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Recorders? Have no idea what to get.

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I am going to get recorders for my 6yo and 9 (almost 10yo). I am ordering from Rainbow Resource because I have other things to get from them. There are a million options. I know nothing about music.


Can you guys recommend a good program for us as well as a good instrument? I don't want chinzy stuff but top dollar is equally undesirable.

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I liked Penny Gardener's Nine Note Recorder Method and Yamaha recorders. I think the Yamaha recorder sound really nice and they aren't very expensive (around $10). The really cheap recorders can sound BAD!


Here is a link to the Nine Note Recorder Books



I think Rainbow carries both. Good luck recorders can sound beautiful!

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Just bumping this up to see if anyone has any specific recommendations. I was going to start a new thread, but I found this one from several days ago, and thought I'd piggyback my questions on to it.


This is our first experience with a recorder, as we've only done piano lessons in the past, and I'm wondering what brand to buy to go along with the Oak Meadow instruction books. We have an old Yamaha soprano recorder, but I have no idea what model it is, or if we'd be better off just buying new ones -- particularly since both my son and I will need them.

If anyone could recommend a specific brand and model number, I would really appreciate it!


I don't mind spending more money to get something that sounds a lot nicer than the cheap recorders -- but if there's little difference between brands and models, it would be nice to know that, too!


Thank you!



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Ok - I just went to the Rainbow Resource site and looked at what they have.


(We've been studying recorder for 6 years and have a soprano, alto and now a tenor so I do have some experience with them.)


Hohner brand is pretty good I think. I've never heard of Canto so I can't speak to that.


Personally I like Yamaha brand the best but they don't carry that at Rainbow Resource.


Get one marked "English" and not German. That refers to the fingering. Most recorder method books that you get in this country teach you English fingering and you will be frustrated if you don't have the holes in the same configuration.


I don't know about the recorder method books that Rainbow Resource has. Personally I love the "Windsong" series.

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We have this from the ... for Young Beginners series




The books are incredibly simple and you get both a dvd and a cd with them.


We got 2 piece wood recorders from Music for Little People, but that is just because I like the feel of wood. Like pp, I have heard the Yamaha plastic ones get consistently good recommendations. We also have a plastic one from RR that came as part of an Usborne book set, and it is just fine.

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Personally I like Yamaha brand the best but they don't carry that at Rainbow Resource.


I can get Yamaha recorders at our local music store. Actually, it will probably be cheaper to buy locally because I won't have to pay for shipping. Is there any specific model number I should look for?


I think the Oak Meadow books use the soprano recorder -- I should be getting the books in the mail today or tomorrow (I hope!) so I'll check to be sure before I buy anything.


Are there any differences between the soprano, alto, and tenor recorders other than the tone? Would you recommend one over another?


Get one marked "English" and not German. That refers to the fingering. Most recorder method books that you get in this country teach you English fingering and you will be frustrated if you don't have the holes in the same configuration.


Thanks! I had no idea there were differences, so that's a big help, Jean!



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We have this from the ... for Young Beginners series




The books are incredibly simple and you get both a dvd and a cd with them.


We got 2 piece wood recorders from Music for Little People, but that is just because I like the feel of wood. Like pp, I have heard the Yamaha plastic ones get consistently good recommendations. We also have a plastic one from RR that came as part of an Usborne book set, and it is just fine.


Thanks, Alessandra!


I ordered the Oak Meadow books because we just started using that curriculum and I'm not sure whether or not the teacher's manual will refer to specific songs or lessons, so I thought I would just order the books they publish. I hope they're fun! The ones that you and Jean mentioned both sound great - especially the one with the DVD and CD.



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I'd be interested in how you like the OM books -- I'd been thinking of them. We also have a Suzuki book, but haven't used it yet. Suzuki also has a cd -- which is a big help for non musical moms!


A lot of Waldorf schools (but not OM) use a pentatonic recorder/flute, but I have never seen an inexpensive one.

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Ok -- soprano recorder it is!


Thanks again for all of your help!




PS. Alessandra -- I've never seen a pentatonic recorder/flute. Clearly, I have a lot to learn about this stuff!



Ahem, don't forget your earplugs. I will be getting the Yamaha recorders and the Nine note thing...later.

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