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First an intro: my name is Melanie and I am a sahm to three. I plan to begin our homeschool career in the fall with my oldest-a 6th grader.


I really need help. How do I even begin trying to put together a curriculum? I have tried to contact a few local homeschool groups and haven't had any response. I know I still have over 4 months but I am an organizer and I need to have a plan. There is also a sale next month where I should be able to pick up some of the books.


Also anyone in east Tennessee belong to a group they could recommend?



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First an intro: my name is Melanie and I am a sahm to three. I plan to begin our homeschool career in the fall with my oldest-a 6th grader.


I really need help. How do I even begin trying to put together a curriculum? I have tried to contact a few local homeschool groups and haven't had any response. I know I still have over 4 months but I am an organizer and I need to have a plan. There is also a sale next month where I should be able to pick up some of the books.


Also anyone in east Tennessee belong to a group they could recommend?




Welcome Melanie!


I guess the first question I would ask you is, why are you homeschooling? It's kind of like planning a wedding. First you have to figure out the "theme" (why you're homeschooling), and then you can point in a direction. For example, if you're homeschooling for a year or two and then putting your dc back in school, I might recommend a curriculum that is more standardized like A Beka or Bob Jones. If you're homeschooling because of learning difficulties, There are plenty of Moms who would be able to help you find what you need for your child's specific needs. And, if you're homeschooling because you're just plain fed up with the public schools, there's LOTS of suggestions for that :)


Whatever the reasons, you're welcome here and we'd love to help you!



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Hi Melanie,


It has taken me 3 years to get up the courage/confidence to homeschool. We've been sampling curriculum options and afterschooling with them for that whole time. FINALLY, as my son enters "fifth grade," I will begin full-time homeschooling him.


The others have made the greatest suggestion, start with WTM if you are interested in a classical approach; then, spend hours and hours reading back curricular posts on the other board here. It is amazing how many options there are in the world of homeschooling and you'll find the right flavor for you and your family!



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I just wanted to say, WELCOME!!!


If you can give us a few more details about what your goals are for your child, as well as whether you're looking for a Christian or secular (non-religious) curriculum, I'm sure you'll get more suggestions than you'll ever be able to use! ;)


Also, are you looking for a "curriculum in a box," where everything arrives in one big package and there's a schedule that tells you what to do and when to do it, or are you looking for something a bit more laid-back and non-textbooky?


Might you be interested in the type of program where all of your son's subjects would be taught to him online, on the computer, or on DVDs, or do you want to be your child's primary teacher?


Do you want to work with him or her quite a bit, or would you prefer that he or she be able to learn more independently?


Sorry to ask so many questions -- I'm just trying to give you a few ideas as to what you'll need to consider over the next few months.


One thing I learned the hard way -- don't start buying anything and everything that sounds wonderful, because you'll end up with a ton of stuff that you'll never use. Take your time, check out several curriculum options, try to get samples of the programs you like best, ask for advice here at the WTM forum, and then make a final decision after you've had a lot of time to mull everything over.


Also, you may want to consider your child's learning style as you make your curriculum choices, as some kids learn well by reading on their own, some from hearing things read aloud to them, and others learn by doing related activities, etc. Sometimes as moms, we tend to choose the curriculum that would have worked most effectively for us, but if our kids learn differently than we do, that's something we really need to think about.


Take a deep breath, try to relax, and know you've found a great place to ask your questions and get the support you need! You're going to do just fine!






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Thanks so much for the replies. I had planned to go to the library tomorrow to check out a few books.


The reason for homeschooling my son is that I am convinced he is not living up to his potential in public school. He is in 5th grade and never brings home any work or books yet still makes straight A's. He has consistently scored in the top percentile in standardized testing. Our school system only addresses gifted children if there is a behavior issue, which he doesn't have. He just isn't being challenged at all.


This will be a year to year decision for us.

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Thanks so much for the replies. I had planned to go to the library tomorrow to check out a few books.


The reason for homeschooling my son is that I am convinced he is not living up to his potential in public school. He is in 5th grade and never brings home any work or books yet still makes straight A's. He has consistently scored in the top percentile in standardized testing. Our school system only addresses gifted children if there is a behavior issue, which he doesn't have. He just isn't being challenged at all.


This will be a year to year decision for us.


A welcome from me, too! It's been fun to see so many new homeschoolers here lately!


Sounds like you'd enjoy reading The Well Trained Mind for your son. See if you can find a 2004 edition at the library, then hold out to buy the new 2009 edition to be published anytime soon (it'll have new recs that go along with the ideas in the book - recs that aren't out of print).

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Welcome to TWTM forum. This is a great place to get homeschool information! For a 5th grader who needs extra challenge, and your desire to be organized and have a plan, I suggest K12. You can go to www.k12.com and get lots of information and sample schedules and lessons to view. On the website you can also find out if your state has a state funded virtual academy. If it does, and if you desire to enroll in the state funded virtual academy, the curriculum is paid for with tax dollars, and you'll have hardly any out of pocket expense.


The curriculum is rigorous, and some say advanced. It's super organized for the mom, which I really like. You just follow the plan each day and you will stay on track to giving your child a top notch education.


I hope you find a good solution to your new home school. Feel free to pm me if you have any questions about K12. I really enjoy using it with my 4th grader and Kinder children. :001_smile:

Edited by JenniferB
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Thanks so much for the replies. I had planned to go to the library tomorrow to check out a few books.


The reason for homeschooling my son is that I am convinced he is not living up to his potential in public school. He is in 5th grade and never brings home any work or books yet still makes straight A's. He has consistently scored in the top percentile in standardized testing. Our school system only addresses gifted children if there is a behavior issue, which he doesn't have. He just isn't being challenged at all.


This will be a year to year decision for us.


Then TWTM will be a great read for you! I'd start there and learn as you go. SWB has great descriptions for a lot of programs including pros and cons which are really helpful. If you start there, you'll at least know what is out there and can make your decisions based on that. Don't worry if you purchase something and find you don't like it, we've all BTDT. it's all part of the process LOL!



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I drew up a table with subjects across the top and grade level down the side and set about filling it in with resources. It gave me a good idea on what was around and really helped me clarify my personal educational philosophies on different subjects. It's easier to find what you are looking for when you have figured out what that is :)



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I drew up a table with subjects across the top and grade level down the side and set about filling it in with resources. It gave me a good idea on what was around and really helped me clarify my personal educational philosophies on different subjects. It's easier to find what you are looking for when you have figured out what that is :)




You always have such great ideas, Rosie!



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