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My 9 yo went for his neuro-psych eval today

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and the Pediatric Neuropsychologist doing the eval thinks he is having seizures during the day( he has been diagnosed with seizures he has at night and is on seizure meds already, but we had no clue @ day time ones!). She noticed a few while testing and ended up not doing all the tests she would normally have. She is referring him to a new neuro, a child specialst, and wants him to have a day long video eeg, otherwise he will have a 2 hour sleep one.


She also thinks his learning issues are neurological rather than adhd related, which is what I thought all along. I hope seeing this new Dr and having these test will give us a clearer answer now and a direction to go with him. She said if it isn't neurological than she wll need to do additional testing and we will go from there.


There were other things, which I can't remember right now. I think one was visual spatial issues? She is sending me a typed report and my DH and Ic an go voer it better once we have it in writing.

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Sounds like a good plan. You do want a 24 hour EEG if possible. We have done both the ambulatory and in hospital video EEGs.


Seizures will certainly affect learning. My dd's EEG was "normal" but yesterday the OT asked if she might have had a seizure during her session with her. I have wondered the same thing.


Have you had your son's blood levels tested recently? I can't remember what meds he is on but as kids grow, even just a tiny bit, it can throw the med levels off and what was working now isn't anymore.

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A great example of why testing can be such a good thing! Sometimes there are issues we don't realize that have real answers. I hope the evaluations are quick and conclusive and that they can find a seizure med that will stop all the seizures for your ds.


My ds had absence seizures when he was little and we didn't realize he was having them. When he went on meds, he stopped losing so many things he had learned and really made tons of progress. He has been seizure free for many years and off of meds now for years now too. I hope you have equally good results!

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Sounds like a good plan. You do want a 24 hour EEG if possible. We have done both the ambulatory and in hospital video EEGs.


Seizures will certainly affect learning. My dd's EEG was "normal" but yesterday the OT asked if she might have had a seizure during her session with her. I have wondered the same thing.


Have you had your son's blood levels tested recently? I can't remember what meds he is on but as kids grow, even just a tiny bit, it can throw the med levels off and what was working now isn't anymore.



Oh, that was another thing! This new Dr wants his blood levels checked, the old neuro didn't think it was neccessary. The plan is to do a 2 hour eeg here locally and then a 24 hour one, where he will need to be in children's hospital overnight.


I definitely feel this new Dr and new neuro is the right move for us.

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A great example of why testing can be such a good thing! Sometimes there are issues we don't realize that have real answers. I hope the evaluations are quick and conclusive and that they can find a seizure med that will stop all the seizures for your ds.


My ds had absence seizures when he was little and we didn't realize he was having them. When he went on meds, he stopped losing so many things he had learned and really made tons of progress. He has been seizure free for many years and off of meds now for years now too. I hope you have equally good results!



May I ask what meds? My son is already on lamictal, which has been working good for the grand mal seizures, so I don't know if they will need to change this for absece seizures?

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May I ask what meds? My son is already on lamictal, which has been working good for the grand mal seizures, so I don't know if they will need to change this for absece seizures?


We tried a couple different things but ended up with Carbitrol. My ds had complex partial seizures. I don't know if that is even similar to the activity behind your son's absence seizures.

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Sounds like the new doctor is on target. Make SURE to draw the blood 12 hours AFTER the last dose and BEFORE the next one---which usually means first thing in the morning. So, if you give the meds at 8:30pm, be at the lab about 8am so that by 8:30 they will be ready to draw his blood. Then you give the meds right after the blood is drawn.


He might need a combo of meds. My 13dd is on Tegretol and Lamictal.

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May I ask what meds? My son is already on lamictal, which has been working good for the grand mal seizures, so I don't know if they will need to change this for absece seizures?



Hi Jean, Good to know your ds was tested. My dd has absence seizures. Well, she did...she's been seizure free for 15months. She started on lamictal. It wasn't until she was put on zarontin that she became seizure free. The zarontin is controlling her seizures and the lamictal is more behavior based medicine. Apparantly not enough for my dd as she's on a 3rd med now for her serious mood/behavior issues.


She goes in for neuropsychological evals next Friday and week after that. It will be interesting to learn the diagnosis. The neurologist believes she is improving neurologically and that it must be behaviorally....but, it's common for there to be overlap of symptoms and resulting effects.


Sheryl <><

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