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Stupid comments from others....

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How do you handle nosey (sp?) neighbors/friends who "think" your kids should go to public school? My kids went to private school before being homeschooled, this is our first year, and frankly I think the public schools here stink. We are 50th in the nation for education, and that is one of the reasons they attended private school and are now being homeschooled.

I have had it with people who are trying to be nice, but it really is rude.


My neighbor told my daughter in front of her public schooled friend (out of the blue) that she should go to public school, and she would love it, learn so much, yada yada... Then came over and asked me if my daughter wanted to attend daycare/preschool with her dd in the fall, aside from the ridiculous price, we homeschool!


What do I say, or do I say anything at all. I am a pretty 'mouthy' person when need be, but these are friends who I like except for this, so what to do?

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Well...Real friends wouldn't do that to you-in my opinion. That being said, if you are new at the homeschooling thing it does take some times for folks to understand it. Some folks will be very supportive and others... well... we have bean dip for them. *I* would lightly touch on the subject and then ignore it. If it continues then tell your friend that they are hurting your feelings. You may find that some friendships fade away when you change from ps to hsing. But those aren't probably real friends-more like acquaintances.

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I used to try to think of something cool to say. Then-aha!-I realized...I don't care what they think about my schooling choices anyway.


Close friends or family would probably be a different story. I'd probably say something directly. But people just saying the first stupid thing that comes into their head, well, I'm probably guilty of that myself from time to time. I just say "We love homeschooling" and change the subject.



Edited by myfunnybunch
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That is a great one! Especially since today this was said to my 12 yr old and not to me.

My dd was all upset and I had no idea why. The neighbor was in my house for 30 minutes, and I had no clue till afterward that this conversation had taken place with my dd.

The nieghbor kids are a whole nother story- uggh


"Please don't undermine our parenting decisions in front of the children and I will respect your family in the same manner."
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I've gotton the same thing... What I say is, "well, they don't offer Latin or Greek and Andrew really enjoys them. Also, we've had so much fun learning about ancient history, I just can't imagine him being forced to go back to civics every year."


This usually shuts them up pretty quick. I'm just wondering when someone is going to say, well couldn't he just learn those after school??? So far, though, no one has thought of it.

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I'm just wondering when someone is going to say, well couldn't he just learn those after school???
I just pulled my dds out of ps. One of the myriad of reasons I did so was because afterschooling the areas I felt were being missed in school was becoming too much for all of us. We are so much more relaxed now -- and still doing more than what they were doing in ps. Our lives are much more peaceful.:) I can't imagine going back.
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