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Would you take your kids to a How Great Thou ART Workshop if you could?

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Barry Stebbing is inspiring. My dh and I went to our state convention a few years back and took a workshop by Mr. Stebbing. He so inspired us that we bought art journals & colored pencils, etc, for our dc (then ds6, dd4, dd2) and we still use them!;) My dh found him to be especially passionate about connecting art with "manliness".


We use his books, as well as, the Draw 50 books.


Let us know what you think if you go?

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I took my dd5 (at the time) to Barry's workshop. She loved it even though it moves very fast for the younger kids. I thought it was well worth the cost and he did give individual feedback to each child and there were well over a hundred kids there! I would do it again with all three of my dc now but I understand he does return to the same city twice.

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You are talking about the one in May in our neck of woods?? I was going to sign up to go but two of my kids have classes on the days he is here. I highly recommend that you go. He is very very good and very patient. If your child is young then I recommend you stay with the younger child the whole time so you can keep him/her caught up.


We went about 4 years ago and it was awesome! I wish I can take my daughter, who didn't go when we went (she was too young!), to the one in May.



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Thanks everyone, I'm not sure what to do, I would like to take them, but I really don't know if I should spend $75.00 right now, we have some other bills that are probably more priority. I'll be praying about it. Dd just got 25.00 for her birthday, but I'd hate to ask her to use it even though she loves to draw. We'll see....hmmm....




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I would take my dd if it was near us on the west coast. She gets art at home since I am a painter and teach art, but I'm excited any time there are events that bring our Christian faith and the visual arts together. This has been so missing in churches and in our culture! The focus has been on the printed word and on music for so long, but fortunately there is a big movement that is growing in all parts of the world where all of the arts are being celebrated as God-given. When we combine this with teaching our children, I just get really excited.


Creative Arts is an area of ministry that God has called me to, so I get pretty passionate about it. :)


So I say, take your kids to How Great Thou ART and have a wonderful time! (The price sure does look reasonable too.)




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Short answer: Sure, unless your beliefs are such that you don't want to be in a room where the teacher prays.


Longer answer: We went to one not even knowing anything about it, not even that he is Christian. For 3 mornings that's a great price. You do have to have your own coloured pencils, etc (the person organising it will let you know), which you can bring or they sell. Honestly, my kids LOVED it, even though I don't agree that all of those so-called Christian painters were painting as Christians by then (eg Van Gogh) and don't share the same theology. He's very passionate and teaches a fun style.


He encourages Prismacolour coloured pencils, which are the only ones my girls really like (they do a LOT of drawing with coloured pencils). But you can take whatever you have. My eldest had a bit of trouble with her Derwent set as it didn't have a real primary red. The kids use primary colours and white for the most part to learn about mixing colours. My kids were 7, 9 & 12 when they took it. It was a bit fast for ds, but he still had fun. Adults are welcome to pay and take it, too, but don't have to in order to stay. He does market his product, which I hadn't known about, but you don't have to buy it.

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We went, and it was a very good class. We don't spend much time with art, so this was a great introduction. He walks around the room, and personally helps and comments on each child's work. He inspires. It was inexpensive, although still a commitment. if you dc are interested in art in any way, GO.

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