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Getting back to feeling human?

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We've all been sick for the past 10 days or so. Really, blech, miserable sick. Finally dh, my oldest and my youngest son are back to normal. The twins and I are still dragging. The fevers are finally gone. I took the twins to the ped yesterday and she put them on Z-packs for bronchitis. (She also listened to my chest but said I wasn't wheezy like the boys. So, I guess that's good. Her suggestion was for me to sleep as much as I could.)


But, I am dragging. What can I do to get myself back in gear? Really, what I have now is just a miserable cold and a minor cough, but I'm so tired. So very tired. Is there anything beyond lots of liquids, vitamins (including iron for anemia), a healthy diet that will help me recover more quickly? I hate feeling this way. It's all I can do to get through school and the kids' activities without curling up in a ball and going to sleep. LOL I'm never like this.

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I wish I could give you some advice, but I can only give you sympathy. We've got it here, too. Dh is going on week 4 and I am going on week 3, and our main complaint is that we are tired. At least I can walk more than a couple dozen steps without needing a nap. For me, that's a huge improvement.


We've been watching TCM's 31 days of Oscar and calling it "Film Appreciation 101" and doing lots of other school-work in bed... the kids are fine, but the teachers are pooped. :) Bless the person who invented clip boards, or we wouldn't have gotten much done the last couple of weeks.


It will get better. I know it stinks, but try to get some rest... cleaning out closets doesn't count as rest (but I'll flip ya a fish anyway). :)

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Rest and take a slow pace at coming back. Don't feel guilty either. Even a half day of school when you are ready is making progress. DD and I did her reading and spelling in bed the other day and it was nice. We just took a couple of subjects at a time whenever we felt up to it, and today we finally got a full day in. Next week is a new beginning!


I love hs'ing!




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At least yours are old enough for "Film Appreciation"... we've just been having "Cartoon and Video Game Appreciation" this week. Doug and I and both boys have all been sick on and off since last week, and I'm ready to just sleep and sleep. We've got some school done, but not a lot. I know I'm tired when they put on something with super heros in it and I'm too tired to veto and demand something I'd want to watch.... ugh.


Glad you are feeling somewhat better, and let me know how long it takes until you're 100% again.

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At least yours are old enough for "Film Appreciation"... we've just been having "Cartoon and Video Game Appreciation" this week. Doug and I and both boys have all been sick on and off since last week, and I'm ready to just sleep and sleep. We've got some school done, but not a lot. I know I'm tired when they put on something with super heros in it and I'm too tired to veto and demand something I'd want to watch.... ugh.


Glad you are feeling somewhat better, and let me know how long it takes until you're 100% again.


Oh man, I remember (vaguely - the brain is a wonderful thing sometimes) those days, Kay. I'll keep you posted - it can't last forever, right?


I hope you get some rest and we're all back to normal soon. If it helps, I find I sleep really well to anything Avatar-related. Also the retro-cartoons like Fantastic Four or the Justice League put me right to sleep. Mario and Animal Crossing do the same. Take those 1/2-hours where you can get them.

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I (shamefacedly) must admit that I actually really like Avatar. I resisted... then got interested in an episode, so I made them go back and show me the whole series from the beginning. Now I can't wait for season 3 to finish.


But Justice League just knocks me unconscious.


LOLOL - I kind of like Avatar too. Go for the 60-70's cartoons until you feel better.


(WHY oh WHY did I take a nap from 6pm-9pm? I'll never sleep tonight.)

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I feel as you do (fortunately my dc are healthy). Since giving birth two weeks ago, I've been exhausted. Not the sleep-deprived exhaustion, but the low-hemoglobin, dizzy, no-energy kind.


My chiropractor put me on a good multivitamin and some delicate iron (aka won't put my system out of whack). After 10 days, finally starting to feel like myself again.


Anyway, if it were warm enough here, I'd be outside taking a gentle walk. As it is, I haven't been outside in almost two weeks, except a few errands here and there.


Sunday is supposed to approach 50 degrees (woo hoo). I hope to take a nice stroll then. I'm certain it's much warmer where you are. Try some fresh air.


Hope you feel better soon.

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DS, 16, and his sibs really got into Avatar..and now can't find it on tv anymore!!!

He can see that it is showing in Ukraine and Canada (on the internet) but can't find it here in greater Chicagoland area. Last we saw it, the bald-blue arrow kid had just esacped with his friends from an unsuccessful attack on the Fire Nation. Why can't we see any more episodes? What gives?


PS - Mom likes Avatar, too.

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They just finished showing the 10th (11th?) episode of season 3 on Nickelodeon, where the show originates. I'm pretty sure the strike put and end to the new episodes, so it will take some time before they get back on track and finish up the story arc--


One of the things I really enjoy about the show is that it has a plan (Three seasons--water, earth, fire) and an overarching plot. Well written and conceived.


For now, you can always buy the DVDs... both seasons 1 and 2 are available as collections, season 3 is still coming out singly. We almost never catch anything as it is on anymore--just watch DVDs.

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