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Aubrey's new house post got me thinking

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We have a little house, about 1000 square feet, but it has 3 bedrooms. Right now, DH and I have one, Anna has her own, and the little girls share the other. Our kitchen is nice and big with an eat-in area. That area is where we do school. I have been thinking about having all 3 girls share one bedroom and using the other (smallest) room for a school room/library. On one hand, I don't really mind doing school at the kitchen table, but it might be nice to not have to move the globe to get to your fork, KWIM?


My oldest though, Anna, is meticulous. That's why she got her own room, to begin with. She cannot stand the little girls making messes. I don't know how we would handle that. ETA: I think it might be nice for Anna to have to share a space with her sisters because she is so greedy with her things. She is constantly screaming for them to get out of her room. It makes me nuts!!


Right now in the room the two youngest share, we have a set of bunk beds, a dresser, a bookcase, and lots of storage type things for toys. There is no room for another bed. I know they would be ok sleeping together for now (sometimes they do anyway), but what about in a couple of years when they are bigger?


Can anyone help me decide what to do? I need to brainstorm with you creative ladies. My DH is fine with whatever I decide to do, btw.




Aubrey, if you are reading this, can you explain the sleeping arrangements and such in your home? Thanks!

Edited by Nakia
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We have always schooled in the dining and living areas of our home. The sleeping arrangements have fluctuated with the ages and stages of the children. Currently, Elijah has been "camping" beside our bed for nearly a month. (sometimes they get a little clingy before a growth spurt) The dds, 8 & 10, share a room and E. is usually in there with them on the bottom bunk. There is a bunk and a daybed in that room. Dd, 14, has a room of her own that she inheirited when ds #2 moved out. Dss, 20 & 13, share a big room. Technically, Elijah has a room of his own, but he doesn't sleep in there. His train set is spread out on the floor now. The room is best left as a bedroom and we give it to guests. Dd and the grands will have it for a month or so this summer!!

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One more thing. When we put all the dc together the 1st time (not counting when there were only 2 of them), we moved the toys to the living room, & it became the play room. The bedroom was *just* for sleeping.


This time, I think I'm going to try storing the toys in the bedroom & letting them choose 1 thing ea to bring out into the living room ea day. Less chaos, you know.


But I love the set up here so far. It's so peaceful & separate from the housey worries up front. Frankly, I don't think I care if the rest of the house gets unpacked. I've got my books & a coffee pot. You know, I think Einstein wanted a chair & a fiddle. :lol: Simple things. ;)

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Guest Alte Veste Academy

At the end of this summer, I'm going to put my boys (6 and will be 3 by then) in one room to make a school room also. My oldest is quite like yours, very meticulous with his things. He doesn't actually mind sharing, however. He loves for his brother and sister to play with him. What he doesn't love is that when it's time to clean up, he gets right to it and his sister dawdles and is not as helpful as she should be and he ends up doing more than his fair share of the work. The youngest (thank goodness he's the one who will be the roomie) is generally compliant and even seems to enjoy cleaning but obviously works a bit more slowly and needs me to help him stay focused. Many times I have had to tell my oldest to just clean up half and leave the room while I enforce that the other kids do their share. One day, when we hit fractions, he's going to figure out that he should have only been cleaning 1/3 all along! :tongue_smilie:


Getting very slowly to my point... I think that if your older daughter needs work sharing, that's one thing, an admirable goal to work on. However, I think that it's just as important to ensure that the younger roomies are taught appropriate respect for big sister's feelings and belongings.


I would try as much as possible to approach the girls as equal partners and describe what is expected of everyone's behavior--more sharing from big sister and more tidying from little sisters. Then I would go forward with great hope! :001_smile:


ETA: Can you purchase a trundle for your bunk bed? We have one and it's wonderful! I purchased a bunk bed with trundle for my boys last year and they're separated into twins in separate rooms right now. My oldest has the trundle now and he and dd have slumber parties every now and then. It's also going to be great when we have guests, as I'll be able to have all 3 of mine in one room, leaving two other bedrooms open.

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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One more thing. My big dc have what they've lovingly named their "delicate shelves." They use this space to store things they don't want 1yo getting into, for her safety or for the duration of the object, like, say, jewelry from Granny.


Most recently, this was the top of a bookcase. They could reach it from the tops of their loft beds, but 1yo wasn't allowed up there. HTH!


I also think it's important for kids to have some personal space when they need it. For the most part, mine haven't reached that age, although ds does like to read alone sometimes so that dd won't ask him to read aloud. We try to provide a healthy balance, & when he needs to be alone, we try to find a spot. Sometimes it's my room or my closet. I don't know at this house. He seems to like the cactus in the back "yard."

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My oldest though, Anna, is meticulous. That's why she got her own room, to begin with. She cannot stand the little girls making messes. I don't know how we would handle that. ETA: I think it might be nice for Anna to have to share a space with her sisters because she is so greedy with her things. She is constantly screaming for them to get out of her room. It makes me nuts!!




Just food for thought - our oldest is four years older than her brother, and 6 years older than her next sister. She's always been an introvert, tends to withdraw, protective of her "stuff", etc. About 6 years ago, dh and I decided to have her ALWAYS share a room with someone - so that she could work on her abilities to be flexible, considerate, patient, etc.


I'm so glad we did. She and her 10yo sister have a nice relationship. Yes, she gets annoyed when they borrow stuff without asking. Yes, she does get to have some "alone" time. But it really has stretched her and grown her in a good way. Just another way of thinking about it.

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But it really has stretched her and grown her in a good way. Just another way of thinking about it.


:iagree::iagree: That's what I was thinking, as well.



Lest I seem hard-nosed about this, I would probably wait to make that change until summer, if that would give dd more "margin" in her life to cope with the change more gracefully. (One of my children is intense, focused, Type A...I've learned that while this child is a breeze to homeschool, largely self-directed, I need to *not* assume equal maturity in all areas, and I need to consider her weaknesses as well and help her walk through things that are challenges for her.)

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Thanks for all the great ideas! We haven't decided exactly what we are going to do yet, but the ideas are helping!




Getting very slowly to my point... I think that if your older daughter needs work sharing, that's one thing, an admirable goal to work on. However, I think that it's just as important to ensure that the younger roomies are taught appropriate respect for big sister's feelings and belongings.


I would try as much as possible to approach the girls as equal partners and describe what is expected of everyone's behavior--more sharing from big sister and more tidying from little sisters. Then I would go forward with great hope! :001_smile:


ETA: Can you purchase a trundle for your bunk bed? We have one and it's wonderful! I purchased a bunk bed with trundle for my boys last year and they're separated into twins in separate rooms right now. My oldest has the trundle now and he and dd have slumber parties every now and then. It's also going to be great when we have guests, as I'll be able to have all 3 of mine in one room, leaving two other bedrooms open.


You are so right! I definitely want them to be respectful of big sis! We could get a trundle bed, but we use the space under the bunk bed for storage.



My husband built this bed by copying an IKEA one.




That is an awesome bed!!!


Just food for thought - our oldest is four years older than her brother, and 6 years older than her next sister. She's always been an introvert, tends to withdraw, protective of her "stuff", etc. About 6 years ago, dh and I decided to have her ALWAYS share a room with someone - so that she could work on her abilities to be flexible, considerate, patient, etc.


I'm so glad we did. She and her 10yo sister have a nice relationship. Yes, she gets annoyed when they borrow stuff without asking. Yes, she does get to have some "alone" time. But it really has stretched her and grown her in a good way. Just another way of thinking about it.


Thanks for sharing. That is kind of what I was thinking.


:iagree::iagree: That's what I was thinking, as well.



Lest I seem hard-nosed about this, I would probably wait to make that change until summer, if that would give dd more "margin" in her life to cope with the change more gracefully. (One of my children is intense, focused, Type A...I've learned that while this child is a breeze to homeschool, largely self-directed, I need to *not* assume equal maturity in all areas, and I need to consider her weaknesses as well and help her walk through things that are challenges for her.)



Yes, she will definitely need time to get used to the idea. She is definitely intense, Type A and very independent!



Thanks again!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, we did it. Actually, we are doing it right now. After almost a month, Anna got used to the idea and actually got excited about it. We remeasured, and we were able to put the bunk beds, Anna's twin daybed, 2 dressers, a nightstand, and some other little things in one room. Then in the other will be the bookshelves (we have several), toys, crafts, and other school stuff. We will probably do school work in that room or at the kitchen table. Since they are going to be using the workbox system that I started another thread about, they can just take their box and do it wherever they want. I am hoping and praying it works!!!

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