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Kim in Appalachia

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Posts posted by Kim in Appalachia

  1. I second just about anything by Anne Lamott.

    I've read the Countryman book (for my EfM class last year) and it was so-so IMO.


    The best I've ever read was Foster's Celebration of Discipline. It's a GREAT Lenten book. AND it's engaging, beautifully written, filled with grace...In a season that is about discipline, it is quite interesting to read how discipline does not lead to the Lord, but comes out of relationship with him. There are some qualifiers with that statement, but basically it gives hope to those of us who just don't have that J in our Myers-Briggs! lol



    I have read Foster's book at least 5 times.  It is wonderful. 

  2. Most of the books I'm looking at are eastern orthodox, but one book I read years ago (pre orthodox)for lent was Henri Nouwen's "The Return of the Prodigal".. it's a wonderful book.. I love just about anything from him.



    I have that book, and yes, it was wonderful.  I had also been thinking of another book by him, but I thought of branching out.

  3. Right now I'm looking at two books, but I'm open to suggestions.


    I'm looking at Wondrous Encounter: Scripture for Lent, by Richard Rohr or The Imitation of Christ


    For a bit of background of where I'm at.  I was raised RC, but we've attended protestant churches since we got married.  I had a preference for Presbyterian, but there are none in our area. We are currently attending an Episcopal church, which I would love a lot if it weren't an hour from here.  Spiritually I'm burned out, from all the church hopping (none by choice).  I still have a deep respect for the RC church.  Richard Rohr was mentioned at church this past Sunday, which is how I found his book.

     I want to read something that is spirtually nourishing.


    Thanks for any help. 

  4. It's a rough time to ask me that question.  I've been burned out for years, but we have to keep going.  The schools in our area are very bad.  I think it would be better if I didn't drive so much.  Everything we do requires an hour drive.  We drive for church, to visit friends, to do any activity (school or sports related).  I'm so sick of driving.  I hate it. Schooling is so wound up with driving that it's hard to separate the two.


    When the kids were young, and we weren't driving everywhere I did enjoying read a-loud time, and teaching them to read.  I hated the daily fight over math, and science was always a fail.  


    Anyway, you asked if it's been good for me.  No, because I'm always angry right now, so it's not good. 

  5. Today was a yoga day.  I think I'm going to back off kettlebell for a while and focus on yoga and running.  I actually think yoga will be my first focus, then getting runs in when I can.  I think I was overdoing it.  My legs have been sore when I go to bed and I'm exhaused.  The teaching I've been getting at the yoga studio has been so helpful, and I want to focus on good form and strengthing my core.  I plan to keep up the pull-up/push-up work, I think, for me right now, that's the most important in regards to strength work (besides my core).  


    And Red... :grouphug:  sorry about your car.  I'm glad everyone is ok.  That's scary.  

  6. Those pants would not look right on me, but if you like them, you should go for it. :)  I'm building my collection of yoga pants.  I have 2 pair from Athleta, they have pockets and are designed to look like regular pants.  I also have a pair of yoga tights.  I have 2 pair of capries, but the one pair is getting old (also from Athleta, I think they are about 6 yrs old??? their stuff lasts).  I want to get more capries.

  7. I finished Awol on the Appalachian Trail, by David Miller.  It was enjoyable.  It balanced between what's it feels like to hike that much and what the trail is like.  


    I plan on reading Bill Bryson's (??) A Walk in the Woods after my dh finishes Awol.  I have it from Kindle lending library, so I can only do one at a time.


    I also read The Lowland.  Excellent book.  I know next to nothing about the recent history of India (or even the ancient history) so it was a fasinating read.  I liked how she fanned out from a single person (I know it was about the brothers, but really it was about the one) the the effect his decisions/life had on everyone else.  I felt like she gave flesh to PTSD.  You could see the long term affects on everyone, how much it shaped their lives.  


    I'm waiting on Neil Gaiman's latest, so I can't decide what to read while I wait.  

  8. My dh and I have been getting back into hiking.  We've just done a few day hikes, but it has been thinking about trying an overnight.  Of course that means we need a lot of equipment that we don't have and my dh is not super excited about the idea.  It was one thing when we were in our 20's but now we're in our mid 40's and he isn't as keen about sleeping on the ground, even with sleeping pads(I'm unsure of that too).  Even more, for me, is night time bathroom issues.  :tongue_smilie:


    But I love being out on the trail.  And I would love to do something longer.  I would also love it if we could get the kids involved, maybe taking them one at a time.


    I don't know.  We should do more camping first.  We just started doing more of that.  I think I'm just dreaming.  We wanted so much to do this in our 20's, but lack of money and time made it impossible.  Maybe this is just a mid-life crisis thing.  :laugh: I enjoyed our hikes so much, and now I've ordered Backpacker magazine. :lol:


    I was just wondering if anyone here backpacks.  Am I just going crazy?  Having a hard time turning 45, and watching my baby (who we took hiking with us to the Grand Canyon) turn 21?  

  9. 6 miles today.  I was able to get outside, it was cold, but sunny, and it felt good to be out there.  I was struggling with my last mile thinking the whole time, how on earth did my dh run 16m this morning??:D  


    I came back home and had a good long rolling and stretch session, now I need to get some things done around the house and I want to nap. :) 

  10. Today I am officially giving myself a pass on basically everything in life including working out, as DH was diagnosed with MS last night. My mind is reeling and I need a day or two to process things before I pull myself up and tackle this head on.


    I probably should go to the gym, though, as I am currently in the anger phase and it would feel good to really pound my body hard. Maybe tomorrow!




  11. I do yoga a couple times a week, and I've been practicing for years and I'm no where close to being able to doing those "advanced" poses.  I think it takes years of daily practice as well as the right genetics for some of those poses.  


    If you are only able to attend a class twice a week, I highly recommend YogaGlo.com  They have excellent teachers and a wide variety of styles for you to try.  


    I love yoga, but I also run and do kettlebell.  Yoga, for me, is for the postures, the stretching, a bit of core strength, but mostly I love it for the mental aspect.  I love practicing, focusing on my breath.  I see myself practicing yoga into my old age.  Running may have to slow down, and weights may also slow down, but I plan on always practicing yoga.  

  12. Yesterday was yoga in the city.  That woman is a miracle worker.  I hope I can continue taking her classes for a long time.  I'm learning so much about correct body positioning.  She's been fine tuning all of my postures.  I feel so good when I come out of her class.  


    Today I ran 3 miles, then kettlebell.  I did a ladder of reps 8, 4, then 2, increasing my weights each time.  I did 1 arm rows, deadlifts, clean and presses, then swings, squats and push-ups.  It was a nice and fairly quick strength routine.  

  13. 4 mile run this morning, then kettlebell this afternoon, along with my pull-up/push-ups. 


    I'm supposed to be cleaning my house, but it's everyone's favorite time of month, and I have a slight headache and I'm tired.  I think chocolate and wine will be better than cleaning. :D  

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