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T-Tapp Exercises

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I guess I am the board ttapp drop out. I have tried it twice. The first time 3 years ago, I quit because my waist got thicker and none of my clothes fit. Everywhere else lost inches, but my waist got thicker and thicker. The trainers said it was a form issue with the position of my toes and knees.


The second time was just recently. I did something wrong and flared up my sciatica and lower back. In fact, the massage therapist said I had a bulging disk. With that I quit TTapp for good.


It does something. I have never sweated like I did on that TWO. I had more energy too. The trainers are very, very helpful and kind. But, it is a very "technical" workout. Posture, positioning, motion is very specific and defined. You cant be off on your technique at all. I told one of the trainers that I think I am just one of those folks who need a real live person to correct my form errors. For whatever reason, I could not learn this program off the dvd.

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I think the program is overpriced (at least, last time I checked), but I really like it. I haven't done it in awhile, and I really should get back to it. When I was using it, it really helped with the chronic sacral pain that I've had since breaking my tail-bone at the age of 12. Lost an inch in my waist virtually overnight, too. It is a great workout, there's no denying it. Downside is that because of the poor production quality, watching the DVD does get a little grating after awhile. But if you watch it enough to get the moves down, you could just make a reminder list of the exercises, and do them while listening to music you like. I always intended to do that and never got around to it. Now you've got me re-inspired!


ETA: I'm referring to the longer workout. The 15-minute one didn't really do anything for me.

Edited by GretaLynne
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I pull out the Basic (15 min) workout every once in a while. I think it is overpriced and doesn't have the "fun" factor I've found in some other workout DVDs. It's probably effective, but I *personally* get irritated with people who think they have found THE WAY to good health. I enjoy a variety of exercises. I really like Leslie Sansone, Ellen Barrett, and Cindy Whitmarsh workouts. Richard Simmons makes me laugh. I'm getting ready to try The Bar Method and Exhale Core Fusion and some Hip Hop Dance thing my dd likes.


Sometimes T-Tapp makes my knees ache, but my knees ache often. I can't blame the ache on the workout; it just doesn't help.


I *do* feel a difference when I do it. I mix it in with my other workouts, so it has probably helped to contribute to my better health.

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Hey, you're not alone. I listen to the news too in the morning while exercising. I like using the Tempo workout. It is the entire workout without as much talking and time between the exercises. I don't have to try & fast forward past her commercials & extra talking that I don't need.

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Frelle isn't around here much anymore, but she loves TTapp and was trained as an instructor. She assures me that it's the best thing out there and wouldn't waste her time with anything else.


I have the DVDs but have not been able to get into it. I really prefer exercising to music. The workout kicks my butt, though, and it's completely non-impact, so I know it's good for something. :D I've been thinking I should try it again. My girls would like to try it too. It would probably be good for all of us. Ought to be interesting with Schmooey "helping."

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I recently got the Basic Plus on closeout. I'm also doing the free leg exercises that are on the site and youtube.


I don't like the infomercial-ness of it all. It reminds me of the calisthenic/isometric workouts that used to be popular when I was growing up, pre-DVD days, so I don't think it's anything "new". But after a week, I have to say, I feel better and notice my posture more all through the day. When I'm walking at other times I try to keep in form and I think it helps. I can tell already that my pants are a little looser, but again, just like the hype on the tapes and website about losing inches, that happens anytime I do intensive target-toning with really good form. I think what's great about the T-Tapp is that she is really good at teaching and then constantly reinforcing the form so that you really push it. I may get the Total Workout but it's pricey so I'm waiting to see if I can stick with what I've got for a few weeks.

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