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The things kids say

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This afternoon my children informed me that the neighbor children are "always" telling them they won't get into college if they continue to homeschool and they should go back to school.


"Always" being a subjective term in my mind but after further questioning it has happened more then once.


I was intrigued that they even have these conversations. It seems they ask my kids what they do. My two respond with "the same things you do-math, language arts, history, science, gym." They ask about field trips-"we go to -insert various museum names here-, the zoo, cooking class, science classes". Then come the "you won't get into college" statements. I am sure some of this stems from a desire to see my kids in class with them (they are friends, after all) and perhaps a little sour grapes since they don't homeschool.


I told my two to thank their friends for their concern but their parents have it under control. I informed my children that they will get into college. That many ivy league (as if I could afford that) schools save 10% of their spots for homeschoolers. I also let them in on our plan-if we are still homeschooling during the high school years we plan to enroll them in the local community college so they can start getting credits while still in high school.


It just left me with a feeling of "the things kids say"

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I notice your kids are 11 and 8. I would assume (perhaps incorrectly) that their friends are the same age? Are kids that age really worried or at least intensely interested in whether they will go to college? My kids (who are almost 12 and 7) certainly aren't. Ds11 will mention college as a next step in schooling sort of thing but he certainly has never asked or wondered about admission policies. Dd7 just wants to go to college online so she can still be home with me:D I just wonder if possibly these kids are parroting their parents' dinner time conversations.

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Yes, the kids on the block are, for the most part, in the 7-11 range. I suspect a bit of parroting. I certainly hope they are not stressing about it at this age. Mine know the expectation is that they will go to college but we have not started talking about the requirements to get in.


My 11 year old asked me "what difference do my elementary years make to college, isn't it about what I am doing in high school?" To which I answered, the elementary years lay the ground work so you will be able to do high school level and then college work.

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I notice your kids are 11 and 8. I would assume (perhaps incorrectly) that their friends are the same age? Are kids that age really worried or at least intensely interested in whether they will go to college? My kids (who are almost 12 and 7) certainly aren't. Ds11 will mention college as a next step in schooling sort of thing but he certainly has never asked or wondered about admission policies. Dd7 just wants to go to college online so she can still be home with me:D I just wonder if possibly these kids are parroting their parents' dinner time conversations.

:iagree: I would bet they are repeating a mom/dad conversation heard.

Possibly the next time you have an across the fence visit you could casually mention your future plan for your children? It might bring up some good conversation that would put some things at ease.

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Are kids that age really worried or at least intensely interested in whether they will go to college?
We had a similar incident with the six-year-old neighbor girl several months ago. I think she got the "college" issue either from her public school teacher or from her older brother, who will be going away to college in the fall, and she was just parroting back what she had heard.

I was present when this girl said something to my child about college, but found out later that she had made similar comments several times in the past. :glare:


I also let them in on our plan-if we are still homeschooling during the high school years we plan to enroll them in the local community college so they can start getting credits while still in high school.
That is the same thing I told DS.
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I agree. Sounds more like "things parents say" than "things kids say." That's when I would respond to said neighbor kid, in an over-the-top astonished voice, "Where ever did you hear such a ridiculous statement? Everyone knows that colleges are seeking out homeschoolers." (I know the kids don't intend for it to be mean, but harping on it can lead to hurt feelings. )

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Are kids that age really worried or at least intensely interested in whether they will go to college?


My dd is just about 8. She was on the college board website last week looking up which colleges offered certain majors and what the requirements are, the percentage of applicants accepted, that sort of thing. She did this on her own accord - I got out of the shower to find her talking to me about her list of possible colleges.


My dd gets homeschool questions ALL the time. One thing that might help your children with some of the neighbor stuff is for your child to ask the other kids to come over and do homework together. Or when they ask about the schoolwork, invite them to come see what they are doing. Kids who tell dd they want to be homeschooled figuring it would be easy take one look at my dd's schoolwork and run away shrieking in horror.


I also try to get dd to see that dd she should be very gracious about how she answers people. Sure, it is annoying when you are asked the same question 100 times, but I remind her how many questions she can ask people when she is curious about something.


Now, if the kids were using homeschool as a way to bully or make fun, my dd won't tolerate that. I pity the fool who tries to make a joke about my dd's education. Kids have tried- adults have even tried- and all have been put in their place quickly.

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