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Does anyone fast for spiritual breakthrough? CC

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I just ordered a book on fasting by Jentezen Franklin. I've never been very successful at it before, I just love food way too much. I've been praying for salvation for my parents and my inlaws and if fasting can help my prayers...then I'm all for it.


I'd just like to hear what the experience has been like for others.


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I just ordered a book on fasting by Jentezen Franklin. I've never been very successful at it before, I just love food way too much. I've been praying for salvation for my parents and my inlaws and if fasting can help my prayers...then I'm all for it.


I'd just like to hear what the experience has been like for others.




I have. I've been a faster for 17 years now. God bless you for your heart towards your parents. I fasted when I was praying for my mom's salvation too and she got saved. She didn't do it immediately after the fast or anything like that, but I do believe that fasting helps with praying. Jesus himself even told his disciples that certains demons can only be cast out by prayer and fasting. I love Jentezen Franklin. I haven't read his book yet, but I've seen him preach on fasting many times on the t.v. and it is so refreshing to see someone taking the subject up in this generation. IMO, fasting does nothing but good. It definitly causes you to lean more on God so it strengthens your walk, you are sacrificing yourself to intercede on behalf of someone else and God definitely honors that. As you flex your spiritual muscles and deny your body your spirit grows stronger and I know for me, I have so much more compassion for the poor in the world after a fast. Inevitably, every time I fast, I think to myself how unpleasant it feels and yet I know that I am choosing this fast and that it will end after a certain point, but I think about the people in the world who are hungry not by choice and that they have no idea when it will end and my heart is just broken for them and filled with compassion which leads me to pray for those people as well. It is always a good thing to humble yourself. The Bible teaches clearly that when we humble ourself that God will lift us up. I think it is a beautiful thing that you are doing and I want to encourage you. There are many types of fasts in the Bible and Jentezen Franklin covers them all very thoroughly. I think if you follow the guidelines in his book you can expect to see God move in a mighty way. God bless you in your fasting. :grouphug:




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I have done it before, and I agree with the previous poster. A great thing to do. Just make sure you are not doing it as a manipulative tool to get God to do what you want (as if we could), but as a way to show sincere concern, compassion, humility, and a desire for spiritual strength in prayer. When I have fasted regularly, it has definitely strengthened my spiritual walk.

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Yes, I have and do fast regularly. I think it has strengthened me spiritually and caused me to see the world differently than I did before. I have fasted, with my children's futures in mind periodically. There have been different things at different times for my family, for myself, for my dh. It is hard, though, at times because I don't want to try to manipulate God, BUT I ultimately am asking for a specific thing in mind, typically spiritual breakthrough of some kind. My prayers are always according to His Word, though. I've done a few different 3-day fasts, and they are difficult, but the rewards of that time in complete dependence on God are definitely worth the struggle. I like to look to Isaiah 58 and think on those verses when I fast. I have a few different books on the topic. One I found to have some good helps in was "Hunger for God" by John Piper.


Last year, I did a Daniel fast...I had read about it and prayed over it and felt led to give 40 days to it. It basically was deleting meat, sugar, white flour, caffeine, etc. It was fruits, veggies & grains, whole wheat flour, honey, good oils, etc. One of many things that I realized was how badly processed foods affect me and how that related to all the other junk I allow into my mind that takes away from God. That was a more difficult fast than I had assumed, but I definitely wound up confronting myself and laying some things down that I hadn't dealt with before.


I can't say that when I fast I immediately see the rewards...sometimes I do. Sometimes God is just "right there" and I sense Him speaking to me very directly about things. Other times, I will look back over time and see some changes He has made in my life. He has made scripture make more sense to me...I will look at a situation and scripture that applies will pop into my head. Starving the flesh; feeding the spirit. No matter how much I think I may be fasting and praying for someone else, though, He pretty much always has me confront myself in some way.

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I just love Jentezen Franklin's books! I just got finished reading Believe that you Can. Awesome book. About fasting...I have many friends who fast regularly. I've never been able to fast for a long length of time (due to pregnancy or nursing :)) but have done Daniel fasts. Jordan Rubin (author of the Maker's Diet) actually recommends fasting one day each week (just water) to cleanse your body of impurities. Once I'm finished nursing, I'd like to try that. Spiritually speaking, fasting can bring about some tremendous breakthroughs and is very biblical.

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As others have mentioned, it can be a bit tricky at times to have the right heart in fasting. For me it's not so much the manipulation issue, but more the "yipee, I'm loosing weight here!" issue. Sometimes it's hardly there, sometimes it pops up all the time, but I figure that's no reason to stop, with time it'll get better, I'm a learner in this as in so many other things and God isn't looking for instant results anyway (though I wouldn't mind some instant ones ever so often!;))

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I have tried many times to fast and wish that I could. With my migraines, I always get one when I try to fast; even for a day. I have friend that has fasted over 30 days and has had some remarkable spiritual moments. I would like to experience those as well. Even to be able to make it a week even.


I've tried boullion, crackers, juice, etc. and still with the same effects. :confused:

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I'm all for fasting...I think it's a great idea with terrific spiritual benefits. However, I'd suggest checking in with your doctor first. My DH, who is generally completely healthy, fit and strong with no heart problems, did a juice fast for 3 days and ended up in the ER with SVT...we thought he was having a heart attack. A week in the hospital for tests, big bills, ended up totally fine but still quite an expensive little foray into fasting.


Do it smart and carefully, please! ;)

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I had never fasted until last Monday when my pastor's wife was having surgery for possible ovarian cancer. I fasted the entire day until I got the call that there was no cancer. To be honest, my stomach was so nervous that I wouldn't have been able to eat even if I hadn't planned to fast and pray. I will say that fasting really helped me to focus on praying for no cancer! As many of you know, there was no cancer!


I've never read a book on fasting except the Bible, and we have had a couple of Bible classes on fasting. I think it is a fascinating subject! And I also think it is very personal and between you and God.


Blessings to you!

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