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Left over baked potatoes--how do I turn this into a meal for tonight?

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Today was a busy day with schooling, errands and the vet coming out. I didn't get supper in the crock pot as planned.


Any good, simple meal ideas for using up 6 left over baked potatoes (there are 5 of us)? Soups, casseroles, whatever is fine---simple and quick though as supper is in 1 1/2 hours.



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I second stuffed potatoes. Yumm! Or cut in half, scoop out the insides and mash with sour cream and butter and mix with cooked ground sausage or hamburger and some shredded cheese. Stuff back into the potatoes and bake in the over till warm. Sprinkle with more cheese and bake for @ 5 minutes till melted.

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Sliced and fried with ham, burgers, vegetable burgers?

Fry up some leeks until transparent and add stock and the insides of the potatoes. Blend or mash to make a leek and potato soup?

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We always make fried potatoes with bacon and garlic.


I dice bacon, whatever amount I have, and cook until fat is rendered. I drain off excess fat. Add cubes potatoes and saute until potatoes are brown. (add olive oil if it becomes dry) When done, I turn off the pan but while it is still hot, add about 1 or ? cloves of garlic depending on taste and salt and pepper to taste. Toss together and serve with a salad or veggies.


This is a family favorite!



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You could reheat those potatoes and top them with chili and cheese.


Or you could scoop the insides out, mix whatever you have, usually cheese, broccoli, spinach, cream cheese, sour cream, onions or green onions, chopped bits of ham or bacon, put the filling back in and bake them.


You could slice the potatoes, make a white sauce, add cheese, and serve them as au gratin potatoes.


You could saute some diced onions, add the potatoes, parsley, salt, pepper, garlic, etc, and then use that as the filling for a really great omelette.


If you have a little bit of stew meat in your freezer, you could cook that, add a brown gravy, and pour it over halves of the potatoes.


Just for curiosity's sake, would you let us know what you ended up doing? I'm probably a little strange, but I love to hear about what people do with their leftovers!



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1 tbsp butter

1 cup chopped onion

6 Russet potatoes (already baked)

2 cans (about 14 ounces each) chicken broth

1 cup milk

1/2 cup sour cream

1/4 tsp salt

1/8 tsp pepper

Bacon bits, shredded cheddar cheese, green onions to top.


-Melt butter in a 4.5 quart soup pot over medium heat. Add the chopped onion to the pot. Raise the heat to medium-high and cook until the onion begins to soften, about 2 minutes.


-Meanwhile, cut baked potaotes in half. Add the broth to the soup pot, raise the heat to high, and bring to a boil. When the broth boils, reduce the heat to medium. Meanwhile, scoop the insides of the baked potatoes out, and cut into bite sized pieces. Add them to the pot.


-Add the milk and sour cream and stir well. Add the salt & pepper to taste. Cook until heated through. Serve at once, garnished with cheese, bacon bits, and green onions if desired.

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Today was a busy day with schooling, errands and the vet coming out. I didn't get supper in the crock pot as planned.


Any good, simple meal ideas for using up 6 left over baked potatoes (there are 5 of us)? Soups, casseroles, whatever is fine---simple and quick though as supper is in 1 1/2 hours.



Just a warning -- whatever you do, don't bother trying to use them the way you would freshly baked potatoes (whole or even twice-baked). After baked potatoes cool, their texture changes, and even reheating won't ever revive it.
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My dh makes what he calls "hash".


Slice up the potatoes and fry them with a bit of salt and pepper. Then add eggs and milk to the potatoes and cook as you would scrambled eggs. Sometimes he adds a dash of garlic powder, and if he was bacon, canadian bacon or ham he will add that as well.


This makes a satisfying, filling meal.

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Corn Chowder


Just made this today with some leftover baked potatoes.


Snip up six slices of bacon with some kitchen shears and throw into a pot. Cook until nice and crispy on about medium heat. Take out, but leave drippings. Add one chopped up onion to pot and cook until softened. Add about 2 cups of chicken stock and turn up the heat to scrape up the bottom "crusties". Add two cans of cream style corn and a few large handfuls of frozen corn (or a can). Chop up the baked potatoes (minus the skins) and throw in the pot. Stir and turn the heat down. Let cook for about 15 minutes to heat through then add the bacon, about 2 cups of milk and lots of salt and pepper. Yummy!

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