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Extreme sheepherding

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Just remember


That Border Collie intensity can really really stink when you just want to sit and watch a movie


No worries, I worship BC's from a safe distance :-) mostly through the blog of a very wonderful BC rescuer in my area, who's also a brilliant photographer & a funny writer. She's sometimes a potty mouth though so be aware.



(That's where I saw this video first.)


I watched her run her boy Tweed in a regional agility trial last summer....


I think I would like a BC someday but now is not the time. For now I've got my malamonster, & whatever fosters come through & I'm seriously considering an english setter.

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My family enjoyed this. We LOVE our pure-bred border collie. She is the best job. She is so smart and so intuitive with the cows. She just knows exactly what we need her to do. She has helped my dh get a lost calf back and often protects my children from the cows if she thinks they are getting too close to them. She will herd them away. It is amazing. I did tell the boys that although they love our bc very much, they shouldn't get one of their own unless they have lots of land. It is nice for her to bark when someone comes on our land, but in the city she would be a nightmare!! We love ours!!!



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