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Preserving a blog--how to?

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At the risk of sounding...conceited? :D I really like my blog, especially the 2008 parts (actually, only the 2008 parts!) where I was documenting our homeschooling journey. Now I'd like to move to a different format, but not lose some of my posts. Is there a way to make some sort of online scrapbook, or should I literally print stuff out and store it hardcopy? Any other ideas?

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I know there is a place where you can get your blog printed in book form. I'm not sure what it is, but I can ask my SIL. I know she's been drooling over it for at least a year now:) I don't know if there's anyplace online to store it.


I'll try to remember to ask her later.

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the lady that had the free science and history curriculum at LosBanos.com just switched her website. Maybe you could ask her? I think her name on here is Jen&Charles or some variation to that. Sorry, I do not know her screen name for sure!

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