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If you were going to be living in a hotel for two weeks...


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...what would you do school-wise? It just dawned on us that our new home has way too much work to be done for us to move in this Saturday, so we're going to move all our stuff into the basement and live in an Extended Stay place for a couple weeks. My little kids are little enough that sticking to our regular routine in a hotel with the older kids isn't an option. The way I see it, our best options are:


*Blow off those weeks


*Do a unit study that all 4 kids can participate in


*Load up on library books and do lots of reading


*Get caught up on all the science, history, art, etc. that we've gotten behind on


*Some combination of the above


Also, if you've done something like this before, do you have any good tips for making it work?


Thanks in advance!

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If you can financially swing it, you could consider doing one of the "Stacations" or whatever. Visit all the places that you wish you could visit...but never get to... Check out books and good videos at the library. We have a play center here that we can purchase a membership for $99 a year and go play.... (indoors)

I'd say only do the things that make life easy! And then remember to give yourself at least another week after you move back in...

Yup on the art thing...is there a place you can do pottery? Or something else fun?


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We were in a motel for a month when dd first started school. The only thing I can recommend is to try to keep you regular schedule. That is very difficult though if there are new places to visit, work being done on the house, and many other things that pertain to moving.


For us it got to the point that we did math every day and little else.


The next time we moved, I just blew school off until we got settled. It took about two weeks. It was easier that way. Once things were settled I doubled up where I could and ran over a bit into summer break.

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If you are moving to the same town - so nothing "new" - then i'd be apt to just do the catch up on the art, science and history you are behind on.


Otherwise, i'd ty to keep the routine the same. We moved cross country after HSing for just 6 months, we did hit and miss on the keeping up the work. Our hotel room was not near large enough and everything was new to us to explore (and we were leaving in a week to go back to CA for a bit).

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I would keep up with math, any regular workbook assignments (you use spelling workout), and reading (individual and read alouds for literature, history and science).


I would look around the area for field trips. I'd try to get out to something at least every other day--a hotel room is cramped. Museums, historic homes, petting zoos, farms. It doesn't matter if it fits in your current historic period of study or science unit. The kids will still learn from it.

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Thanks, everyone! I'll have to rethink doing closer to our normal schedule, especially since it it supposed to rain most of next week. The reason I'm reluctant is that my 2nd grader is the only one who is doing a full workload, and tends to get distracted/frustrated when everyone else is playing while she has to do school. So keeping her on a normal schedule won't work, and the rest of the kids don't have much of a normal schedule. But I can bring along her math book (she'll love that!). I'm definitely planning on working on my 1st grader's reading every day, and I'll get a stack of read-alouds and books for my 2nd grader....maybe between those and getting out every day we'll be ok.


Thanks for your feedback! Nobody ever died from living in a hotel with 4 kids for 2 weeks....right?

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Do you have friends who would let you visit a few days a week? A mom with a baby or several young children might appreciate some older children visiting and a chance to talk if you all helped out with little children a bit.


Is there a church that would let you use their library, or better yet, a childcare room a few days a week?


How about visiting some folks in a nursing home? It would make their day and give your kids a chance to get a change of location.

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I would swim and do museums, ice skate, that sort of thing to get out each day. You don't want to be cooped up in that hotel room with those kids all day, ack!!! Get out!! School can WAIT.


:iagree: I have done the live-in-the-hotel thing when our house sold faster than we expected. I can tell you that doing lots of fields trips saved my sanity. We were in hotels in Chicago, Florida, Indiana, Tennessee, and one other place I can't think of at the moment.

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I would swim and do museums, ice skate, that sort of thing to get out each day. You don't want to be cooped up in that hotel room with those kids all day, ack!!! Get out!! School can WAIT.

Yep. Same here. I'd go to museums etc too. Read lots. Explore places you might not have made it to yet. I can't imagine trying to do work with littlies running around a hotel room :tongue_smilie:

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Is it at all possible to go for walks as you would if you were at home? We're big on field trips, but I understand that's not everyone's bag. Please, take one hour at a time and be glad when the daddy comes home to team play the crowd. Are you able to take any of your 3 year olds toys with you? Read to them and sing to them and drive the people in the next rooms crazy for all the joy you share with your kids during this wonderful time in their lives.

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Well, it turns out that some friends offered to let us stay with them. Yay! We'll still be needing to find things to do and tweak our normal school schedule, but at least we won't be in the same room all day and all night. :)


Thanks everyone for your feedback!

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