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Is it true what *they* say about Wednesday children?

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According to the Mother Goose rhyme we memorized, Wednesday's child is "ever so sweet".

I have a Wednesday and she is sweet and strong-willed:)!

Here's the poem:

Monday's child is fair of face,

Tuesday's child is full of grace,

Wednesday's child is ever so sweet

Thursday's child is tidy and neat

Friday's child to prone to a giggle

Saturday's child is easy to tickle

But the child that is born on restful Sunday

is happy and cheerful and loves to play.

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I've never heard that version (Soph the vet's) -- funny how things change from place to place, isn't it?


I know:


Monday's child is full of grace,

Tuesday's child is fair of face,

Wednesday's child is full of woe,

Thursday's child has far to go,

Friday's child is loving and giving,

Saturday's child works hard for a living,

But a child born on the Sabbath day

is bonnie and blithe and good and gay.


(When I was little, I always thought it unfair that I was born on Saturday!)


I can't answer the original question, though, because my kids were born on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday (I can say, though, that my Sunday child has always been my moodiest one, and that doesn't fit the rhyme at all!).

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According to the Mother Goose rhyme we memorized, Wednesday's child is "ever so sweet".

I have a Wednesday and she is sweet and strong-willed:)!

Here's the poem:

Monday's child is fair of face,

Tuesday's child is full of grace,

Wednesday's child is ever so sweet

Thursday's child is tidy and neat

Friday's child to prone to a giggle

Saturday's child is easy to tickle

But the child that is born on restful Sunday

is happy and cheerful and loves to play.


I'm a Wednesday's child. My two sisters' children (both my age) are Sunday's children. And boy, oh, boy did my sisters LOVE to quote that poem, as if they hoped to make it true. Blech. So while I'm not quite "ever so sweet", I'm taking it anyway b/c it makes me smile! :)

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Oh I remember tossing this around with hub before. The "Thursday's child is tidy and neat" does NOT describe my Thursday child LOL He's the one who can't feel peanut butter that is smeared from ear to ear, literally! And he comes downstairs, clothes all askew. hehe


I don't have a Wednesday child to compare.


My Monday, Saturday and Sunday children all fit the first poem mentioned though. Never heard of the second.


I love looking at these sorts of things. I just think it's fun.

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None of mine were born on a Wednesday. I think ds was Tuesday, and he's the one most prone to worry about things, he's so conscienscious and is a big thinker. I was born on a Sunday, and I don't think I'm bonny, blythe, good and gay (old meaning of gay was how it was written). Friendly, yes, but intense is a better word for me than some of these others! My girls were both born on Saturday, but I give no credence to these. To me they're just fun rhymes and help with learning the days of the week.

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None of mine were born on a Wednesday. I think ds was Tuesday, and he's the one most prone to worry about things, he's so conscienscious and is a big thinker. I was born on a Sunday, and I don't think I'm bonny, blithe, good and gay (old meaning of gay was how it was written). Friendly, yes, but intense is a better word for me than some of these others! My girls were both born on Saturday, but I give no credence to these. To me they're just fun rhymes and help with learning the days of the week.

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My Wednesday child was also born on the Ides of March. :) She is full of energy, excitement and wears her heart on her sleeve. She feels everything first and thinks later, though she can be a very deep thinker. I'm pretty sure that anyone who met her would not consider her to be melancholy at all. In fact, she's the child that my mother threatened me with when we would argue in the years I was a hormonal teenager.

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