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Getty Dubay Italic Question

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I bought the teacher's manual, and I even think I read it oh so many years ago, but I haven't touched it since then (my oldest two are finishing up the last book in the series and begging for calligraphy pens!)


I never used the blackline masters - it's pretty much been the workbooks.

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If you haven't bought the GD workbooks, take a look at Penny Gardner's Italic workbook. It's only $8 for the download and covers all the basic letters and joins!




She even has videos on youtube to demonstrate correct formation.




You could probably use the videos with GD, too.

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I have the teacher's manual, and I think I've opened it twice.


BTW, Continuing Education Press, the publisher of the GD series went out of business yesterday. So it might be hard to find soon, unless a different publisher picks it up.


AAACK! :ack2: I'm so sorry to hear that! I just bought a workbook up on Amazon a few minutes ago...I figure it's a cheap investment. I can at least take a look at it and decide if it is, indeed, for us.


Thanks for the heads up!!!!!

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BTW, Continuing Education Press, the publisher of the GD series went out of business yesterday. So it might be hard to find soon, unless a different publisher picks it up.

From the GDI website:


For information on availability of books, please email info@allport.com

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If you haven't bought the GD workbooks, take a look at Penny Gardner's Italic workbook. It's only $8 for the download and covers all the basic letters and joins!




She even has videos on youtube to demonstrate correct formation.




You could probably use the videos with GD, too.


Thank you for sharing.

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I've decided to start out my 5 yo on Getty Dubay Italic for handwriting. For those of you who use GD, did you use the instructor manual and/or the blackline masters? or just the actual book (Book A, Book B, etc.)




I used the workbooks. I think that the instructor manual was helpful when I started, but it's not a book I consult frequently. Having said that, I have gotten it out now that I'm starting my third son in this series. There are many used copies on Amazon. I don't think this is a book you need new.


The blackline masters might be nice for my older kids who need lots more practice than the workbook is giving them. But using some of the fonts mentioned to make copywork would also probably work.


I like Italic enough that I'm buying up workbooks to see my younger kids through book E.

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I used the manual a little bit over the years. I use Educational Fontware, which are fonts that load on your computer so that you can use it in various programs. I make my tracing sheets in Word. I usually find an old book at http://www.mainlesson.com/main/displayarticle.php?article=christmas or scripture online, copy the text into Word, and make necessary changes. I love the outline fonts. They're much better than dashed or dotted fonts, IMO. http://www.educationalfontware.com/ . I tried StartWrite when it first came out, and I didn't care for it. It continually frustrated me. It also didn't have linked cursive, which EFI has. That was an early edition (maybe the first), so it has probably been improved quite a bit since I bought it.

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