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2/4 workout/exercise thread

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Oh my goodness!!! I did a Jillian Michels workout this morning. It kicked my BUTT!!!!! Holy cow that's a great workout. And, I only did level 1!! It's really focussing on muscles other than what I work when I run. She really mixes things up. So, you're doing squats with bicep curls or lunges with an arm lift (with weights!). That really gives you a good aerobic workout too.


Anyway, I know I said I'd run today. But, I woke up and it was negative 17 wind chill with a warning for the temps. I decided to wait. But wind chills are supposed to be BELOW zero for the next two days. I needed an alternative and read here about Jillian Michels. Luckily, she has a couple workouts on On Demand, so it was free!!

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Great job Jenn! I'm glad you were able to shake things up a bit!


Swim day for me. We were expecting snow overnight so I checked the pool's website last night. Schools were already opening 2 hours late so the pool opened at 8 (instead of 5:30!). Then there was no snow here!! But that's ok. DH went to work. I waited until 8:30 and went to the pool. Completely different demographic! Instead of feeling like I was within a few years of the oldest one there, I felt like I was within a few years of the youngest one there! But an almost empty pool nonetheless.


Time Taken: 00:38:22

Total Distance: 1.00 mi.

Laps: 36

Burned: 269 (kcal)

Pace: 38:22 (avg)

Speed: 1.56 (mi/hr) (avg)


Good swim for me. Then in the locker room, after I rinsed my suit in the shower, I noticed that I can maybe see my hand through the rear end portion. The front is completely lined, but not so the rear. I may need to order a new one. At least now I know what size, unlike the last time!

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Alright -

You ladies are motivating me!!! Normally I would run in the morning but I was up tandem feeding all night last night - and when the alarm went off at 6:00 I turned it off! I will do a treadmill workout tonight! 3/12to10minute miles is my goal. (It always depends on if I get to rest in the afternoon - how fast I go later.)

Thanks for the Thread - I need the motivation... Especially if I am running a half in May!


Mother to the Tribe


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I had a hard time running today, so I only ran a mile and then walked a mile. I also did Pilates, and last night I had fun on our wii fit. I find that doing the wii fit at night is a good way to wind down. I like the strength training, some of the yoga and I love the rhythm boxing and hoola hoops.:001_smile:


I'm hoping to have a good run tomorrow.

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