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Do you color your hair??

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Yes, I do. I have this horrible mousy brown color and I just look and feel so much better when my hair has highlights or a color.


I remember my mother going through this same stage, the time before you go gray and your brown hair is turning mousy and drab. That's where I've been for about five years. I have been coloring my hair off and on, and just recently I got a weave. It's fun, it's perky and stylish and I feel better about myself. It also helps because I have very fine hair and now it feels a bit thicker and easier to manage.;)




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I dont colour my hair because it is already a nice colour I have always received compliments for. The one time I coloured it, I tried blonde henna, which turned it bright yellow- horrible.


If I had a more mousey or even a darker blonde, I might colour or highlight it. My dd's hair is a darker blonde and she has already highlighted it once.

I have no signs of grey and I might not get them- I might go straight to white.

Some people do look good with grey hair. I have one friend with black hair going grey and it really looks effective.

But others just look fairly drab.


I just picked up the book Colour Me Beautiful in an Op Shop last week. Its about knowing your "season" and the colours that suit you. I saw quickly that I am a Spring. I really needed some inspiration to clean out my wardrobe, so I picked out everything the book said wouldn't suit me (yeah, I know, I am a bit obsessive, but it seemed like a good excuse to zen my wardrobe) and am left with clothes I actually like and wear. The book said Springs dont grey well (but Winters, like my friend, do). If it turns out I don't grey well, I am not beyond doing something about it, but I doubt its going to be an issue.


To me, its play. Theres nothing necessarily narcissistic about colouring your hair. Women have been doing it for thousands of years. And if its not a big deal to you, that doesnt matter either. But sometimes I think people secretly want to be more adventurous with their image but cant bring themselves to, or feel its immodest or whatever, and even sometimes make comments about people who "colour their hair" as if its just outrageous...but its just play.


That woman seemed rude, and its not somethig i would say to a stranger....but theres all types and it wasnt malicious...just too personal a comment for stranger to make.

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It was a rude comment made to defend her faux paux. In the world she lives in, I'm betting, she thinks men are cheatin' skunks and if you don't keep yourself tarted up, you only have yourself to blame. I'd have put hubby up to a walk by so he could grab my you-know-what and bite me on the nape of the neck as we passed. :lol:

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I have colored my hair for years. I started going gray in my 30s and my hair is very curly, so the gray was like wire.


My husband is totally gray, so people have sometimes mistaken me for his daughter (I think because I am short and small)! We have always just laughed about it.


I don't think I will color it forever. I guess I'll know when I'm ready to be gray.


That lady who made that comment was just plain rude. I tend to just ignore people like that and consider the source - not worth wasting space in my (too full) mind to get angry over.

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