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I have such a problem w/ this. I make great plans. Sometimes I follow through for a couple of days. Never more than a week.


Any miracle cures? I mean, I've got enough self-discipline to get plenty done on my own. I'm a procrastinator & full of excuses, but I get stuff done. On time. Loads of stuff.


But when it comes to housework, hs'ing, stuff that involves coordinating w/ other people (i.e., my *children*), I'm a complete flake. Help.

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I have such a problem w/ this. I make great plans. Sometimes I follow through for a couple of days. Never more than a week.


Any miracle cures? I mean, I've got enough self-discipline to get plenty done on my own. I'm a procrastinator & full of excuses, but I get stuff done. On time. Loads of stuff.


But when it comes to housework, hs'ing, stuff that involves coordinating w/ other people (i.e., my *children*), I'm a complete flake. Help.


Aubrey - I could have written this!




Hope someone's got some answers for us. :bigear:

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Aubrey - I could have written this!




Hope someone's got some answers for us. :bigear:


Wow. I have *so* much respect for you...I'd never have guessed you'd struggle w/ the same thing. I feel a little better just knowing I'm in such good company! :001_smile:

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I wish I had the answer. Turning off my computer would probably be a good start, but then I wouldn't know what all of y'all are doing! And I would be much more upset that I'm not so consistent because I would think I was the only one in the world who doesn't keep up with everything.


I do have to say school has gotten a little easier with the kids being a little older. They don't *like* school, but they are bored on their own, so they bug me to get to the fun stuff. Then I feel guilty and generally follow through.


Housework though? Forget it. I get everything half done then sit and feel miserable because I didn't get it all done. It's easier to be miserable than to get off my rear and just do it.

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It's easier to be miserable than to get off my rear and just do it.


Oh my goodness, how true! Then I feel so awful by 11PM that I stay up & do as much of it as I can, & I'm exhausted the next day. Repeat cycle.


Apparently, I refuse to go to bed at a decent hour, though. It's been a lifelong bane. I comfort myself w/ the fact that the virtuous woman in P31 stayed up late, too. And then I try to forget that she got up early. :lol:

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For homeschooling, what helps me stay consistent is to create a schedule/routine and teach it to my children. Not only does habit carry them through days when they are feeling flaky, it carries ME through days when I am feeling flaky! Housework is much the same. At 4pm Fridays, everyone cleans. Habit takes over.

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I comfort myself w/ the fact that the virtuous woman in P31 stayed up late, too. And then I try to forget that she got up early. :lol:


Can I quote that one?:lol::lol::lol:


I am consistant with things I like to do. The problem is that I just don't like 1/2 of what I should do!

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For homeschooling, what helps me stay consistent is to create a schedule/routine and teach it to my children. Not only does habit carry them through days when they are feeling flaky, it carries ME through days when I am feeling flaky! Housework is much the same. At 4pm Fridays, everyone cleans. Habit takes over.


I've tried that. It's not that I don't know what to do. It's that...I put off doing what I don't like to do & then can't cram it into the time leftover.


No, it's not even that, really. It's that I have to provide not just the instruction but the *energy* for our days. The dc can *tell* when I'm not there, & they...sneak away. Sometimes they physically run off & play. Sometimes they mentally drift.


And I can tell it's totally me on those days. It's *so* hard to bring them back *focused.* Like today. When we finally sat down to do school, ds8 was in tears that he couldn't remember how to do his math. It was EASY last week. And I know it's because he was...tired...spacey...feeling like me. Probably *because* of me, kwim?


And then 5yo needs help & 1yo wants something, &...I get to where I just don't care. A couple of hrs later, I freak out that we haven't done anything, & the cycle starts over. Eventually, I can get mean. I mean, I haven't in a while, but it gets that way. Does that make sense?

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Get enough sleep.


You can do anything if you're well-rested, and nothing if you're not. That's my miracle cure. ;)


Follow FlyLady's plan for creating an evening routine, and set an alarm for yourself to go to bed, if necessary. Getting a slow start means falling further behind all day; it's as if you tell yourself you're already behind, so why bother.


So: sleep. It knits up the ravelled sleeve of care!:D

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Get enough sleep.


You can do anything if you're well-rested, and nothing if you're not. That's my miracle cure. ;)


Follow FlyLady's plan for creating an evening routine, and set an alarm for yourself to go to bed, if necessary. Getting a slow start means falling further behind all day; it's as if you tell yourself you're already behind, so why bother.


So: sleep. It knits up the ravelled sleeve of care!:D


Ok, let me see if I'm hearing you correctly.


Drink more caffeine? Quit quitting coffee? I mean, those are things I could do & hadn't thought of, so you could be on to something there.



































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Housework I do well with. It's all about the systems, and I've got good systems in place.


But I did spend the morning looking at K12. We often aren't consistent because I'm not prepared, or because I get tired or distracted and end up letting them off the hook for what they're supposed to be doing. I feel like I just can't get it all together on the same day at the same time. And right now I've lost most hope that I ever will (it would be all hope, but I just looked at the calendar and I'm PMSing, so I'll hold onto a bit of hope just in case). But K12 doesn't fit with our educational goals, and I don't want to go through a public charter (I'd have to in order to do it). So, here I am, wondering how in the world I'm ever going to do this :crying:. If I could figure out a system, I'd be good. But I've been trying for over 5 years and it's feeling futile right now.

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