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What is wrong with my ds? (10yo suddenly disoriented /peeing after bedtime)

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In the past few weeks my 10yo ds has been waking up ~1.5 hours after going to sleep and hardly makes it to the washroom...most times he's peed himself a little (not usually fully wetting). He seems quite disoriented. Last night he did wet his pillow on the way down the ladder of his bunk and tonight I found him walking from his sister's room to his, looking for the washroom, slightly wet.


Nothing has changed in his life in the past three weeks. He's not drinking more before bedtime (nor more or less during the day), not exercising more, sleeping the same. A few days ago I did take him off sugar, gluten, dairy, and yeast, but that hasn't affected what's been going on for the better or worse.


I haven't seen him like this since he started the hockey season when he was eight...at that time we'd get home around 10:30pm and he was exhausted and full of water from the game. An hour later he'd be standing at the bottom of his ladder peeing on floor, with no idea where he was. That lasted a few weeks, and then he got used to the routine and stopped.


Thoughts? Is this a stage?

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My DS isn't nearly that old yet, and I don't have a lot of experience in this department, but could it be, umm, puberty related? :o (A friend on another board had asked about her DS and that was one of the suggested possibilities.)


Other possibility I can think of is a UTI.

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My son began doing this at about the same age, and it included a bit of sleepwalking. We were concerned and told the pediatrician about it at a well visit / check up. He said it was quite common for boys this age. My son is now 12 and it has slacked off, almost entirely.


Now I would not want my answer to cause you not to ask your own physician about it, because it's the kind of thing that may have other causes, so it's good to check it out on an individual basis. I just wanted to share with you so you would not worry. I was kind of freaked out at first because it seemed such uncharacteristic behavior, and I'm guessing you may feel the same way.

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I was going to say diabetes too. My older son had a classmate in ps who exhibited the SAME symptoms and the doctor misdiagnosed her. It is a wonder that she is still alive! Thanks to her mom's gut instinct, they tested her sugars and figured it out before it was too late. Please get him to the doc asap and have him checked.


Or go to Walmart (yeah, I know, but) and get their very cheap glucose monitor and a pack of strips and test his blood sugar yourself.


I'd do that *and* get an appointment asap with the pediatrician.

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My ds does this every once in awhile. He doesn't completely wake up, but he knows he has to go to the bathroom. We cut back on drinks around bed time and it really helped. We still have the occasional blind blunder for a potty, but they're really few and far between. I wouldn't worry, unless he's showing symptoms of something else. (For diabetes, I would look for the need to go more often and a seemingly unquenchable thirst)


Of course, you're the mom, do what you think is best.

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