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Christians: Up for a Quick Survey?

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Last year, I taught middle school at a local Islamic school. My former students contacted me with a survey they're conducting for their religion class about the beliefs and practices of Christians. I guess they contacted me since I come from a Christian family. Anyway, they're trying to get a large sample, so I thought I would post the link here. The survey is not long, shouldn't take more than a few minutes. Thank you!


Take the Survey

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I assumed the survey writers meant "Christian Americans" to mean "Non Muslim, Non Jewish Americans."


Or, Christian in the sense that "I'm not really anything else."

Which would be a total misunderstanding of Christianity, even in America, and thus skew the results of "Christian" and "Christian Americans".

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Well, you're right in that these kids don't understand Christianity. However, they're trying to. Perhaps you could make use of the "other" option and fill in your own answers as much as possible? You could leave any problematic questions blank.


And no, I don't think they're looking for any non-Jewish, non-Muslim Americans, or Americans who are "nothing else." I think that they are trying to find Americans who identify themselves as Christian, and that identity is of course up to the individual.

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Guest janainaz
I can't take the survey. It doesn't seem written by someone that understands Christianity.


I think I selected "other" on every single on that it was offered to explain my P.O.V.

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I hope that helps.


Christians generally don't use the word 'prophet' except in regards to those who wrote the books of prophecy in the O.T., so none of the men in the list would usually be called prophets. Now, Joel, Haggai, Zephaniah, those guys are prophets. I heard them described as "God's prosecuting attorneys."

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....Please let them know that none of the men listed would be considered prophets. They were leaders appointed by God, men called by God and one King, but no prophets.



I think they need to realize that prophets foretell what will happen, they don't typically lead.

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I took it and sent this e-mail regarding prophets.


Christians and Muslims have very different ideas about what constitutes a prophet and different stories about the lives of religious figures, so my options under prophets were to mark none or mark them all. For example, Christians believe that prophets are fallible human beings who committed sins. These sins are recorded in numerous Biblical stories of prophets. It is my understanding that Muslims believe all prophets were without sin. Christians believe prophets are inspired by God and deliver a prophecy, but Muslims believe that prophets were sent by God as guides. Finally, although some do in fact believe that Jesus and John the Baptist were the last prophets, many Christians believe that God still sends prophets today. Muslims, on the other hand, believe Mohamed to be the last prophet. I humbly admit to having limited knowledge on this topic and my understanding may be incorrect on either side. However, this may provide insight on how to achieve more accurate results in future polls.

As a Christian married to a Muslim, discussions of prophets are always interesting ones in my home. :)


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Wouldn't that be the point of the survey writers? If they did understand it, why would they bother? Understanding is the point of surveys.



That may be the point, but they won't get it from this survey. There are just too many questions that cant' be answered any way other than "other."


If they read the comments and alter the survey, let us know! Would love to retake it.

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As they're not my students this year (I'm home, schooling my own kids), I'm not sure exactly what they're trying to get out of this survey. If I had to guess though, I would say that their primary goal is to understand Christianity better, not to get accurate survey results. They absolutely will read every comment in the "other" box, so they will learn more about Christianity even if the survey results are a bit off.


Thank you so much for taking the time to fill out the survey, I know they will definitely appreciate it.

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Interesting survey. I found it wonderful that the students are interested and so thoughtful in trying to understand other religions. I'm sure a survey our students would devise trying to understand Islam would be similarly done. Thank you for sending it. I did not find it confusing, but touching.

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The survey noted you could be a former Christian so I took it. I made comments as well where appropriate.


Personally, I thought the survey was pretty good. I have taken a lot of surveys in my life, and have taken many that seem to try to force certain answers which skew the results.


I think the kids are going to get a lot out of this survey: as in, different religious under the umbrella of Christianity can be very different from each other, as well as individual Christian beliefs. That is important. And that, I think is why so many people here didn't think it was written geared to Christianity. Just look out our boards here - how so many Christians depending on their specific religion, etc., view things so vastly differently even though they are usually all using the Bible?


It would be nice to see kids in a Christian school put a survey together like this for Muslims, Hindus, etc..other religions to see what they could learn from them as well.


Thank you for the link. Kudos to the students.

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