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Would you die for what you believe?

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I don't feel the need to make a public statement about the strength of my convictions, and I don't believe that dying for the idea of my faith would accomplish any good.


Just to answer this in general (not towards you personally, but you stated it more easily to jump off than anyone else).


I wouldn't do it just to make a public statement. LOL That might just be insanity.


However, if one is in a situation, there are a few reasons to do it if your faith is strong enough. The first is that it makes a witness to those who are involved and those who later hear about it. This is important. There have been people who have come to God because they witnessed true faith. The main reason is because it answers Satan's accusation that people would not choose God in the end, that some amount of discomfort or to save their life could get them to choose themselves, their families, their health, whatever over God. If I am in the situation (and I certainly won't be looking for it!), I want to be like Job, faithful to whatever degree necessary, pleasing God and replying to Satan (Prov 27:11). And again, I FULLY believe that God can and WILL make right ANYTHING that happens. The scriptures promise a resurrection, no one being sick, no pain, that the blind will see, etc. What on earth do I have to fear?


And to answer another post....my will to live forever in God's love is much greater than my will to live a relatively few years here. I'd give up some of these years to have forever.

Edited by 2J5M9K
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Just to answer this in general (not towards you personally, but you stated it more easily to jump off than anyone else).


I wouldn't do it just to make a public statement. LOL That might just be insanity.


However, if one is in a situation, there are a few reasons to do it if your faith is strong enough. The first is that it makes a witness to those who are involved and those who later hear about it. This is important. There have been people who have come to God because they witnessed true faith. The main reason is because it answers Satan's accusation that people would not choose God in the end, that some amount of discomfort or to save their life could get them to choose themselves, their families, their health, whatever over God. If I am in the situation (and I certainly won't be looking for it!), I want to be like Job, faithful to whatever degree necessary, pleasing God and replying to Satan (Prov 27:11). And again, I FULLY believe that God can and WILL make right ANYTHING that happens. The scriptures promise a resurrection, no one being sick, no pain, that the blind will see, etc. What on earth do I have to fear?


And to answer another post....my will to live forever in God's love is much greater than my will to live a relatively few years here. I'd give up some of these years to have forever.


Where are those rep points????? :iagree:

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Just to answer this in general (not towards you personally, but you stated it more easily to jump off than anyone else).


I wouldn't do it just to make a public statement. LOL That might just be insanity.


However, if one is in a situation, there are a few reasons to do it if your faith is strong enough. The first is that it makes a witness to those who are involved and those who later hear about it. This is important. There have been people who have come to God because they witnessed true faith. The main reason is because it answers Satan's accusation that people would not choose God in the end, that some amount of discomfort or to save their life could get them to choose themselves, their families, their health, whatever over God. If I am in the situation (and I certainly won't be looking for it!), I want to be like Job, faithful to whatever degree necessary, pleasing God and replying to Satan (Prov 27:11). And again, I FULLY believe that God can and WILL make right ANYTHING that happens. The scriptures promise a resurrection, no one being sick, no pain, that the blind will see, etc. What on earth do I have to fear?


And to answer another post....my will to live forever in God's love is much greater than my will to live a relatively few years here. I'd give up some of these years to have forever.




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He didn't understand the full implication of WHO Jesus was. Scripture says that Jesus had to explain it to him. And there is an undeniable change in Peter and his defense of his Lord after the resurrection. Before the resurrection he's a bumbling but well intentioned fool. After the resurrection he is decisive, eloquent and single-minded (see Acts, especially).


Before the resurrection he still walked with the Lord, though. He just grew up more fully after his death; likewise, I've been to numerous churches in my life, both conservative and liberal, and I've met precious few people who really understand the fullness of what Christ has done on the cross...those that REALLY have it in their heart...those that walk in the spirit the majority of their waking hours. Though I accepted Christ more than 20 years ago, I don't think I have come into the fullness of Him yet...I'm just not there. So if one can actually WALK with the Lord and yet still deny him, I don't think it's above me that I could do the same. Heck, to some extent I'd say that I deny him every time I sin because in those moments I choose to walk in the flesh vs. walk in the spirit. That's what Peter did.


Like other posters have said, too, it's easy to say that one would die for their faith when they're sitting in their cozy home writing it on a computer. To actually be put in a situation where you're potentially being tortured...or perhaps watching your *child(ren) or husband* be tortured b/c you don't deny Christ...or to suffer daily because of it...I'd be the first to deny him. I'd be Peter.

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Before the resurrection he still walked with the Lord, though. He just grew up more fully after his death; likewise, I've been to numerous churches in my life, both conservative and liberal, and I've met precious few people who really understand the fullness of what Christ has done on the cross...those that REALLY have it in their heart...those that walk in the spirit the majority of their waking hours. Though I accepted Christ more than 20 years ago, I don't think I have come into the fullness of Him yet...I'm just not there. So if one can actually WALK with the Lord and yet still deny him, I don't think it's above me that I could do the same. Heck, to some extent I'd say that I deny him every time I sin because in those moments I choose to walk in the flesh vs. walk in the spirit. That's what Peter did.


Like other posters have said, too, it's easy to say that one would die for their faith when they're sitting in their cozy home writing it on a computer. To actually be put in a situation where you're potentially being tortured...or perhaps watching your *child(ren) or husband* be tortured b/c you don't deny Christ...or to suffer daily because of it...I'd be the first to deny him. I'd be Peter.


I think it is very forthcoming of you, especially in this thread, to admit this. I also think it could be the first step to growth. Realizing where our faith is deficient gives us a good place to build it up. It's like armor. If we notice a link of chain (or several links of chain) broken, we take the opportunity to fix it. If we're missing a helmet, we run out and find one (and get a better one as soon as possible!). If our shield is too small, we work on making a larger one. And the list goes on.


NO ONE's faith is perfect. We're not perfect. We all have to work in order to grow. We'll never, in this system, come to a point we don't have something to work on. And though we'll gain perfection at some point, we'll always have more to learn. Even very mature true Christians can benefit from solidifying a link of chain, fortifying their shield, etc.


One more thing about Peter. His account can help us be careful about overconfidence. We have limitations and weaknesses and the only way we really can succeed in resisting temptation is with divine help. We have to keep alert (something Peter later encouraged) in mind and a heart keeping ahold of our affections for our God and his son, Jesus Christ. And our motivation needs to be LOVE. We can gain more love of God and His Son by gaining more knowledge (John 17:3). God wants us to know him WELL (Prov 2:1-5). And when we know him, we can love him, which will allow us to do whatever it takes (1 John 5:3).



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I wouldn't die for anything until I lost the fight.

I would do whatever it took to defend what I love.

I love my kids, I love my country, my constitution,etc.

I love the green earth and the wet ocean and the sun and the soil that grow my food.


Not a martyr, a warrior.




I would not meekly allow myself to be killed (or my family). It is just not in me to do that. The whole "like a lamb to slaughter" is not me. I would fight with everything I had. And if I lost or you were still able to get my family...I would make sure I took a few of the bad guys with me!!

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Would you die for a belief like freedom of speech, your G/god, your children, or some aspect of truth, like the defense of an innocent and defenseless person?


Honestly... it's easy to die for things. I'd die for my wife and kids. That's not even a decision to me. I shouldn't be glorified for it.



Could a parent sacrifice their children, like Abraham was going to do to Isaac, to God?


No, I couldn't. Am I less for this?


Should this be a measure of a parent's faith?



What should be thought of parents that would do this?

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