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And please don't say they're all supportive (LOL!)

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Hi Everyone,


I'm proud of myself. I really am. When I pulled my boys from ps at Christmas I could barely look people in the eye and whisper, "I'm hsing them now".


Just three short months later, when people ask how I like hsing I say, "it's even better than I expected." (Usually the poor souls who are asking are ps moms who look exhausted and I'm full of energy mainly b/c I'm on my own schedule.)


And I don't walk around feeling like everyone who doesn't hs are "idiots". HS isn't for everyone. But it's great for us. I feel like my family found it's path.


BUT. . . my bookclub asked me about it the other night and all of a sudden I had six pairs of eyes on me. You know it's just plain hard to sum up the beauty of hs in two or three sentences. So I just say I love it and stop. They kept looking at me. I just felt so at a loss.


They ask, "do you check in with someone?" Yes, I happen to be with a charter and love the Ed. Specialist they assigned me. "So it's just you and the boys at home?" Well, yeah, but we get out of the house every day and have plenty of park time -- we're not recluses.


My cousin visited today -- a devoted Christian -- and I thought of all people, she'd be supportive. Nope. It just got really quiet with her and her husband when I told them what we're doing.


Don't get me wrong, I've developed some backbone in the last few months and I feel strongly that we're doing something great for our kids.


Still, I wish hs were a little more mainstream.


Just venting! I'd love feedback!



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I'm sure you've heard the two extremes--you are either a Saint or a child abuser for homeschooling--

Hang in there, and congrats on knowing that what you are doing is best for your family at this time and place in your lives. Living out convictions that are not mainstream isn't easy, but just think of the example you are setting, both for your own children and for the world.

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Congratulations on finding the right fit for your family! Just keep working hard, and be thankful for the benefits you see!


Over time, hsing may become more mainstream where you are. When we first started, we got the same mixed type of reactions from friends and family. Now, they are all supportive, and total strangers we meet in stores tell me how wonderful it is that we homeschool. It seems everyone here knows a homeschooler that is doing well, so they don't have a problem with it anymore.

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Hi Alicia! Hey, I'm in TX but my folks are close to you in Clear Lake. I love Sacto!


I know what you mean. Most of my friends are kind of quiet about my choice. Like "OH! Really! Wow. I could never do that!" I get that all the time. One of my best friends is an ex-ps teacher and she claims she's not smart enough to hs. Huh? You were smart enough to teach my kid, but not yours?:001_huh::confused:


Then again I remember when I used to think homeschoolers were weird too. They just don't know. They don't know about the rich curriculum, the resources, the support groups and co-ops. And they have no idea just how many of us there are...lurking around every corner. Muahhhaaaahhhaaaa!

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Just something to think about:


sometimes I get a reaction that sounds like the person feels guilty for not homeschooling--like maybe it would be the best thing for their child and why aren't they doing it and what if they mess up the kid for life by sending them to ps because they didn't get up the nerve to homeschool?


(I'm not saying anyone should feel that way, just based on comments made, I think some people do feel that way.)


Anyway, that sentiment might also be conveyed by silence.


In other words, they might not be judging you. They might be feeling guilty.

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