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Have any of you had your teeth professionally whitened?

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Okay, this is the height of superficiality, but I'm considering having my teeth professionally whitened. I've always had very nice, white, straight teeth and it bothers me that they're yellowing a bit as I age ~ er, mature.;) Granted, bleaching my teeth doesn't really go together with my efforts to eat and live naturally, but vanity may get the best of me.


I did use the white strips once, btw, but I found them annoying and the effect wasn't that long-lasting. So if you've had professional whitening, tell me about your experience, please. Thanks!

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Have you tried the professional strength Crest Whitestrips, available for purchase through a dentist's office? I can't speak to their similarity or dissimilarity to the over-the-counter variety, as I have never tried the otc kind, but the professional strength ones I used after having my braces removed worked wonders. People noticed the difference. I used them on the recommendation of my dentist. I had gone to my appointment seeking information about professional whitening treatment at the dentist's office, and he sent me home with the whitestrips. And they only cost $60.

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I had my teeth professionally whitened last spring. (It was free because I was a new customer.) In the dentist office, they create forms for your teeth--a very simple process. They send the forms home with you with a syringe of whitening gel. Each day (twice if your teeth are not sensitive), you put some gel in each form and put them on your teeth for 30 minutes. My teeth definitely got whiter, but my old fillings suddenly looked very dingy. If you don't have front fillings, that won't be a problem. You only need to use the gel until you are happy with your teeth; then you can save the rest for later.


My comparison to Whitestrips:


The professional version worked faster and whitened all of my teeth, not just the few in front.

It is easier to use the forms than the Whitestrips.

Whitestrips are a lot cheaper, but the forms can be used over and over again.

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The chemical they use actually makes the tooth more porous, so that coffee drinking will greatly yellow your teeth, then you'll whiten again, then you'll drink coffee again, . . . there's a pattern here. It looks great for a while but if you're a coffee drinker, blue/blackberry eater, etc. it won't last.

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Dh and I both had our teeth professionally whitened about 10 years ago. The dentist took impressions of our mouths, and made special trays out of clear plastic that were form-fit to our teeth. We got six syringes of gel (tastes minty) which we squirted into the trays. We wore the trays for 30 minutes a day. My teeth whitened noticeably the first week. After about 10 days, I was done. Dh's teeth, however, weren't affected hardly at all. So, they gave him a different gel, and he wore the trays all night. This worked better for him, and his teeth lightened considerably.


My teeth did get sensitive during the whitening process. But, as soon as I stopped, the sensitivity went away. I haven't had a problem since then.


I still have a few syringes of gel left from way back then. I keep it in the refrigerator. Every year or so, I get out one syringe and do a touch-up. I use the gel once a day until the syringe is empty (takes about a week). It still works.


My brother had his teeth whitened in one day. I'm not sure how it was done, but he didn't want to mess around with trays for weeks. He just wanted to get it all over with at once. He had good results.


My other brother wanted to get his whitened, but his dental hygienist talked him out of it. She told him that because his gums have receded so badly, his teeth would be hyper-sensitive to the solution. He was a smoker for 40 years, though, so your mileage will probably vary.


FWIW, I've never regretted having my teeth whitened. I don't go overboard, like so many "beautiful people" do, with unnaturally white teeth. I just wanted to brighten things up a bit, get rid of the old tetrocycline stains.

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I have beautiful very white teeth. I never drink anything except water. it is a lot cheaper than going to the dentist.


Well, I'm not about to give up red wine.:) And since I'm blessed with great teeth and haven't spent a dime on a dentist in how I don't know how long, I wouldn't feel bad about doing a little something cosmetic for myself.

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DhMy brother had his teeth whitened in one day. I'm not sure how it was done, but he didn't want to mess around with trays for weeks. He just wanted to get it all over with at once. He had good results.


This must be along the lines of what they do at my dentist's office because it doesn't involve making forms/trays like some of you have described. I haven't ever talked to anyone who's had it done, though...

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This must be along the lines of what they do at my dentist's office because it doesn't involve making forms/trays like some of you have described. I haven't ever talked to anyone who's had it done, though...


For what it's worth, Colleen, I just talked to my orthodontist about professional teeth whitening (I'm not considering it, but we were discussing overcharging, etc). He said that the at-home treatment the other posters have described produces the exact same results as the one-visit procedure in the dentist's office...the difference is the time needed to achieve results and the price. Around here, he said, the at-home treatment is around $250, but the in-office treatment is $800. He said there's absolutely no difference in the results, but that lots of people assume that the in-office treatment must be better, and so they spend 3-4 times as much to get the same results.



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Can you tell me where you learned this? Did you read about it somewhere or is this just what you've heard? Thanks!



My dentist told me that your teeth are more porous for a couple of days after the treatment. You'll need to take a short break from your red wine.

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Hi Colleen! I've been interested in teeth whitening for awhile and tried some Crest Whitestrips. My mouth is small and so these strips didn't fit correctly and actually hurt my mouth. I couldn't do it.


Recently I did a fast and in the process of fasting saw my tongue getting nastier and nastier. (Sorry, maybe TMI) So, I did some research and came across "oil pulling." I researched some more and found that there was a connection between oil pulling and teeth whitening. So, I've been oil pulling for about a month now and my teeth are definitely whiter, my tongue is clear, etc. A simple google search will produce plenty of information.

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Have you considered Zoom? It costs around $500 but it is a one time treatement for about an hour. It's a big thing here is SoCal. You have to find a dentist who can do it. I don't think there is any sensitivity with this treatment.


I've done the strips and they are okay. I am currently on medication that has a chance of staining my teeth so I will probably get this Zoom thing done.

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Have you considered Zoom? It costs around $500 but it is a one time treatement for about an hour. It's a big thing here is SoCal. You have to find a dentist who can do it. I don't think there is any sensitivity with this treatment.


I've done the strips and they are okay. I am currently on medication that has a chance of staining my teeth so I will probably get this Zoom thing done.


I have done the Zoom and the take home stuff, like Zoom better because its done. But I can trump your superficial whitening w/bonding. Yes, I have had the front two, bonded. They are pretty.


I wish I could afford all the front. But, it is a process and expensive. They stay whiter for years.

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