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Help! I've completely confused myself about curricullum....


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Okay, I thought I had it down for my 5 yo DD for Kinder next year. I was going to mix-n-match Italic writing, Generations of Grace Bible, MathUSEE, an unknown LA/phonics program b/c we're working through 100EZ for reading right now, and fill in the rest.


Now I'm wondering (after reading the many excited about Sonlight posts - catalogs have been shipped) if we should do "SL in a box...". We LOVE LOVE LOVE reading. In fact one of my biggest problems is that we have so many of the books on the list already, that we'd have to order the core curr. piece by piece.


So let me ask this. By way of comparison to SL, what CLASSICAL "kinder-in-a-box" is out there? I'm so confused now that I think I need someone to lay it all out for me!

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What you had planned sounds good to me! Reading, writing and math are all you need for K. You could look at the Sonlight lists and do read-alouds from there since you said you already have a lot of the books. Ambleside online also has a good list. I prefer a more more-relaxed K, but I understand why you might want something planned. I used a planned curriculum when my 1st dd was in K (and 1st and 2nd :) )


Good luck!

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Stick with your plan, especially lots of reading. In times of great confusion and in the midst of so many great recommendations, go back to your homeschooling philosophy.


Knowing who you are and where you are going will help you refrain from being swayed by too many options. I have certain books that inspire and direct me - WTM, Honey for a Child's Heart, For the Children's Sake and Real Learning: Education the he Heart of the Home. These books remind me of why I homeschool and what I hope to do with and for my children.


I especially need the reminder in WTM that the purpose of K is to prepare your child for 1st grade. So reading, handwriting practice and math games.


I recently bought a great K curriculum in a box. It is lovely, but I am having regrets. I wish I had revisited my old favorites to be reminded of my goal.

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Thanks! I think I'll just stick with my previous plan. I think I'm suffering from PMS -- preschooler misbehaving syndrom -- and I'm wiped out today!


That's funny! I'll have to remember that acronym.


We liked to say when our children were that age (they're slowly growing out of it) and having troubles that they had HMS (High Maintenance Syndrome.)

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Go with what you have already planned and just read lots. I have plans for LA, math etc for my kiddos along with a book list that we plan to work through for the year, reading and enjoying. My book list is loosely based on Sonlight, what i have here already, some FIAR/B4FIAR titles and a little Ambleside for good measure. If you want to check out my list you can find it in the side bar of my blog. Please don't go making yourself more confused though!

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Well, I'd vote for adding SL to your day. Keep all the things you've already picked for LA and Math, etc. and just add the SL books. If you love to read, you'll probably really enjoy SL.


I did the same thing when my son was kindergarten age. I thought I had selected everything I wanted to use for my son and then stumbled upon the Sonlight booth at a homeschool conference. It was the best thing that ever happened to our homeschool.



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I'd stick with your original plan, but think about adding SL for the great lit. That's what we are doing starting in June for K. We are focusing on the three Rs, but reading the great lit and learning about the world through P4/5. Nothing rigorous, just a gentle introduction through some good books and lots of bunny-trail following.


Since you already own a lot of the books, you could just get the IG (the P4/5 one is very inexpensive) and then collect the other books as you see fit.

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I would definitely stay with your original plan. The times that I have regretted deviating from my plan have been the times when I have bought on the recommendations or emotions of others. By all means use their catalogue as a book list to add in some titles that you'd find useful. But I would be cautious about changing your whole plan.


My SL catalogue came in the mail yesterday. It looks so nice and the pictures of happy families with books are enticing. But when I get into how I want to do hs, it's not a real match. I try and have a month between a new curriculum love and when I might possibly purchase it. This has saved me from buying the latest and greatest many times. The only thing it hasn't saved me from is the hours I've put into researching my latest love. But I'm not sure there's a cure for that.:lol:

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