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Help please quickly, medical question

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Relax...she'll be ok. Don't waste your time going to the ER or doc...they won't do anything unless the tongue is almost severed. We had several kids bite through their tongues, and did waste some time at the ER...save yourself the trip. You can feed soft foods for the next few days, and have her rinse after each meal with a mild salt water solution.


My youngest did nearly sever his tongue...this was a horribly frightening experience. He nearly went into shock, lost a lot of blood, and had to be rushed into surgery. I feel faint just remembering it. ETA: They did stitch it back on. Shudder.



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Often they do not do anything, BUT if the bite is in a bad spot or goes out through the side of the tongue they do stitch it.


I know this because my ds bit through his tongue. All the way through. Since the laceration went through the side, they said it would heal into a forked tongue unless they stitched it. They were able to do it fairly quickly.


My ds bit his tongue while jumping--he bashed his face on the windowsill. Because of this we also had to take him to a pediodontist to make sure there was no damage to his teeth or jaw. You might want to think that through.

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Thank you everyone! I will be sure to follow up with our dentist to be safe.



Ria I remember you posting aboutbyour son before. I am weak k we'd just thinking of it! How scary!


We did call the doctor. He is a personal friend of ours. He prescribed Popsicles. She is quite happy now. She can not talk well, but it is kind of cute.


Hi Tammy! Thank you!!

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