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National No TV Week

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Good luck Heather!


We are camping this week and we are all doing fine without television. We purposely took the TV out of the camper so that the kids would have to find other things to do. We were supposed to have wi-fi, but due to a storm have only had it periodically. I have had withdrawal symptoms from that, but no TV is no big deal.


We have done no TV for a week on and off periodically. I am amazed at how much more peaceful things seem without it.

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Good luck! We did it one year, we put a trash bag over the TV and kept it on there for 30 days.


At the rate they are canceling (or talking about canceling) my favorite shows I won't have anything left to watch anyway. :glare: We could just turn it off permanently except for DVDs.

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I don't think we even get any TV channels anymore (not sure if the digital thing fully happened here or not). We use it for dvds and wii, many days it doesn't get turned on at all.


So I really don't understand the No-TV week as a big, national, sponsored, thing. What is it supposed to do? Make people realize that there are other ways to spend time? I think most people know that, and choose how to allocate their free minutes - some choose TV, some don't. If turning it off is that big a sacrifice, they'll be right back to it when the week is over. If it isn't, they didn't need a special week to find that out. Not trying to argue, just dont get it....

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Good luck! I'm sure you guys will do great! To answer your question, no, we will not be participating. The boys don't watch any TV on weekdays. I watch an hour a night. On the weekends we're busy with sports and exploring and having fun so we really don't over do it then either.

I'm a follower of the middle path. Some TV is good. I think we've found our happy medium.

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We're not officially participating...we only use the tv for DVDs and Wii...and now our local stations have gone digital, and I couldn't watch even if I wanted to. My children happily don't watch tv, but I am the one who was addicted, and so we stopped altogether about 7 (ohmygosh has it been that long?) years ago, just recently buying a used one for the Wii. (I hate the Wii. But that's another thread.) :001_smile:

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