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Brand NEW info about CWP!!!

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Just talked to Exodus Books-they said when they called the publisher (to find out why they were getting so many orders for the complete set!) they said they are getting rid of the present edition books because they are coming out with new CWP next year! Does anyone know anything about this? I didn't see this at ALL over at the Singapore Math site, and I would think they would know!


Also in case anyone else has ordered from them, he said their stock of 5's and 6's is sitting in a warehouse ready to be picked up by them, and the 4's are coming on a boat from Singapore.


Now I'm wondering if I should cancel the whole thing and wait for possible new edition!? I just couldn't imagine that they would get rid of such a popular item! Has ANYONE heard anything about a new edition? Maybe they didn't want to leak it yet so they could get rid of the old? I hate to take a gamble and cancel and not get it at all if there's no new edition!

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Wouldn't that be great?!? Exodus is right down the road from Singapore and are a distributor for them, so I would tend to think they know what they are talking about.


(Now I am thinking about a conspiracy theory, where a company withholds info about their new books to create a run on the old....:lol:)

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(Now I am thinking about a conspiracy theory, where a company withholds info about their new books to create a run on the old....:lol:)

That wouldn't be called "withholding," that would be called "lying."



Jenny of SingaporeMath.com posted that this would be the last year CWP would be available from them, so I don't understand the two stories.



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That wouldn't be called "withholding," that would be called "lying."



Jenny of SingaporeMath.com posted that this would be the last year CWP would be available from them, so I don't understand the two stories.




I wasn't trying to offend or make any sort of factual statement. With all the conspiracy theories flying around about flu and etc. I imagined a spoof-type scene, with reporters and men in dark suits and sunglasses, talking on headsets. Yep, I have a weird sense of humor!!:tongue_smilie:


My apologies to those I may have offended. :)

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Yeah I thought they might come out with something else, but it wasn't going to be the same thing as the current CWP.


That is my understanding.


Because most of what Singpaore have produced recently has not been as challenging, the assumption is being made that the replacement will follow the same path. But no one has seen anything to say for sure.


Thus those who use Singapore because it is challenging want to older version.



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So Heather, are you talking about the Standards edition not being as challenging as the US Ed, or are you referring to other materials? (I haven't ordered yet-that's why I'm asking-maybe I should get the US Edition?) I was totally under the impression from all my research that the St. Ed. was the same as far as rigorousness, so my guess is you're talking about something else.


At any rate, I will stick with my order for CWP, I guess, just to be on the safe side. We KNOW that's good! :)

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So Heather, are you talking about the Standards edition not being as challenging as the US Ed, or are you referring to other materials? (I haven't ordered yet-that's why I'm asking-maybe I should get the US Edition?) I was totally under the impression from all my research that the St. Ed. was the same as far as rigorousness, so my guess is you're talking about something else.


At any rate, I will stick with my order for CWP, I guess, just to be on the safe side. We KNOW that's good! :)


Nope from what I have read the US Standards Edition is at the same level as the primary series. In reading what Jenny has been posting it sounds like all the supplemental stuff coming out (I assume the math works and other newer texts). The IP and CWP were known for being more challenging than the Primary Series, but it sounds like the new stuff is at the same level.


Actually I have seen hints that the HIG's for the Standards Edition might be better, which would make sense given she has had time to have feed back on the original series. She might also have more freedom to do as she pleases with them given SL published the first series and might have given her a set of requirements (not saying that is bad, but now that she is experienced...).


Just know that the US Standards Edition follows a different Sequence. Not that it doesn't cover the same material because it doesn, including a few areas like negative numbers that are left out of the US Edition, but that when they are covered has been moved around to different grade levels in some cases. I mention it just in case you come to something in CWP that you know the child hasn't covered yet. You will know what is going on and can find a way around it.



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So Heather, are you talking about the Standards edition not being as challenging as the US Ed, or are you referring to other materials? (I haven't ordered yet-that's why I'm asking-maybe I should get the US Edition?) I was totally under the impression from all my research that the St. Ed. was the same as far as rigorousness, so my guess is you're talking about something else.


At any rate, I will stick with my order for CWP, I guess, just to be on the safe side. We KNOW that's good! :)


Grace, in Singapore they are using a new series. It is a matter of some controversy whether the new series used there is inferior to the versions available to us currently though singaporemath.com, or not. I don't have any idea.


But you've got no worries about the Standards Edition vs the US edition as it has extra materials added back from the 3rd Edition, and is just slightly resequenced.



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but there is not abbreviation on the stickies or sticky thread for CWP. What is it exactly? And when you say Exodus, do you mean the curriculum store located in Milwaukie, Oregon?







Challenging Word Problems for Singapore Math.


And I assumed that yes it is the one here in Or. They have an online store as well.




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Challenging Word Problems for Singapore Math.


And I assumed that yes it is the one here in Or. They have an online store as well.





Thank you, Heather.


I keep hearing about Exodus, but have never visited their store. It might be a fun little trip sometime.




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maybe we should all make a run to Milwakie. I haven't been to the new location and they are all so so nice.


It would be a good excuse to go visit Fabric Depot as well (oh do I miss that store). It is just so much easier to buy off line than to drive for an hour. Especially on 26, now I am remembering why I haven't made it over there, LOL!



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Thanks so much, Heather and Bill. I see from another thread that the PM itself is put out by a different publisher than the CWP and IP and other supplementals, so that further clarifies things. And for some reason, I was vaguely aware that there is a new math being used in Singapore, but I didn't know that Singaporemath.com has what they used to use! All this explains so much-why Singaporemath.com doesn't know much about what's going on with CWP; why there are changes in what they use in Singapore, but the stuff at Singaporemath.com continues to be good quality, etc. The fog is cleared now, and this all confirms my decision to go with Standard Ed. Thanks!

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maybe we should all make a run to Milwakie. I haven't been to the new location and they are all so so nice.


Y'all are makin' me jealous: I LOVE Exodus Books! I'll always have a soft spot for them because that's where I discovered TWTM. Wish I join you there, but I'm stuck out here in ol' Virginny.... :crying:

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I wasn't trying to offend or make any sort of factual statement. With all the conspiracy theories flying around about flu and etc. I imagined a spoof-type scene, with reporters and men in dark suits and sunglasses, talking on headsets. Yep, I have a weird sense of humor!!:tongue_smilie:


My apologies to those I may have offended. :)

Ha -- I just meant, this is rather irritating and frustrating, and some sort of "plot" would not be very amusing to those who spent money on the books.

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