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Keeping some perspective. Commercial regarding Swine Flu . . . from 1976.

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I can't help but think that all the media hype is nothing more than fear-mongering meant to induce panic for nefarious purposes.


Ron Paul Puts Swine Flu into Perspective on Infowars.com (warning - this site enspouses alternative POVs, as in, get out the hats which may not be mentioned.)

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Oh, I just love...."and she gave it to her girlfriend Dottie...but Dottie had a heart conditiona and she died...but before she died...she gave it to blah blah blah." Good grief! So one out of out those people died and it was because of a heart condition. I think I will run out and get a swine flu shot RIGHT NOW. Even in 1976 I wouldn't have been convinced.


My dad was convinced. Later, he found out his had the equivalent of sugar water in it. But lots of people's didn't...and it KILLED them. Not the swine flu - it only killed one person and 200 others recovered. The vaccine killed something like 30 people and sickened 150 others.

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I keep hearing all this about media hype. Not that they are not guilty of it, but I think they have been handling it well, pointing out how many people normally die of flu, etc.


It's not the media that has me on my toes but the other organizations. It's not every year we have a level 5 alert, or that a bunch of schools shut down, the president telling parents to be prepared to educate their children at home (luck us, we already are!).


I think it has already been made pretty clear that this is not very similar to the 1976 outbreak, but more similar to the 1918 outbreak. This may very well turn out to be nothing more than a mild strain, but I would rather be safe than sorry. I am not going to freak out, but a little extra caution won't hurt.


And regardless of what happens with this flu, in the US we have a much better chance, unfortunately a lot of other countries may not do as well.

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The doctors knew they faced complaints if the epidemic broke out and vaccines weren't ready, as well as criticism if they spent millions inoculating people for a plague that didn't happen.


"As for 'another 1918,' 1 didn't expect that," the doctor continued in the book. "But who could be sure? It would wreck us. Yet, if there weren't a pandemic, we'd be charged with wasting public money, crying wolf and causing all the inconvenience for nothing ... It was a no-win situation."

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I found this interesting...it's from Wikipedia. Yesterday when I was reading about it, the only country showing confirmed cases followed by death was Mexico.



Black: Confirmed cases followed by death

Red: Confirmed cases

Yellow: Unconfirmed or suspected cases


They are counting the child from Mexico as an American death (see the CDC website). Hawaii and Alaska are just part of the US up there.

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I think they have been handling it well, pointing out how many people normally die of flu, etc.


I saw that last night and was really happy they reported that side of things!


the president telling parents to be prepared to educate their children at home.


OUR President? Wow. Hadn't heard that one yet.


I think it has already been made pretty clear that this is not very similar to the 1976 outbreak, but more similar to the 1918 outbreak.


It is actually quite different than both. It has similarities to both, but definitely is different. In 1918, medical care, life expectancy, etc. were a lot different than they are now too.


And regardless of what happens with this flu, in the US we have a much better chance, unfortunately a lot of other countries may not do as well.


Absolutely. This could really rock 3rd world countries. :(




My responses are in red.

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I think it has already been made pretty clear that this is not very similar to the 1976 outbreak, but more similar to the 1918 outbreak.


It is actually quite different than both. It has similarities to both, but definitely is different. In 1918, medical care, life expectancy, etc. were a lot different than they are now too.


I'm wondering if she meant that it's more like 1918 in that it's more outspread, whereas the 1976 outbreak was confined to Fort Dix.

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I'm wondering if she meant that it's more like 1918 in that it's more outspread, whereas the 1976 outbreak was confined to Fort Dix.


Yes, thank you. Also it is a new strain, which always has more potential for damage.


I *KNOW* I read this morning a statement about parents making back up plans for child care and education in case schools closed but I could not find it now.

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I keep hearing all this about media hype. Not that they are not guilty of it, but I think they have been handling it well, pointing out how many people normally die of flu, etc.


I agree. I've read accusations of media hype, but I haven't actually seen any. The reports I've seen have been careful and thoughtful, not panicky or overblown at all.

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The reports I've seen have been careful and thoughtful, not panicky or overblown at all.


The ONLY panic and things being overblown *I* have been exposed to has been on this board. Part of the situation, of course, could be that there are SO many people on this board that it's different than my circle in real life or on other boards. Sheer number of people could make it be where there are more people here more worried than the situation calls for yet.

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So he is saying the virus is a definite threat? Or that the media is overplaying it?


Being the conservative statistics guy that he is, he didn't say "definite." He said that it is a threat, not just imaginative journalism.


And that's something, coming from a guy like him.

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