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Anyone substitute teaching?

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I use to sub all the time, but not while homeschooling. Normally, as a sub, you set what days you want to sub. So, if you only wanted to sub on Mondays and Fridays, you only make those days available. Each sub system will be different. Fridays and Mondays are the easiest days to get regular work; Fridays are the most needed sub day. You can stay very busy as a sub!

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I subbed - but not while homeschooling. The only thing you will run into is that, when teachers call on the days you aren't available and you say "no," they kind of mark you off the list...and often that is permanent in their minds. I am in a small town, and here, you sub for the same teachers over and over and over usually because, once they like you, they keep calling you. If you get the reputation that you are never available when they need you, then they don't build that repore and you don't get a job each time you are available. Of course, this could be different in a bigger city...

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However with the economy as it is, the substitute market is tighter and you actually have to compete. If you can teach high school subjects (especially math and science), you will have more opportunity than most. Some I know do OK with a day here and there because they work in areas that are hard to find substitutes for, but if you're narrower and can't do multiple days, it could be harder.

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  • 7 months later...
I'm wondering if anyone does substitute teaching (while homeschooling). I'm wondering if that can work out if you're not willing to work all the time, but just a couple days per week. I have just one kiddo home next year, a 9th grader.


What has your experience been?


Pamela, I just found this old post when I did a search for substitute teaching on this board, because I was considering the same thing. Did you ever find out anything more about this option? I was thinking of making myself available two days per week, maybe Thursday and Friday, and just seeing if that would work. I could have my kids stay home alone in a pinch (they're 13, 9, and 7), but more likely I would ask a friend or family member to watch them while I work.


Has anyone else done this, or known anyone who has done so while homeschooling?

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I'm doing this now while homeschooling. I'm only available three days a week, but they know that if they ask way in advance (so I can get childcare) I might be able to do the other days. I do hate telling them no, though--I'm afraid they might not call as much. It makes homeschooling harder, but dh is home the days that I'm available, so if I'm subbing I leave my own "sub plans" at home and he gets at least the basics done. :001_smile:


I think it will probably depend on how desperate your school district is for subs (especially good, reliable subs who can really handle a classroom).

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Has anyone else done this, or known anyone who has done so while homeschooling?


I do this and have for the past 11 years as I enjoy it as a part time job. I only teach in our high school and almost exclusively math and science courses as that's what I prefer.


We started homeschooling 4 years ago - when my oldest hit high school - mainly due to what I see happening (or not) where I work. My boys are very independent learners and do well without me at home. Hubby works from our house, so is generally around to ensure things stay on track.


My preference is to work 2 - 3 days per week. Up until this last year, that's been easy to do with the classes I've chosen (one school district). However, since the economy took a dive, there have been a lot more people signed up and the district feels the need to employ a lot of them - often putting NON math/science people in those classes. The teachers hate it and have complained, but the policy hasn't changed. I'm down to teaching a couple of days every 2 weeks...


I could augment by tutoring - even got another call asking me to help last night. I'm not sure I want that 'tie down' though. Subbing is much more flexible with hours during the day.

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I am doing this. Because the substitute market is so much tighter this year, I make myself available everyday and usually end up subbing a couple times a week. I only make myself unavailable when I absolutely cannot work. I'm also willing to do half days - that way I still have some time with my 9th grader.

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I am in the process of applying to sub, mostly for next year, but I will do some this year. Here it is a county-wide system, all computerized, though teachers can request you, too. I can teach high school and will work in special needs, so I should do okay. We also know plenty of teachers who I can ask to request me. I will be available two days a week this year, and then probably three next year. It's $80-85 a day.

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One thing you could do is let the building secretary know the days you are available and that you could come with extremely short notice. Last minute needs happen and the sec may prefer to call someone that she knows is home to answer the phone, who can get there quickly as that's one thing off her morning rush list.


If you can conduct band, let them know. Next to math and science, band rarely has a competent sub.

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I do substitute teaching on rare occasions for my daughter's school. Because it's a small private school, I just bring my son and his books with me and he does his work while the class does theirs. I couldn't ask for a better situation. I doubt I could do this anywhere else, but I do love it for now!

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