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Who's on Spring Break?

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We are! I have lofty goals:


Getting back in the habit of working out.


Getting the garden in.


Cleaning out...well...everything.


Making some healthy food.


Smiling more.


And studying a little.


To quote one of my favorite authors:


Aristotle defines virtue as the ability to act in accordance to what one knows to be right. Virtuous men (or women) can force themselves to do what they know is right, even when it runs against their inclinations.


What are your goals for the week?

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We are too! Since we choose this week to be free for time with dh (college professor on break), our week includes some lofty goals as well:


Yard clean-up from Dec. ice storm


Closet organization in entryway


Cleaning out...everything!! Fridge, a cupboard or two,...


A local field trip or two for fun


A bit of reading for me...


I am also planning a half-day trip out (just me!!) to do a little shopping which I haven't done since we started Dave Ramsey-ing our life. I have a few gift cards to cash in on some personal necessities (like socks!) so it still won't cost me any cash. This doesn't sound exciting to some, I am sure (it's just socks after all!!) but it will be a real treat to have the girls doing something with dh while I head out for a couple hours...aaahhh...I can hardly wait!!

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We are! We'll be working on potty training. :tongue_smilie:


I also have a big concert on Saturday night so I'll be practicing Brahms lots this week!


And there's laundry and some deep cleaning and some other stuff, I should probably finish my taxes. I put the big to-do list on my blog.

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I'm sitting here looking at my plan for the week knowing one child is sick, another needs to unpack from a trip, there are a few appointments this week, a birthday, and then sending another child off for the weekend. I didn't plan a spring break but I think we'll take one this week.

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We are on spring break for the entire month of March. My main plan was to clean our basement for 30 minutes per day. We finished this project last Thursday. I didn't realize how big and spacious our basement was until we got rid of a lot of junk.


My second plan is to start mapping out our gardening plans. So far I have been kind of lazy about this. Across the back alley from our house is a beautiful convent for Franciscan nuns. I've noticed that they started to put their vegetable garden out in December and things are already growing in their garden. So I guess I better get my husband to tilling the yard this weekend.


I am spending more time on the computer than I usually do.


I also have a list of movies I want to rent before the end of the month. We do most of our movie watching on breaks like this.


I also want to plan a trip to the mall to buy the children new spring and summer clothes - but have been feeling to lazy to do this too. Oh well maybe I'll do this tomorrow.


I also have been having cravings to take the kids out to lunch, but I can't because we gave up eating out for Lent.





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Cleaning and Shopping


My baby turns 1 this weekend, so I need the house to be cleaned and have to shop for the party :001_smile:

I'm not ready for him to turn 1 :001_smile: He is probably my last so I wanted him to stay little a tad bit longer. He's such a good happy baby~it's been a blessing!


We should have a great week!!

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I planned our year to follow my daughter's college calendar, and her break was the first week of March. I planned the week before as a light/off week, because I knew I'd be on the road for two days bringing her home. He did some math and geography and watched an educational DVD or two and saw a show I'm counting as a field trip, but that was about it. I also planned my daughter's actual vacation week off, because I knew we'd be busy and my son wouldn't be able to concentrate while she was home. So, we spent that week feeding her and doing errands with her (buying clothes she needed, etc.) and making time for her to catch up with local friends. My son's birthday was the following week, and he chose to do our family outing/celebration while his sister was home.


I had not planned to take off the whole week of his birthday figuring we'd take the actual day as our off day but work the other four. However, by the time I had driven my daughter back to school and brought home the new puppy, I was just plain exhausted. Then the puppy went for her first check-up with our vet, which ate most of a day. So, we lost the first two days of what was supposed to be our first week back.


Then, miracle of miracles, I discovered I had made an error when I planned the calendar and skipped planning anything for that week. Once I realized that it was also tech week for the community theatre production my son is in and that he would have rehearsals every evening, I gave up. We did a very light schedule--just a couple of math lessons and keeping up with his online geography course--and tried to get back into the zone.


Today is our first full day back, and I was completely dreading it. So far, though, it's okay. Starting this morning with a grumpy, out-of-the-habit boy was not entirely pleasant, but he got it together and is making progress.


I know I shouldn't whine after almost three weeks off, but . . .

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We're on "pseudo" spring break. My kiddies are spending a week in April with grandparents so I can't justify a March spring break as well.


Still plugging with Math, latin, AAS, chem. (I'm embarassed about how we've dawdled along in LL and I really want us to start LL2 in the fall)


If I lay school all down, I fear I won't pick it up again. I've been on a "I'm all down" stretch for about a month now, but thankfully, I'm forcing myself to keep pulling! Just not as hard for this week.



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Most of ds's friends are on spring break, so we are, too. He's been doing well lately, so I thought he deserved a break.


No big plans besides getting together with friends a couple of times. He's still got guitar lesson and drama rehearsal, so it's not a complete week off. I also want to clean out the schoolroom, and figure out what to do with our surplus of books everywhere.


Sleeping in is a nice treat!



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