so sad the whole rest of the way. One of the reasons I didn't like how he stuffed the ending was I felt as if I didn't have time to mourn or reflect.  Still a great book.  I really enjoyed it. A mark of a great book, I think, is that it changes how to see or view things.  Beyond the tug at the heart strings, I felt like I gained a greater understanding of how people were affected and even how it would still affect (and does) so much to this day. 


    This weekend I started reading, AWOL on the Appalachian Trail, by David Miller.  I enjoying it a lot.  The writing is decent, and there is a good balance between just describing the trail, what it's like to do such a long hike, and his personal experience.  I want to do more hiking this year, though not that much, and this book is a nice inspiration. :)

  6. So sleep has been an issue for me this week, but I've still been active.


    I can't remember if I posted Wednesday.  I ran 4 miles, then did kettlebell later in the day.


     Thursday was my yoga day and that instructor was as incredible as ever.  I go into the city on Thursdays for my kids, but that woman's class is worth an hour drive.


    Friday I ran 3miles and did some strength work.  Focused on upper body as well as TGUs


    Today I ran 5 miles and did a tiny bit of core work, then went and scrubbed my bathroom (I think that counts).


    Anne G, apparently the butt muscle is the new thing to focus on.  Weak glutes are said to cause other issues, so trainers are focusing on those.  When you are older you will be thankful for strong glutes. :)  


    I fine with talking about diet.  Right now I've been trying the VB6 thing, but I've switched it up to trying to do 2 vegan meals a day (sometimes I have eggs for breakfast, so then I try to have a vegan dinner.  I love eggs.).  My goal is health oriented.  I keep reading about the benefits of a plant based diet, so I've been trying to eat more veggies.  I don't always stick to it, but I think I'm eating cleaner around 75 to 80% of the time.




  7. hormonally induced insomnia last night. Well, the past few nights, but last night was pathetic. I fell asleep at around 4am and woke up at 9.


    I will post on on the new thread. If I write it now, it will just get confusing, lol. Plus, I need to be more awake



    One of the reasons I haven't made it online for the past few days is because I didn't sleep.  3 nights of very little sleep thanks to homones.  The only upside was I finished a book that I had been reading.  I also got to watch Nadal win a match.  It was live since it was the middle of the night here.  

  8. 4 mile run before lunch.  I got outside, which felt great.  Bad weather is on it's way, so it was nice to get outside before the yuck starts.  This afternoon I did 30 minutes of kettlebell.  It was lots of squats and renegade rows, then lots of different lunges, and snatches and pull-ups, plus I did push-ups between sets.  I really want to work on that upper body strength.  Tomorrow is yoga, and chataranga may be hard. 


    Snickerdoodle, I hope it popped back in!

  9. I've lived in TN for 13 yrs, and we've always used an umbrella school, but my ds12 wants to play sports.  With the new (3 yrs old) rules, if the school agrees, he could play on their team but only if we are registered through the county.  I had thought that our Superintentent would never allow it, but I've heard that they are desperate for kids to fill out the teams (the area is very rural).  


    Anyway, I'm unsure about this.  I had been considering putting him in public school, but in KY (we live close to the line).  We would have to pay for that, but it's an almost decent school.  But putting him in would create all sorts of logistical nightmares because of other children and activities.  So the option of letting him play in town is tempting.  


    I'm nervous about highschool.  I'm worried about the "End of Course" tests that are required (do they still exist???).  Has anyone here done this? 



  10. I didn't realize Mortdecai was based on books.  I really want to see the movie.  It looks like fun.


    I'm still working on All the Light We Can Not See.  I have a little over a 100 pages to go.  It's a terrific book, so different from any other WW 2 book I've read.  The writing is beautiful, and it's been a pleasure to read.  

  11. I read A Wild Sheep Chase this week.  It's my first Murakami book, and I am considering doing another one, but can't decide which one to try next. 



    I haven't read A Wild Sheep Chase yet, but my Murakami recommendation is either Wind Up Bird Chronicle or Kafka on the Shore.  I had a slight preference for Wind Up Bird, but Kafka was amazing, a bit of a head trip, but does a great job at bringing so many parts of Japanese culture together.  I must reread it at some point.  

  12. This past weekend?  My dh and I went on a hike on Saturday so the kids were home alone.  Ds15 did some school work, practiced violin, then played video games.  Ds12 practiced violin, did 1 cleaning chore, practiced pitching outside for a while, and then played video games.  Ds10 practiced piano, played outside as much as he could (basketball, trampoline, just running around) and played video games.  My dd17 did some school work, took a nap, then watched tv and "chatted" (using Chat from FB) with friends.  


    They also attended church and watched football, and last night everyone watched Galavant. :)  If there's nothing scheduled my kids do get a lot of screen time on the weekend, but that doesn't bother me.

  13. Happy Birthday, Lisa!  Your plans sound great.  Enjoy!



    Today was a 3 mile run OUTSIDE in the SUNSHINE!! We haven't seen the sun in a while.  It felt so good to get outside.  I also came home and did kettlebell.  It was a progressive squat and renegade row routine, followed by lunges, snatches, and pull-ups.


    It's supposed to be sunny again tomorrow (then the rain returns).  My dh and I may try for a hike.  

  14. Slache, DO NOT buy kettlebells from Target. Those things will rip your hands up.  Try Ader or CAP from Amazon.  And yes, they are expensive.


    Snickerdoodle, my hamstring is feeling better.  There is still a little soreness, so I'm taking it easy.  So far, no more than 3 miles, and I'm doing 3min run/1 min walk.


    Today was a 3 mile run then kettlebell.  Today's kettlebell was Turkish Get-ups, cleans, deadlifts, and presses, plus some pull-ups.  



    To everyone:

    1. How many days a week to you work out? I aim for 6 days a week





    2. How many of those days are very challenging vs just maintenance? I think they are all challenging in their own way, but Thur is just yoga, so not really pushing hard.  Right now, all of my running is easy, but that's because I'm taking my time coming back from an injury, so what would normally be a maintenance run is challenging, plus I throw in kettlebell on those days. :)


  16. I don't have a problem with dropping a book I don't like. I too, have a goodreads shelf just for those books. Mine is called Abandoned. 


    If a book is a well-loved classic I'll try to persevere but even an abandoned classic doesn't bother me. As others have said, life is too short. Add to that there are so many books I would love. Why waste my time on the ones I'm not enjoying? 


    I will sometimes go back and read a book I abandoned if I feel there's a good reason. I dropped Vanity Fair, but a lot of readers I respect put in on their list of favorites so I picked it back up again. I didn't have the reaction I was having when I quit reading it, but after I finished I realized I would have been just as happy to leave it on my Abandoned shelf. The same thing happened with Outlander (no offense Outlander fans - I just didn't like it). Those are two books I would have been fine not finishing, and I could have been reading something I really enjoyed instead of wasting my precious reading time.



    I understand those who feel it's untidy to leave unfinished bits of books in their lives. I never claimed to be a neat-nick. :lol:


    And Trees, you're not an idiot. :) It's just a different preference.



    I like the idea of creating an Abandoned shelf.  I may do that. 

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